17 min

Survival Sunday with survival instructor Byron Kerns Dirtwalker Outdoors Podcast

    • Wilderness

Byron Kerns has made a name for himself in the world of survival instruction for most of his life, yet has done so without considering himself an expert. He would say, there is always something to learn. Listen as Byron shares with us just a little about his newest, third, and last survival school, itchatad.com.  #survival #survivalschool #survivalinstruction #survivalpodcast #learnsurvival

Byron Kerns has made a name for himself in the world of survival instruction for most of his life, yet has done so without considering himself an expert. He would say, there is always something to learn. Listen as Byron shares with us just a little about his newest, third, and last survival school, itchatad.com.  #survival #survivalschool #survivalinstruction #survivalpodcast #learnsurvival

17 min