43 min

Meet a Cicerone®: Scott Fielder of Beer Scholar & The Bruery Beer Scholar

    • Food

Advanced Cicerone® Scott Fielder whips Certified Cicerones into shape to crush the Advanced exam as the teacher of the Beer Scholar Advanced Cicerone® Coaching Program. As of this interview, the AC Coaching Program is producing its first crop of new ACs from our initial cohort! Scott is also a Packaging Operator at The Bruery in Placentia, CA. On top of all that, he's a Certified BJCP beer judge, has completed the Aroxa Sensory Training Program taught by Dr. Bill Simpson, and with AC Chris Crowe he is one of the two Beer Enthusiasts on their fantastic YouTube channel. Scott is also currently preparing to take the insanely difficult Master Cicerone® exam later this year! It was either Jen Blair or Rachael Hudson who said, on their excellent False Bottomed Girls podcast, that preparing for the Master Cicerone exam is not simply a goal, it’s a lifestyle.

Scott is living the beer education lifestyle! Scott embodies a welcoming anti-gatekeeping passion for beer education like few others I’ve encountered in my decade of teaching beer. Besides that, he’s my friend and business partner. Not long after he crushed the AC we began trying to figure out how to do a Beer Scholar program for the AC exam and came up with the AC Coaching Program. I've witnessed Scott's intense personal focus on leveling up to the Master level – he brings that same high level of dedication, focus, and care to preparing our Beer Scholar students for the AC exam.

The “Meet a Cicerone” podcast is all about sitting down with folks who are “all in on beer.” I don’t know many people who fit the bill more than AC Scott Fielder.

P.S. If you’re interested in joining the Beer Scholar Advanced Cicerone® Coaching Program, reach out to me or Scott right away so we can start getting you ready to join the next cohort!

Thanks so much for listening! –Chris

Advanced Cicerone® Scott Fielder whips Certified Cicerones into shape to crush the Advanced exam as the teacher of the Beer Scholar Advanced Cicerone® Coaching Program. As of this interview, the AC Coaching Program is producing its first crop of new ACs from our initial cohort! Scott is also a Packaging Operator at The Bruery in Placentia, CA. On top of all that, he's a Certified BJCP beer judge, has completed the Aroxa Sensory Training Program taught by Dr. Bill Simpson, and with AC Chris Crowe he is one of the two Beer Enthusiasts on their fantastic YouTube channel. Scott is also currently preparing to take the insanely difficult Master Cicerone® exam later this year! It was either Jen Blair or Rachael Hudson who said, on their excellent False Bottomed Girls podcast, that preparing for the Master Cicerone exam is not simply a goal, it’s a lifestyle.

Scott is living the beer education lifestyle! Scott embodies a welcoming anti-gatekeeping passion for beer education like few others I’ve encountered in my decade of teaching beer. Besides that, he’s my friend and business partner. Not long after he crushed the AC we began trying to figure out how to do a Beer Scholar program for the AC exam and came up with the AC Coaching Program. I've witnessed Scott's intense personal focus on leveling up to the Master level – he brings that same high level of dedication, focus, and care to preparing our Beer Scholar students for the AC exam.

The “Meet a Cicerone” podcast is all about sitting down with folks who are “all in on beer.” I don’t know many people who fit the bill more than AC Scott Fielder.

P.S. If you’re interested in joining the Beer Scholar Advanced Cicerone® Coaching Program, reach out to me or Scott right away so we can start getting you ready to join the next cohort!

Thanks so much for listening! –Chris

43 min