35 min

Tiny House Dweller Reluctantly Becomes Lobbyist to Legalize Movable Tiny Houses Tiny House Lifestyle Podcast

    • Places & Travel

I met Vera a decade ago and we were both invited to speak at Deek Diedrickson's Tiny House workshop in Connecticut. She explained that my first pictures of my tiny house that I built in 2012 with rain screen inspired her to deep dive into everything from thermal bridging to mold mitigation for the build of her silver bullet tiny house. When Vera takes on a project or issue you can bet she's thorough, persistent, and resilient. Vera has been on our podcast twice before, last time she discussed...

I met Vera a decade ago and we were both invited to speak at Deek Diedrickson's Tiny House workshop in Connecticut. She explained that my first pictures of my tiny house that I built in 2012 with rain screen inspired her to deep dive into everything from thermal bridging to mold mitigation for the build of her silver bullet tiny house. When Vera takes on a project or issue you can bet she's thorough, persistent, and resilient. Vera has been on our podcast twice before, last time she discussed...

35 min