8 min

EP8 | 賓狗唸新聞!大量海豚遭誤捕、普丁修憲想幹嘛、終於戰勝澳洲野‪火‬ 聽賓狗學英文

    • Language Learning

實驗新單元,如果你喜歡,請幫我留 5 顆星評價並分享出去 ❤️ 在《賓狗唸新聞》中,我會朗誦英文新聞、翻譯給大家聽、再抽出一些英文單字講解~ 以下為本集新聞及單字: More than 80% of Indian Ocean dolphins may have been killed by commercial fishing, study finds(The Guardian) Dolphin numbers in the Indian Ocean may have dropped by more than 80% in recent decades, with an estimated 4m small cetaceans caught as “by-catch” in commercial tuna fishing nets since 1950, according to a study. cetacean 鯨類動物 bycatch 誤捕;混獲 Russia's Putin wants traditional marriage and God in constitution(BBC News) Russian President Vladimir Putin wants marriage to be defined as the union of a man and woman in a revised constitution, ruling out gay marriage. It is among several constitutional amendments proposed by Mr Putin, which are set to be put to a public vote. Critics see the proposals as a move by Mr Putin to keep a hold on power after his presidential term ends in 2024. Constitution 憲法 Amendment 修正 修憲就是 amend the constitution 憲法修正案就是 constitutional amendments All Bushfires Extinguished In Australia's Hardest-Hit New South Wales, Officials Say (NPR) Australian officials announced on Friday there are no longer any active bush or grass fires in New South Wales, the state hardest-hit by massive wildfires that have scorched millions of acres in the country since July. ------------------------- 喜歡這個單元嗎?希望你可以給我 5 顆星評價,並留下你的寶貴意見 😍 本節目由 Firstory Studio 上傳 本節目由 Firstory Studio 上傳 本節目由 Firstory Studio 上傳 本節目由 Firstory Studio 上傳 本節目由 Firstory Studio 上傳

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實驗新單元,如果你喜歡,請幫我留 5 顆星評價並分享出去 ❤️ 在《賓狗唸新聞》中,我會朗誦英文新聞、翻譯給大家聽、再抽出一些英文單字講解~ 以下為本集新聞及單字: More than 80% of Indian Ocean dolphins may have been killed by commercial fishing, study finds(The Guardian) Dolphin numbers in the Indian Ocean may have dropped by more than 80% in recent decades, with an estimated 4m small cetaceans caught as “by-catch” in commercial tuna fishing nets since 1950, according to a study. cetacean 鯨類動物 bycatch 誤捕;混獲 Russia's Putin wants traditional marriage and God in constitution(BBC News) Russian President Vladimir Putin wants marriage to be defined as the union of a man and woman in a revised constitution, ruling out gay marriage. It is among several constitutional amendments proposed by Mr Putin, which are set to be put to a public vote. Critics see the proposals as a move by Mr Putin to keep a hold on power after his presidential term ends in 2024. Constitution 憲法 Amendment 修正 修憲就是 amend the constitution 憲法修正案就是 constitutional amendments All Bushfires Extinguished In Australia's Hardest-Hit New South Wales, Officials Say (NPR) Australian officials announced on Friday there are no longer any active bush or grass fires in New South Wales, the state hardest-hit by massive wildfires that have scorched millions of acres in the country since July. ------------------------- 喜歡這個單元嗎?希望你可以給我 5 顆星評價,並留下你的寶貴意見 😍 本節目由 Firstory Studio 上傳 本節目由 Firstory Studio 上傳 本節目由 Firstory Studio 上傳 本節目由 Firstory Studio 上傳 本節目由 Firstory Studio 上傳

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8 min