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Victorious Daily Devotional by Pastor Benedict James

Victorious Daily Devotional Pastor Benedict James

    • Religion & Spirituality

Victorious Daily Devotional by Pastor Benedict James

    Whole World May Disappoint You, But God's Love Will Never | Ps. Benedict James | June 25, 2024

    Whole World May Disappoint You, But God's Love Will Never | Ps. Benedict James | June 25, 2024

    Welcome to "Victorious Daily Devotion" in the most wond and blessed name of Jesus Christ! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    Topic: True Love! The Whole World May Disappoint You. But God's Love Will Never Never ....

    John 3: 16.
    A familiar verse...
    For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son...

    God gave His best. His only Son. True sign of true love is, when we give our best to someone without any return expectations, and not empty words and jargon.

    You may feel lonely, you may feel insecure, you may feel upset because things have not fallen in place as expected in life, you might have messed up your life, friends might have deserted you because of your failures.

    You might have felt lack of love and people letting you down and putting you down. You may feel unwanted and rejected.

    Well, we all have failed and made mistakes and come short of what God's expectations...

    The whole world around you, you feel has forsaken you and dumped you. Doesn't matter! This morning I wish to share words of encouragement words of strength and hope. And that source is the Lord God Almighty.

    His love is pure, His love is unconditional, His love is divine and infectious. Human love at most lasts for a season and changes depending on situations. Your close loved ones might desert you when you become empty and a failure. But cheer up this morning. God's love transforms any person who is at the verge of giving up. His love melts any broken heart to give hope and his love makes you secure and gives peace and calmness amidst confusion and turmoil.

    Let's remember! Anyone who loves will not talk talk talk or preach preach but he or she GIVES. Giving is the only true sign that we love someone. God gave His Best! He GAVE His only son, Jesus Christ who saved and saves us from all past and present sins and mistakes. Unlike the human being who keeps nagging about your past mistakes for lifetime, the loving Lord will never remember our sins and mistakes, the moment we go to Him and ask Him to lead us. This is what I did and He never disappointed me eversince though challenges keep coming...

    Unlike the human being God loves us even when we make mistakes and loves us just the way we are.

    When we go to Him, He will -
    turn our failures to success;
    defeat to victory;
    Disappointments to hope;
    From Shame to honor and glory;
    Anxieties and worries to hope and peace.

    Yes dear Lord, the people in this world might forget and forsake us and bring disappointment. But when we come to you, you will always turn our sorrow into joy and make us comfortable and secured and strong. Help us to pin our hope in you and we know we will never regret in your love towards us....

    If you are blessed with devotion you are welcome to share with us.
    God bless! πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    Benedict James.
    Our contact for queries or any prayer request @91 97040 28977

    • 5 min
    Blessed Family And Broken Family | Ps. Benedict James | June 22, 2024

    Blessed Family And Broken Family | Ps. Benedict James | June 22, 2024

    Welcome to "Victorious Daily Devotion" in the sweet and wonderful name of Jesus Christ! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    Topic: Blessed family And Broken Family.

    Joshua 24:15. I and my house we will serve the Lord.

    There is no such thing as a "perfect family. " All families are broken. Even God's family has been split and imagine how God felt when the Angel Lucifer rebelled against God and took a team of the angels with him whom we now call as satan, devil and its foes.

    Jesus came into the world died and rose again to be a reconciliator between God and sinful mankind.

    So, when a family invites Jesus to be part of the family as a reconciliator, Shepherd and guide, He transforms the brokeness, cruckedness, raggednessedness into a refreshing smoothness of life. Christ becomes the foundation for a joyful harmonious unified family with peace reigning in the family.

    Blessed families -
    They love each other.
    They go together.
    They pray together.
    They praise together.
    They grow together from imperfection to perfection. They have fun together. Communication becomes edified and sweet. It becomes the fulcrum of their family.
    Simple reason. Christ reigns in the family. A good happy and blessed family is perhaps more like a garden. It needs time, attention and cultivation. Whether they are poorest or rich, the sunshine of laughter and joy blossoms always and Overflows.

    These families give time to each other, attention and cultivation. They desire to serve the Lord together.

    Well broken families always face shame and blame. You can notice. No one admits but blame each other.

    Causes of broken families are :
    Abuse by parents and each other.
    Frequent domestic violence.
    Lack of intimacy.
    Parental conflict.
    Communication break down.
    Temperament. No self control.

