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13- 質勝文則野 zhí shèng wén zé yě | 修身篇 About Cultivation|《論語》 The Analects of Confucius Taiwan Accent - Chinese Classical Literature▪台灣腔 中國古典文學 ▪ 台湾腔 中国古典文学 ▪ Learn Manda

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子曰「質勝文則野,文勝質則史。文質彬彬,然後君子。」《論語。雍也 》


Zǐ yuē `zhí shèng wén zé yě, wén shèng zhí zé shǐ. Wénzhíbīnbīn, ránhòu jūnzǐ.'“Lúnyǔ. Yōngyě”
< English Translation>⁣
Confucius said “Where the solid qualities are in excess of accomplishments, we have rusticity; where the accomplishments are in excess of the solid qualities, we have the manners of a clerk. When the accomplishments and solid qualities are equally blended,we then have the man of virtue.”

< Explanation in Simplified>⁣ 

< Explanation in Traditional>⁣

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子曰「質勝文則野,文勝質則史。文質彬彬,然後君子。」《論語。雍也 》


Zǐ yuē `zhí shèng wén zé yě, wén shèng zhí zé shǐ. Wénzhíbīnbīn, ránhòu jūnzǐ.'“Lúnyǔ. Yōngyě”
< English Translation>⁣
Confucius said “Where the solid qualities are in excess of accomplishments, we have rusticity; where the accomplishments are in excess of the solid qualities, we have the manners of a clerk. When the accomplishments and solid qualities are equally blended,we then have the man of virtue.”

< Explanation in Simplified>⁣ 

< Explanation in Traditional>⁣

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