19 min

2021.10.11 國際新聞導讀-亞塞拜然與亞美尼亞伊朗之糾紛、巴基斯坦核彈之父卡迪爾汗昨日85歲死於癌症、伊朗聲稱擁有很多濃縮鈾了、美國國務院發言要求以色列不要繼續單方面興建屯墾‪區‬ 蘇老師講解國際新聞、中東與中亞歷史、中國事務、太空知識的頻道。 Diplomat's daily news review an

    • Daily News

2021.10.11 國際新聞導讀-亞塞拜然與亞美尼亞伊朗之糾紛、巴基斯坦核彈之父卡迪爾汗昨日85歲死於癌症、伊朗聲稱擁有很多濃縮鈾了、美國國務院發言要求以色列不要繼續單方面興建屯墾區

阿塞拜疆士兵在納戈爾諾 - 卡拉巴赫殺害平民 - 報告
2021 年 10 月 10 日 21:27

阿爾扎赫共和國警察部隊週六報導,納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫地區馬爾塔克特的 55 歲居民 Aram Tepnants 在農業區駕駛拖拉機時被阿塞拜疆武裝部隊的一名狙擊手射殺。
俄羅斯國防部表示:“10 月 9 日,在馬塔克特地區的農業工作期間,靠近接觸線,一名來自馬達吉茲村的平民被阿塞拜疆方面的砲擊致死。” “俄羅斯特遣隊的指揮部正在雙方代表的參與下調查這起事件。”
Azerbaijani soldier kills civilian in Nagorno-Karabakh - report
An Azerbaijani soldier reportedly killed a civilian in the Nagorno-Karabakh area recaptured in a war last year.
OCTOBER 10, 2021 21:27

An Azeri soldier and police officer talk as they stand guard at the Kalbajar district, Azerbaijan, December 21, 2020

(photo credit: AZIZ KARIMOV/REUTERS)
The de facto Republic of Artsakh and Russian peacekeeping forces reported that an Azerbaijani soldier shot and killed a civilian in the Nagorno-Karabakh region on Saturday.
The police force of the Republic of Artsakh reported on Saturday that Aram Tepnants, a 55-year-old resident of Martakert in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, was shot by a sniper from the Azerbaijan Armed Forces while driving a tractor in an agricultural area.
"On October 9, during agricultural work in the Martakert region, near the line of contact, a civilian from the village of Madagiz was mortally wounded as a result of shelling from the Azerbaijani side," said the Russian Defense Ministry. "The command of the Russian contingent is investigating the incident with the involvement of representatives of both sides."
The Foreign Ministry of the republic strongly condemned the alleged shooting, saying it was aimed at "creating an atmosphere of fear among the peaceful population of the Republic of Artsakh and emigration of Armenians from the country."
Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry denied that the incident had taken place.
The Republic of Artsakh is a de facto republic internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan. Last year, the area in which the republic sits was recaptured by Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh war against Armenia.
The incident comes amid heightened tensions in the region between Iran, A

2021.10.11 國際新聞導讀-亞塞拜然與亞美尼亞伊朗之糾紛、巴基斯坦核彈之父卡迪爾汗昨日85歲死於癌症、伊朗聲稱擁有很多濃縮鈾了、美國國務院發言要求以色列不要繼續單方面興建屯墾區

阿塞拜疆士兵在納戈爾諾 - 卡拉巴赫殺害平民 - 報告
2021 年 10 月 10 日 21:27

阿爾扎赫共和國警察部隊週六報導,納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫地區馬爾塔克特的 55 歲居民 Aram Tepnants 在農業區駕駛拖拉機時被阿塞拜疆武裝部隊的一名狙擊手射殺。
俄羅斯國防部表示:“10 月 9 日,在馬塔克特地區的農業工作期間,靠近接觸線,一名來自馬達吉茲村的平民被阿塞拜疆方面的砲擊致死。” “俄羅斯特遣隊的指揮部正在雙方代表的參與下調查這起事件。”
Azerbaijani soldier kills civilian in Nagorno-Karabakh - report
An Azerbaijani soldier reportedly killed a civilian in the Nagorno-Karabakh area recaptured in a war last year.
OCTOBER 10, 2021 21:27

An Azeri soldier and police officer talk as they stand guard at the Kalbajar district, Azerbaijan, December 21, 2020

(photo credit: AZIZ KARIMOV/REUTERS)
The de facto Republic of Artsakh and Russian peacekeeping forces reported that an Azerbaijani soldier shot and killed a civilian in the Nagorno-Karabakh region on Saturday.
The police force of the Republic of Artsakh reported on Saturday that Aram Tepnants, a 55-year-old resident of Martakert in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, was shot by a sniper from the Azerbaijan Armed Forces while driving a tractor in an agricultural area.
"On October 9, during agricultural work in the Martakert region, near the line of contact, a civilian from the village of Madagiz was mortally wounded as a result of shelling from the Azerbaijani side," said the Russian Defense Ministry. "The command of the Russian contingent is investigating the incident with the involvement of representatives of both sides."
The Foreign Ministry of the republic strongly condemned the alleged shooting, saying it was aimed at "creating an atmosphere of fear among the peaceful population of the Republic of Artsakh and emigration of Armenians from the country."
Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry denied that the incident had taken place.
The Republic of Artsakh is a de facto republic internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan. Last year, the area in which the republic sits was recaptured by Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh war against Armenia.
The incident comes amid heightened tensions in the region between Iran, A

19 min