4 min

How to order delivery in Chinese如何用汉语点外‪卖‬ Join Mandarin

    • Language Learning

大家好,我是Flora。今天我们要说一说怎么用汉语点外卖。We will talk about how to order delivery in Chinese。在中国,外国人很少用点餐应用软件,一般是直接打电话给饭店。In China, foreigners don’t use delivery apps too much,normally they just call the restaurant.这个时候你就可以说:喂,你好,我要点外卖。 Hi,I&`&d like to order some delivery.然后你可以告诉他们,你要吃什么。一般大家喜欢点披萨(pizza),沙拉(salad)或者三明治(sandwich)。如果你想说I&`&d like to order a pizza with extra cheese,我们可以说,我要点一个披萨,多加点儿芝士。如果你要说,I&`&d like to order a pizza. without the green peppers,我们说,我要点披萨, 但是不要放青椒。我常常点三明治,但是我不喜欢洋葱,我就会说:你好,我要一个培根三明治,但是不要放洋葱。I&`&d like to order a Bacon sandwich. without onions大家常叫哪些外卖?What kind of food do you get delivered?大家可以通过微信告诉我们。我们的Wechat 是Join Mandarin. Follow us, to get more information.再见!

大家好,我是Flora。今天我们要说一说怎么用汉语点外卖。We will talk about how to order delivery in Chinese。在中国,外国人很少用点餐应用软件,一般是直接打电话给饭店。In China, foreigners don’t use delivery apps too much,normally they just call the restaurant.这个时候你就可以说:喂,你好,我要点外卖。 Hi,I&`&d like to order some delivery.然后你可以告诉他们,你要吃什么。一般大家喜欢点披萨(pizza),沙拉(salad)或者三明治(sandwich)。如果你想说I&`&d like to order a pizza with extra cheese,我们可以说,我要点一个披萨,多加点儿芝士。如果你要说,I&`&d like to order a pizza. without the green peppers,我们说,我要点披萨, 但是不要放青椒。我常常点三明治,但是我不喜欢洋葱,我就会说:你好,我要一个培根三明治,但是不要放洋葱。I&`&d like to order a Bacon sandwich. without onions大家常叫哪些外卖?What kind of food do you get delivered?大家可以通过微信告诉我们。我们的Wechat 是Join Mandarin. Follow us, to get more information.再见!

4 min