    Family members regularly display actions of abuse and disrespect that hurt the children psychologically n spiritually.

    Help us to introspect as a family, and pray together and worship together as a family building on love and peace of Christ... and be a blessed family to be a blessing...

    If you are blessed with devotion you are welcome to share with us.
    God bless! πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    Benedict James.
    Our contact for queries or any prayer request @91 97040 28977

    • 3 min
    Praising God! Who Can Enjoy Praising God&What Are the Blessings?| Ps. Benedict James | June 21, 2024

    Praising God! Who Can Enjoy Praising God&What Are the Blessings?| Ps. Benedict James | June 21, 2024

    Welcome to "Victorious Daily Devotion" in the most blessed and precious name of Jesus Christ! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    Topic: Praising God! Who Can Enjoy Praising God? What Are It’s Blessings?

    People who pray are people who praise. Those who have the practise of talking to God I.e in prayer will have the eagerness to praise God.

    Praise is a gift we give back to God in the light of all that He has done to redeem us. When we are grateful we automatically praise God.

    Truly admiting, I and you can never praise God or enjoy in praising God when there is unconfessed sin in us.. A clean confessed repentant heart has the access to enter into His presence. He or she enjoys His presence to praise and glorify God.

    Children of God who are obedient and trustworthy to the Lord God, will not only just praise God but enjoy to praise God at ALL times and in all situations like Apostle Paul who praised God from the prison with his bruised and wounded body.

    People who have the habit of praying and prasing God has numerous blessings:

    "Praise in our lives destroys and dissipates worries, doubts, loneliness, fears, despondency, disillusionment and depression. Praise refreshes us with renewed strength and hope." It strengthens faith and enhances confidence.

    Praise draws power from the source of Almighty God which cripples the wings of satan, the powers of dark and evil attacks. Mostly in praise and worship, healing and deliverance takes place and restoration...

    Create in us a clean heart O Lord and give us your grace to be obedient to your voice so that we enjoy praising you and have the blessings of restoration of what we lost and healing our physical and Spiritual well being....

    If you are blessed with devotion you are welcome to share with us.
    God bless! πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    Benedict James.
    Our contact for queries or any prayer request @91 97040 28977

    • 3 min
    Blessed, Favoured & Secured; Because Of Jesus The Source Of Joy | Ps. Benedict James | June 20, 2024

    Blessed, Favoured & Secured; Because Of Jesus The Source Of Joy | Ps. Benedict James | June 20, 2024

    Welcome to "Victorious Daily Devotion" in the wonderful and loving name of Jesus Christ! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    Topic: I'm Blessed Favoured And Secured; Because Jesus Is My Life And Source Of Joy.

    Philip 4:4.
    Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

    Sadness is the daily portion of many people. The world is full of suffering and hardship, and it can be difficult to find peace and happiness.

    As a result, people can become bitter about the Adversities and struggles in their lives, and many of us sometimes blame God for our hardship and sorrow.

    Apostle Paul, however, had a different message to share. Though he was in prison and had gone through many hardships, suffering and persecutions, he knew he could still find joy in the Lord, his Creator and Savior. He wrote to the Philippians from the prison: β€œRejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”

    Joy and happiness in the Lord is not a trivial or fleeting emotion. Instead it results from the deepest possible peace of knowing that our destiny is secure in God’s hands. As a result, a person can have deep and lasting joy in the Lord even in the midst of great anguish, loss, suffering and pain.

    Of course, Life is not an amusement park. We face struggles and cross dark valleys and struggles. But our happiness is not a superficial, fleeting emotion. Our joy does not depend on the circumstances in which we find ourselves. It can never be stolen by anyone and not even satan because we are secured in Christ who is our bread, refuge, our strength and fortress.

    As Paul puts it, our joy is in the Lord. In other words, Jesus is the source of our joy. He is the content of our happiness. Our happiness is not just in the absence of bad things or in the presence of good things. Our happiness and joy is in Jesus, knowing that he loves and cares for us and is with us alwaysβ€”forever! ....

    If you are blessed with devotion you are welcome to share with us.
    God bless! πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    Benedict James.
    Our contact for queries or any prayer request @91 97040 28977

    • 4 min
    It's Not Wealth But Relationships Most Important In One's Life | Ps. Benedict James | June 19, 2024

    It's Not Wealth But Relationships Most Important In One's Life | Ps. Benedict James | June 19, 2024

    Welcome to "Victorious Daily Devotion" in the most blessed name of Jesus Christ! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    Topic: Relationships. It's Not Wealth But Relationships Are Most Important In One's Life.

