16 min

2021.09.02 國際新聞導讀-世界有30%樹種將滅絕應保護、阿富汗塔利班贏得國家但能否保住他的酋長國長久則未知、巴勒斯坦埃及約旦在開羅開元首高峰會討論以巴和平進‪程‬ 蘇老師講解國際新聞、中東與中亞歷史、中國事務、太空知識的頻道。 Diplomat's daily news review an

    • Daily News

2021.09.02 國際新聞導讀-世界有30%樹種將滅絕應保護、阿富汗塔利班贏得國家但能否保住他的酋長國長久則未知、巴勒斯坦埃及約旦在開羅開元首高峰會討論以巴和平進程

全球約 30% 的樹種面臨滅絕風險 - 報告
2021 年 9 月 1 日 03:36

根據植物園保護國際 (BGCI) 週三發布的具有里程碑意義的報告,世界上近三分之一的樹種面臨滅絕的危險,而數百種樹種瀕臨滅絕。
根據《世界樹木狀況》報告,17,500 種樹種(約佔總數的 30%)面臨滅絕風險,而 440 種樹種的野生數量不足 50 只。

BGCI 秘書長保羅史密斯在一份聲明中說:“這份報告向世界各地的每個人敲響了警鐘,樹木需要幫助。”



棕櫚樹生長在以色列阿拉瓦地區的研發站JNF USA

報告發現,世界樹種多樣性排名前六的國家的數千種樹木面臨滅絕的危險。最大的單一數字是在巴西,那裡有 1,788 個物種處於危險之中。
報告稱,至少有 180 種樹種受到海平面上升和惡劣天氣的直接威脅,特別是加勒比地區的木蘭等島嶼物種。
Some 30% of global tree species at risk of extinction - report
Overall the number of threatened tree species is double the number of threatened mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles combined.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 03:36

Cherry trees

(photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Almost a third of the world's tree species are at risk of extinction, while hundreds are on the brink of being wiped out, according to a landmark report published by Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) on Wednesday.
According to the State of the World's Trees report 17,500 tree species - some 30% of the total - are a risk of extinction, while 440 species have fewer than 50 individuals left in the wild.
Overall the number of threatened tree species is double the number of threatened mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles combined, the report said.
"This report is a wake up call to everyone around the world that trees need help," BGCI Secretary General Paul Smith said in a statement.
Among the most at-risk trees are species including magnolias and dipterocarps - which are commonly found in Southeast Asian rainforests. Oak trees, maple trees and ebonies also face threats, the report said.
Trees help support the natural ecosystem and are considered vital for combating global warming and climate change. The extinction of a single tree species could prompt the loss of many others.

Palm trees grow at an R&D station in Israel's Arava regionJNF USA
"Every tree species matters — to the millions of other species that depend on trees, and to people all over the world," Smith added.
Thousands of varieties of trees in the world's top si

2021.09.02 國際新聞導讀-世界有30%樹種將滅絕應保護、阿富汗塔利班贏得國家但能否保住他的酋長國長久則未知、巴勒斯坦埃及約旦在開羅開元首高峰會討論以巴和平進程

全球約 30% 的樹種面臨滅絕風險 - 報告
2021 年 9 月 1 日 03:36

根據植物園保護國際 (BGCI) 週三發布的具有里程碑意義的報告,世界上近三分之一的樹種面臨滅絕的危險,而數百種樹種瀕臨滅絕。
根據《世界樹木狀況》報告,17,500 種樹種(約佔總數的 30%)面臨滅絕風險,而 440 種樹種的野生數量不足 50 只。

BGCI 秘書長保羅史密斯在一份聲明中說:“這份報告向世界各地的每個人敲響了警鐘,樹木需要幫助。”



棕櫚樹生長在以色列阿拉瓦地區的研發站JNF USA

報告發現,世界樹種多樣性排名前六的國家的數千種樹木面臨滅絕的危險。最大的單一數字是在巴西,那裡有 1,788 個物種處於危險之中。
報告稱,至少有 180 種樹種受到海平面上升和惡劣天氣的直接威脅,特別是加勒比地區的木蘭等島嶼物種。
Some 30% of global tree species at risk of extinction - report
Overall the number of threatened tree species is double the number of threatened mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles combined.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 03:36

Cherry trees

(photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Almost a third of the world's tree species are at risk of extinction, while hundreds are on the brink of being wiped out, according to a landmark report published by Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) on Wednesday.
According to the State of the World's Trees report 17,500 tree species - some 30% of the total - are a risk of extinction, while 440 species have fewer than 50 individuals left in the wild.
Overall the number of threatened tree species is double the number of threatened mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles combined, the report said.
"This report is a wake up call to everyone around the world that trees need help," BGCI Secretary General Paul Smith said in a statement.
Among the most at-risk trees are species including magnolias and dipterocarps - which are commonly found in Southeast Asian rainforests. Oak trees, maple trees and ebonies also face threats, the report said.
Trees help support the natural ecosystem and are considered vital for combating global warming and climate change. The extinction of a single tree species could prompt the loss of many others.

Palm trees grow at an R&D station in Israel's Arava regionJNF USA
"Every tree species matters — to the millions of other species that depend on trees, and to people all over the world," Smith added.
Thousands of varieties of trees in the world's top si

16 min