41 min

Building Solo: How to Create a Sustainable Dream Home Alone in the Woods Tiny House Lifestyle Podcast

    • Places & Travel

Otis Sanders has spent the past five years constructing his dream home in the great outdoors, all alone in the woods. Otis found serenity and satisfaction in the process of creating a space that he could call his own. In this episode, we'll be discussing the challenges of building solo in the woods, including how to transport materials, manage your time, and ensure your safety when you're working alone. We'll also talk about the importance of sustainability and reducing environmental waste in...

Otis Sanders has spent the past five years constructing his dream home in the great outdoors, all alone in the woods. Otis found serenity and satisfaction in the process of creating a space that he could call his own. In this episode, we'll be discussing the challenges of building solo in the woods, including how to transport materials, manage your time, and ensure your safety when you're working alone. We'll also talk about the importance of sustainability and reducing environmental waste in...

41 min