18 episodes

Are you an "Entrepreneur With a Job"? Does it feel overwhelming because you need to do A LOT to build a thriving business today? And you're still working full-time like us.

You wear multiple hats from CEO, social media marketer, accountant, head of operations, product development, human resources, or payroll.

It's a daunting task because there's so much to learn when starting a business: how to make money online, building a brand, time management, blogging, and don't forget all different types of digital marketing.

Influencer marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, video marketing, and more...

Everything moves so fast in the ever-changing entrepreneurship space... especially if you're a digital entrepreneur.

The question is how do you keep up and not become a statistic of another failed business? Plus, balance life?

We don't have all the answers, but we're figuring it out.

Let's "crowdsource" our knowledge, experience, and feedback by joining entrepreneurs who are doing the same thing.

We created "Entrepreneurs With a Job" to build a network of people to effectively leverage our new knowledge and experiences to make it easier to build a business while working a full-time job.

Because it can feel lonely building a business so it's nice to meet like-minded people. Other people don't "get it".

The podcast is documenting our own journey of figuring it out. You'll get the real behind-the-scenes struggles, failures, and hard work needed to achieve success.

Leverage our knowledge and experience so you don't need to recreate the wheel.

The “Entrepreneurs With a Job” podcast is for anyone who is working a full-time job while building their business on the side.

Whether it’s to create a thriving business to replace your current career or to just create a side hustle as another source of income, you’ll be able to gain something new.

And if you don’t have a business yet, you can get help with how to start a business. And take off running.

Since building a business is hard enough, let's not make it harder by going at it alone.

For more information, please visit https://www.EntrepreneursWithJobs.com!

Entrepreneurs with Jobs Fisayo Che and Jeff Losaria

    • Business

Are you an "Entrepreneur With a Job"? Does it feel overwhelming because you need to do A LOT to build a thriving business today? And you're still working full-time like us.

You wear multiple hats from CEO, social media marketer, accountant, head of operations, product development, human resources, or payroll.

It's a daunting task because there's so much to learn when starting a business: how to make money online, building a brand, time management, blogging, and don't forget all different types of digital marketing.

Influencer marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, video marketing, and more...

Everything moves so fast in the ever-changing entrepreneurship space... especially if you're a digital entrepreneur.

The question is how do you keep up and not become a statistic of another failed business? Plus, balance life?

We don't have all the answers, but we're figuring it out.

Let's "crowdsource" our knowledge, experience, and feedback by joining entrepreneurs who are doing the same thing.

We created "Entrepreneurs With a Job" to build a network of people to effectively leverage our new knowledge and experiences to make it easier to build a business while working a full-time job.

Because it can feel lonely building a business so it's nice to meet like-minded people. Other people don't "get it".

The podcast is documenting our own journey of figuring it out. You'll get the real behind-the-scenes struggles, failures, and hard work needed to achieve success.

Leverage our knowledge and experience so you don't need to recreate the wheel.

The “Entrepreneurs With a Job” podcast is for anyone who is working a full-time job while building their business on the side.

Whether it’s to create a thriving business to replace your current career or to just create a side hustle as another source of income, you’ll be able to gain something new.

And if you don’t have a business yet, you can get help with how to start a business. And take off running.

Since building a business is hard enough, let's not make it harder by going at it alone.

For more information, please visit https://www.EntrepreneursWithJobs.com!

    Creating a Content System, Struggles of Finding a Freelance Public Relations Person, and Balance Between Saving and Spending Money | Entrepreneurs With Jobs 018

    Creating a Content System, Struggles of Finding a Freelance Public Relations Person, and Balance Between Saving and Spending Money | Entrepreneurs With Jobs 018

    Topics we cover our behind-the-hustle of creating and maintaining an online business:
    Research and creating a content system using the main content piece then breaking it up into mini pieces for writing articles and leveraging Quora as a platform
    Looking for a public relations and social person on Upwork and Fiverr
    The conversation when a freelancer's rate is out of your budget
    Coordinating better clothing production for Fisayo's business
    Storytelling piece to add to Fisayo's email sequence
    Commitment to serving the best quality to customers
    How the boy-band BTS creates engagement with their fans
    Plus more

    If you liked the music, it was produced by an amazing artist named MAYO from the Philippines. Here are his social media links.

    » MAYO

    Also, add us on social media to see more behind-the-scenes content. Plus, we'd love to connect!