    Ephes. 4:32. Be ye kind one to another tender hearted, forgiving one another, even God for Christ's sake has forgiven you.

    John 13: 34. .. Love one another as I have loved you...

    I would say, if we have mastered good ethical relationship we have mastered 75% of issues of life's problems - be it in a family,
    our profession,
    amongst friends' circle,
    peer group,
    or in the society. Especially in family life- relationship between your spouse, son, daughter, father, mother, mother in law. If we are successful at home it will be much easier to extend it in the society. Be an Angel at home. If you are an Angel at home, you will be an angel wherever you go - is what I feel and understand.

    But if we are a devil at home always 24x7, inspite of best efforts we will show glimpses of devilish traits now and then from our life within. Because what's in our life will automatically come out even you suppress it.

    With all experience in life and in my walk with Christ, I would say some of the best treasures of life we can afford to have is, having an excellent trustworthy and loving relationship.
    I would say, there are numerous blessings that come along with it.

    Foremost blessing and benefit is, we will have peace, tranquility and calmness within us. Good ethical relationship avoids-
    day to day friction,
    being angry 😠 often.

    It brings favour and promotions in our profession.
    We will be loved by all because we sow it first. Word of God says, "love one another as I have loved you."

    I always share time and again in my church - the importance of love, harmony and unity which comes only when we foster good ethical relations.

    TrueRevival, sadly, I say is at a slow pace and in many churches it's a standstill because there is gossip and envy, putting down others, not liking others to come up. Mean healthy relationship is the need of the day to bless others.

    All this can be improved and perfected if we could delight in understanding God's Word.

    Bible is a book about relationships. Our relationship with God is a starting place. If we have good relationship with the Lord, it will be much easier to have relationships with others. If we love our Lord God, we will love others even if they hate us,
    even if they harm us,
    even if they put us down, and even if they dishonor us. We are the apple 🍎 of His eye. King David said, "He Wil lift us up before our own enemies."

    Help us Lord to pursue, to delight in having good ethical relationship with you so that we will be blessed with love, forgiveness and foster good relationship....with others...

    If you are blessed with devotion you are welcome to share with us.
    God bless! πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    Benedict James.
    Our contact for queries or any prayer request @91 97040 28977

    • 5 min
    Everyone Is Unique And Gifted. No One Must Feel Inferior. | Ps. Benedict James | June 18, 2024

    Everyone Is Unique And Gifted. No One Must Feel Inferior. | Ps. Benedict James | June 18, 2024

    Welcome to "Victorious Daily Devotion" in the most wonderful and loving name of Jesus Christ! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    Topic: Everyone Is Unique And Gifted. No One Must Feel Inferior.

    Because the Word of God says in Ps. 139:14. "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

    I don't bother what people and the world thinks about me, but I know in God's sight I'm precious, and I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. And you too ....

    But, we often hear people complain that God skipped over them when passing out the talents. They envy others who have musical abilities, speak publicly, sing melodious, cook nicely, gifted in playing certsin sports, or have any other talent they don’t have.

    But everyone has God-given gifts, even if you don’t recognize or use them. But, it’s dangerous to compare our lives with others. Because it can leave us discouraged, resentful, or even angry, and it will prevent us from being thankful for what God has given us.

    God gives us the talents needed to fulfill His plan for us. In 1 Peter 4:10-11, we are told, β€œAs each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace:
    whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God;
    whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God suppliesβ€”in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ...

    And in James 1:17: β€œEvery good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights.” God wants us to use our talents to bring Him honor and glory and to bless others and not hold it for our selfish gains.

    So, instead of being disappointed with what we have been given, we can ask God to show us how to use them. The more we use them, the more He will bless and give us.

    Romans 12:6 says, β€œHaving gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: in proportion to our faith.”

    In thee O Lord, we are a new creation, precious, divine and unique. Lord therefore help us not to compare ourselves with others in either spiritual gifts, in financial matters and professional career and be envious. But help us to praise others for God's blessings on them so that you bless us because of our pure heart, good motives and undefiled love. In Jesus...

    If you are blessed with devotion you are welcome to share with us.
    God bless! πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    Benedict James.
    Our contact for queries or any prayer request @91 97040 28977

    #Jesus #God #dailydevotional

    • 4 min

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