2 min

英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part4(story7-8‪)‬ 高效磨耳朵 | 最好的英语听力资源

    • Kursy

Tales From The Thousand And One Nights
1.bribed 贿赂
2.cozened 欺骗
3.compeer 同伴
4.swindler 骗子
5.droppings 粪
6.raisins 葡萄干
7.figs 无花果
8.burial 下葬
9.loot 赃物
Story 7: The Tale of the Robber and the Woman
There once was a robber who broke into a poor man's home and didn't find anything to steal.
He woke up the man because he didn't believe that there was nothing of value.
The poor man's wife convinced the thief that there was a treasure hidden in the house.
He went into a room, where they pushed him, beat him and locked him inside.
They didn't let him out until they had bribed him to get his wife to pay all of their debts.
Story 8: The Tale of the Two Sharpers Who Each Cozened His Compeer
There once was a swindler in the city of Baghdad.
His name was AI-Marwazi.
He went out one day with a load of sheep's droppings, determined to tricks peoples and sell them as raisins.
In another city there was another swindler, his name was Al-Razi.
His idea was similar that day, but he had a load of goat droppings that he wanted to sell as sun-dried figs. 
The two men's paths crossed and they tricked each other in a mutual trade.
When they parted and looked into what they received in trade, they found each other again and laughed and canceled their trade.
They decided to make partnership and split the money and goods they swindled together.
Al-Razisaid to Al-Marwazi, "Come to my city, it's closer."
They went to Al-Razi's city and made a plan to trick everyone into thinking Al-Razi was dead.
Al-Marwazi pretended to be sad, saying his brother had died.
He collected donations and money.
The chief of police saw the begging continuing the next day and demanded a burial, immediately.
Al-Razi agreed to be buried alive and waited to be saved.
Al-Marwazi wanted to take all of the money.
He dug up the grave and beat Al-Razi.
A group of robbers happened to see this beating and thought angels were beating a magian.
The robbers said, "We are all sinners."
They started beating the man too.
Al-Razi started fighting back.
He made peace with Al-Marwazi and scared away the robbers.
The robbers said, "Run for your life! The dead arecoming out of their graves and they are fighting!"
The robbers dropped their loot, the things they had stolen.
The swindlers kept the money the robbers left and shared the money they collected.

Tales From The Thousand And One Nights
1.bribed 贿赂
2.cozened 欺骗
3.compeer 同伴
4.swindler 骗子
5.droppings 粪
6.raisins 葡萄干
7.figs 无花果
8.burial 下葬
9.loot 赃物
Story 7: The Tale of the Robber and the Woman
There once was a robber who broke into a poor man's home and didn't find anything to steal.
He woke up the man because he didn't believe that there was nothing of value.
The poor man's wife convinced the thief that there was a treasure hidden in the house.
He went into a room, where they pushed him, beat him and locked him inside.
They didn't let him out until they had bribed him to get his wife to pay all of their debts.
Story 8: The Tale of the Two Sharpers Who Each Cozened His Compeer
There once was a swindler in the city of Baghdad.
His name was AI-Marwazi.
He went out one day with a load of sheep's droppings, determined to tricks peoples and sell them as raisins.
In another city there was another swindler, his name was Al-Razi.
His idea was similar that day, but he had a load of goat droppings that he wanted to sell as sun-dried figs. 
The two men's paths crossed and they tricked each other in a mutual trade.
When they parted and looked into what they received in trade, they found each other again and laughed and canceled their trade.
They decided to make partnership and split the money and goods they swindled together.
Al-Razisaid to Al-Marwazi, "Come to my city, it's closer."
They went to Al-Razi's city and made a plan to trick everyone into thinking Al-Razi was dead.
Al-Marwazi pretended to be sad, saying his brother had died.
He collected donations and money.
The chief of police saw the begging continuing the next day and demanded a burial, immediately.
Al-Razi agreed to be buried alive and waited to be saved.
Al-Marwazi wanted to take all of the money.
He dug up the grave and beat Al-Razi.
A group of robbers happened to see this beating and thought angels were beating a magian.
The robbers said, "We are all sinners."
They started beating the man too.
Al-Razi started fighting back.
He made peace with Al-Marwazi and scared away the robbers.
The robbers said, "Run for your life! The dead arecoming out of their graves and they are fighting!"
The robbers dropped their loot, the things they had stolen.
The swindlers kept the money the robbers left and shared the money they collected.

2 min