    Connect with Fisayo:
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/elisamamakids (https://instagram.com/elisamamakids)
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elisamamakids (https://www.facebook.com/elisamamakids)
    Website: https://www.elisamama.com/ (https://www.ElisaMama.com/)
    Email: elisamamakids@gmail.com


    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/jefflosaria/
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/jefftoday/
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jefflosaria
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jeff.losaria/
    Website: https://www.jefflosaria.com

    • 1 hr 8 min
    EWJ 017: Exploring Public Relations & How to Find a Reliable Marketing Channel | Entrepreneurs With Jobs 017

    EWJ 017: Exploring Public Relations & How to Find a Reliable Marketing Channel | Entrepreneurs With Jobs 017

    There was some unfortunate news at our day jobs, and we faced a round of layoffs.
    With all the world events and COVID-19, many people are facing losing their jobs.
    It came as a shock and was a wake-up call, but we weren’t expecting it at all.

    I’ve been stressed out…

    … which is uncharacteristic for me, but transitioning into a new business and niche when you have A LOT of interest and skillsets was weighing on me.

    What business do I want to create? What content will I enjoy making? What did I be fulfilling for my next business?

    The uncertainty is what is causing me stress so I cover my strategy for figuring it out.

    After, Fisayo discusses her thoughts and feelings on needing to take a big step to take her clothing brand, Elisamama, to the next stage.

    She is seeing how responsive her new customers are and how responsive they are to advertising.

    We talk about the pros and cons of public relations where some companies see growth where others see it as a temporary boost.

    This is what prompts the discussion of how to find reliable marketing and sales channel.

    As a result, we take a look at what is currently working for Fisayo and use the old marketing adage of “do more of what works”.

    Stay tuned for the strategy and how we come to a solution!

    Keep working hard. Keep hustling.

    https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23dothedamnthang (#dothedamnthang)


    If you liked the music, it was produced by an amazing artist named MAYO from the Philippines. Here are his social media links.

    » MAYO
    https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbE9yeWg5cjVEXzZsd0RLRmc5YVhPdlZ1MGloQXxBQ3Jtc0trQmF2dVo4d3NEb1BkTUMwemF3UFk0M0Q5dlI4ZnNvOGJHajl4cjZ5cWd0VkFaUDZBXzRrTnFyTmxKN2hTdXpIcFRNV3EwS2J5U3FjalM3VGpXZ21RSHhISVZqV3ZMOFV3UjN2SE10d3o3WjA3YmRIbw%3D%3Dandv=aOR1t3j8-lUandq=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmayomarte.hiponiaandevent=video_description (https://www.facebook.com/mayomarte.hi...)
    https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkg0bFJXYW8zUEJoTDVsRmNpUlFEaXZrUll0UXxBQ3Jtc0tsd3pCYW9sVXJSUWg0MG9ub21LdUtLZF80cnhrRzVtNk5LbWs3RHNtZkM2X2tMYVpxX1NlM0xnR1Q3OVVuVDVsXzhkZlBTdzNKYkI4dlJzYUpPbDFlaWZCVDdSYTgtTlc2bUNOcWp5eGdScFUzb0JaVQ%3D%3Dandv=aOR1t3j8-lUandq=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmayohiponiaandevent=video_description (https://www.facebook.com/mayohiponia)
    https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDA1UU43UG5EcVBUbzJ4TEFvZG1yd25jem5yZ3xBQ3Jtc0trQUtaSmRKUUVZcHpZY19jUG5hZjJ6REZybnJ1YmVKM0N5YXZCUUNfMU5PdnV6ajNmc2piQVpGc1pjV1Vnd1ljRENib0xWbE5pTGRxLS1fMUprdnB5Yi1DRzI3WExBU1VwM2p2Ry1KU3R3THJWZXdLcw%3D%3Dandv=aOR1t3j8-lUandq=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fmayohiponia%2Fandevent=video_description (https://www.instagram.com/mayohiponia/)
    https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqazF3WFQ2UDZzV2xGSlktand2TTVQLUFGR2s4d3xBQ3Jtc0tsTWkwdjdZTkxmQktTSVE4TFZsdHJ3TXlCZ3A0UlFPamgxRmwxd3VpQ3piNE84M2Iya0RtWXRaSTZiMjdURUF4VWNnbHBoOUEySDA1ODY1VDBDU1dFT3JiU2xpZUJUUlRPM2hfYkdZeVI0R2xjZzJqQQ%3D%3Dandv=aOR1t3j8-lUandq=https%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fmayo-hiponiaandevent=video_description (https://soundcloud.com/mayo-hiponia)
    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCalnc95P5EvYGlDcbuJ5GJg (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaln...)

    Connect with Me!

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/jefflosaria/ (https://www.youtube.com/user/jefflosa...)
    Facebook - https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFJsbzQzY1Q3RFYtZ3lQMG83ZHBjVkhLMnJIQXxBQ3Jtc0tsRWJKTFRMMTYyOUlMLVlVU0ZrVjNnMngwNTJVLXpJTUh5ZVRTWjJMaUsyakw2Tm1ieDdtdFYwVEhjLXM2X2pvMkd4UTFGNWVvM1dMV3ZtQUQ0WmxtQjlJVmllaUlEUTQzcnhMQk8wZXc0VVNPTVllTQ%3D%3Dandv=aOR1t3j8-lUandq=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fjefftoday%2Fandevent=video_description (https://www.facebook.com/jefftoday/)
    LinkedIn -...

    • 1 hr 27 min
    EWJ 016: Why Fisayo Made More Online Sales in This Month Than Sales From the Entire Year

    EWJ 016: Why Fisayo Made More Online Sales in This Month Than Sales From the Entire Year

    With everything that's going on, Fisayo explains why she made her best sales month ever.
    This is the most sales she's ever seen in her Shopify eCommerce store.
    We go over the details of how all the preparation and continuous work over the years have prepped her for this opportunity.
    There's an element of luck with every business and opportunity.

    But a business needs to have everything in place to take advantage of an opportunity like Fisayo was presented with.

    Luck = Opportunity + Preparation

    If you've been following the podcast, you know that Fisayo been hustling and has been more than prepared for this opportunity.

    Wearing multiple hats. Moving her sales platform from Etsy to Shopify. Making investments in her branding and public relations efforts.

    I know on the surface people will think she got lucky.

    But without all the previous long nights and hours of damn hard work, this would be a missed opportunity.

    And the narrative would be that she was "unlucky."

    Luck to me is gained by placing yourself out there time and time again.

    Because through the law of averages, you're bound to get your quote, unquote lucky opportunity.

    Luck is out of your control. But your hard work isn't.

    Keep working hard. Keep hustling.


    If you liked the music, it was produced by an amazing artist named MAYO from the Philippines. Here are his social media links.

    » MAYO

    Also, add us on social media to see more behind-the-scenes content. Plus, we'd love to connect!

    Connect with Fisayo:
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/elisamamakids (https://instagram.com/elisamamakids)
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elisamamakids (https://www.facebook.com/elisamamakids)
    Website: https://www.elisamama.com/ (https://www.ElisaMama.com/)
    Email: elisamamakids@gmail.com


    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/jefflosaria/
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/jefftoday/
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jefflosaria
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jeff.losaria/
    Website: https://www.jefflosaria.com

    • 1 hr 1 min
    EWJ 015: The Injustice of George Floyd, Our Self-Reflection, and Moving Forward Inside Our Online Businesses

    EWJ 015: The Injustice of George Floyd, Our Self-Reflection, and Moving Forward Inside Our Online Businesses

    On the heels of the murder of George Floyd, we discuss the impact it’s having.
    It was an inhumane act of police officer placing his knee on George’s neck as his life is being drained from his body. He desperately calls out for his mom and says the iconic phrase, “I can’t breathe.”
    The beginning of the podcast is dedicated to discussing this important topic because the frustration, stress, confusion, and all other mixed emotions are important to communicate.

    The topic is complex and is way beyond the scope of our skillsets and this podcast. But it’s important to continue the conversation so action can begin to the point where eventually solutions can be created.

    Please don’t neglect your self-care. Because it’s easy to get caught up in a spiral of stress and hopelessness.

    Because facing business failure and massive adjustments during the COVID-19 pandemic is challenging. And now, it seems like things are crumbling around us.

    It’s stressful. It’s overwhelming. It’s easy to shirk back into inaction.

    The rest of the podcast we dive into different marketing tactics and tips towards helping you gain new customers and sales.


    Network and connect with other "Entrepreneurs With Jobs" by joining the EWJ movement and community!

    It's free, just go to https://www.entrepreneurswithjobs.com/ (https://www.EntrepreneursWithJobs.com) and enter in your email address.

    We'll send you an email with all the details and instructions on how to join. You'll get updates when our next virtual or in-person event is.

    We'll see you in there!


    If you liked the music, it was produced by an amazing artist named MAYO from the Philippines.
    » MAYO
    https://www.facebook.com/mayomarte.hiponia (https://www.facebook.com/mayomarte.hiponia)
    https://www.facebook.com/mayohiponia (https://www.facebook.com/mayohiponia)
    https://www.instagram.com/mayohiponia/ (https://www.instagram.com/mayohiponia/)
    https://soundcloud.com/mayo-hiponia (https://soundcloud.com/mayo-hiponia)
    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCalnc95P5EvYGlDcbuJ5GJg (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCalnc95P5EvYGlDcbuJ5GJg)

    Also, add us on social media to see more behind-the-scenes content. Plus, we'd love to connect!

    Connect with Fisayo:
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/elisamamakids (https://instagram.com/elisamamakids)
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elisamamakids (https://www.facebook.com/elisamamakids)
    Website: https://www.elisamama.com/ (https://www.ElisaMama.com/)
    Email: elisamamakids@gmail.com


    Connect with Jeff:
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/jefflosaria/ (https://www.youtube.com/user/jefflosaria/)
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/jefftoday/ (https://www.facebook.com/jefftoday/)
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jefflosaria (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jefflosaria)
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jeff.losaria/ (https://www.instagram.com/jeff.losaria/)
    Website: https://www.jefflosaria.com/ (https://www.jefflosaria.com)
    Email: Jeff.Losaria@gmail.com
    Badass Confidence Podcast: https://www.anchor.fm/badassconfidence (https://www.anchor.fm/badassconfidence)


    Listen to Entrepreneurs With Jobs on your favorite podcast platform! We don’t get a chance to video record all episodes so check it out here:

    https://feeds.captivate.fm/entrepreneurswithjobs/ (https://feeds.captivate.fm/entrepreneurswithjobs/)

    • 1 hr 14 min
    EWJ 014: Realizing the Effort Needed to Reach Your Business Vision (And Becoming More Productive)

    EWJ 014: Realizing the Effort Needed to Reach Your Business Vision (And Becoming More Productive)

    Learn how Jeff went from feeling overwhelmed, stagnant, and stressed to becoming the most productive, focused, and on-it he’s ever been this year.
    You get the process and the steps he took. And find out what the emotional business epiphany Fisayo had about her business and the level of effort and commitment she’s making towards the bigger picture.

    Her vision. Her goals. Her dreams. It’s a realization that can benefit a lot of entrepreneurs especially when you have a high bar set for where you want your business to eventually be.

    Gain insight to one of Jeff’s biggest learning failures as an entrepreneur and leader. How he failed his previous business and his previous team that was relying on him.

    You’ll learn why it’s important to set your big vision and having that be your business compass. Otherwise you’ll get caught up in metrics that don’t move you closer to that vision.

    A great example is Fisayo’s experience with learning about content, search engine optimization, and the “truth” about engagement pods.

    If you’re thinking about using an engagement pods, listen to the end of the podcast before moving forward.

    Fisayo maps out her thoughts and Elisa Mama’s brand vision to become the market leader.


    Network and connect with other "Entrepreneurs With Jobs" by joining the EWJ movement and community!

    It's free, just go to https://www.entrepreneurswithjobs.com/ (https://www.EntrepreneursWithJobs.com) and enter in your email address. We'll send you an email with all the details and instructions on how to join. You'll get updates when our next virtual or in-person event is.

    We'll see you in there!


    If you liked the music, it was produced by an amazing artist named MAYO from the Philippines.
    » MAYO
    https://www.facebook.com/mayomarte.hiponia (https://www.facebook.com/mayomarte.hiponia)
    https://www.facebook.com/mayohiponia (https://www.facebook.com/mayohiponia)
    https://www.instagram.com/mayohiponia/ (https://www.instagram.com/mayohiponia/)
    https://soundcloud.com/mayo-hiponia (https://soundcloud.com/mayo-hiponia)
    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCalnc95P5EvYGlDcbuJ5GJg (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCalnc95P5EvYGlDcbuJ5GJg)

    Also, add us on social media to see more behind-the-scenes content. Plus, we'd love to connect!

    Connect with Fisayo:
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/elisamamakids (https://instagram.com/elisamamakids)
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elisamamakids (https://www.facebook.com/elisamamakids)
    Website: https://www.elisamama.com/ (https://www.ElisaMama.com/)
    Email: elisamamakids@gmail.com


    Connect with Jeff:
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/jefflosaria/ (https://www.youtube.com/user/jefflosaria/)
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/jefftoday/ (https://www.facebook.com/jefftoday/)
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jefflosaria (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jefflosaria)
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jeff.losaria/ (https://www.instagram.com/jeff.losaria/)
    Website: https://www.jefflosaria.com/ (https://www.jefflosaria.com)
    Email: Jeff.Losaria@gmail.com
    Badass Confidence Podcast: https://www.anchor.fm/badassconfidence (https://www.anchor.fm/badassconfidence)


    Listen to Entrepreneurs With Jobs on your favorite podcast platform! We don’t get a chance to video record all episodes so check it out here:

    https://feeds.captivate.fm/entrepreneurswithjobs/ (https://feeds.captivate.fm/entrepreneurswithjobs/)

    • 1 hr 17 min
    EWJ 013: Only 2 People Showed up To Our 2nd Virtual Event/Meetup, But...

    EWJ 013: Only 2 People Showed up To Our 2nd Virtual Event/Meetup, But...

    Only 2 people showed up on our 2nd virtual event/meetup, but…
    You’ll get motivation and advice when barely anyone shows up to your events whether virtual or in-person.
    It’s easy to get demotivated, but this reminder made it easy to serve those 2 people to the fullest we can.
    You’ll get the biggest lessons and takeaways we learned from today’s virtual event. This was our even redo when we previously we had technical Zoom issues when we hosted our 1st Entrepreneurs With Jobs virtual meetup.
    Gain insights into what we’ve been learning with Shopify, Instagram, and a new automation application for Shopify to automate relevant Facebook ads.

    It displays analytics, creates ads for underperforming products or your priority products! It’s a quality life enhancement for Fisayo especially since she hate dealing with Facebook Ads.


    Network and connect with other "Entrepreneurs With Jobs" by joining the EWJ movement and community!

    It's free, just go to https://www.entrepreneurswithjobs.com/ (https://www.EntrepreneursWithJobs.com) and enter in your email address. We'll send you an email with all the details and instructions on how to join. You'll get updates when our next virtual or in-person event is.

    We'll see you in there!


    If you liked the music, it was produced by an amazing artist named MAYO from the Philippines.
    » MAYO
    https://www.facebook.com/mayomarte.hiponia (https://www.facebook.com/mayomarte.hiponia)
    https://www.facebook.com/mayohiponia (https://www.facebook.com/mayohiponia)
    https://www.instagram.com/mayohiponia/ (https://www.instagram.com/mayohiponia/)
    https://soundcloud.com/mayo-hiponia (https://soundcloud.com/mayo-hiponia)
    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCalnc95P5EvYGlDcbuJ5GJg (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCalnc95P5EvYGlDcbuJ5GJg)

    Also, add us on social media to see more behind-the-scenes content. Plus, we'd love to connect!

    Connect with Fisayo:
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/elisamamakids (https://instagram.com/elisamamakids)
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elisamamakids (https://www.facebook.com/elisamamakids)
    Website: https://www.elisamama.com/ (https://www.ElisaMama.com/)
    Email: elisamamakids@gmail.com


    Connect with Jeff:
    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/jefflosaria/ (https://www.youtube.com/user/jefflosaria/)
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/jefftoday/ (https://www.facebook.com/jefftoday/)
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jefflosaria (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jefflosaria)
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jeff.losaria/ (https://www.instagram.com/jeff.losaria/)
    Website: https://www.jefflosaria.com/ (https://www.jefflosaria.com)
    Email: Jeff.Losaria@gmail.com
    Badass Confidence Podcast: https://www.anchor.fm/badassconfidence (https://www.anchor.fm/badassconfidence)


    Listen to Entrepreneurs With Jobs on your favorite podcast platform! We don’t get a chance to video record all episodes so check it out here:

    https://feeds.captivate.fm/entrepreneurswithjobs/ (https://feeds.captivate.fm/entrepreneurswithjobs/)

    • 47 min

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