13 min

Chapter 7 Transportation All Examples 故事湯屋

    • Stories for Kids

2024「戒菸就贏比賽」火熱進行中「尼古清戒菸噴霧」是你的神隊友,陪你一起強大!簡單1噴,立即緩解7大戒斷症狀、提高戒菸成功率尼古清戒菸噴霧,用科學方法戒菸,請諮詢全台各大藥局及戒菸門診查看哪裡買➜ https://fstry.pse.is/5t2fcg尼古清戒菸噴霧 衛部藥輸字第027835號|嘉安家護股份有限公司 臺北市中山區民生東路三段2號10樓|北市衛藥廣字第113040005號|AsiaPac_2024_00111588_000

—— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

Chapter Seven Transportation All Examples.
Unit One Mass Transportation.
We will take a nonstop flight to New York.
I missed the school bus this morning.
Let's take a Greyhound bus there.
I like to sit upstairs on double-decker buses.
My family rented a minibus.
Passengers hold onto the overhead straps.
I gave my bus fare to the bus driver.
We will arrive at the bus terminal soon.
Where is the emergency exit?
Let's take a Greyhound bus from New York to Los Angeles.
OK, are there any double-decker buses available?
There are also luxury expresses.
Great! I'll call the bus depot to ask about the bus fares.
Subways And Trains.
The high-speed rail is quicker than the local train.
A driverless train shuttles between the two airport terminals.
The dining car is at the front of the train.
Our sleeper is in sleeping-car B.
Our train leaves from platform 2.
Faulty boom gates have delayed the train.
The train engineer wears a uniform.
I'll buy a ticket from the conductor.
Ask the station master for a timetable.
Look at the train engineer. His uniform is so sharp.
I thought this was an automated train.
No, that's the monorail.
Oh, OK. I guess a driverless high-speed rail wouldn't be safe.
Water Transportation.
We can take our car on the ferry.
We toured along the river by gondola.
I'd love to vacation on a luxury yacht.
The captain is on the bridge.
This cruise liner has 250 crew members.
Passengers will disembark down the gangway.
I am staying in Cabin 112.
Our ship is docked on pier 2.
This cruise liner is huge.
It sure is. In fact, there are over 250 crew members.
Wow! Where do we disembark?
We will disembark down the gangway.
I like to sit upstairs on double-decker buses.
Our train leaves from platform 2.
The dining car is at the front of the train.
We toured along the river by gondola.
Passengers will disembark down the gangway.
An automated train shuttles between the two airport terminals.
I gave my bus fare to the bus driver.
Let's take a Greyhound bus from New York to Los Angeles.
OK, are there any double-decker buses available?
Absolutely. There are also luxury expresses.
Great! I'll call the bus depot to ask about the bus fares.
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhzoypkf028r01webed85sw7
留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhzoypkf028r01webed85sw7/comments

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2024「戒菸就贏比賽」火熱進行中「尼古清戒菸噴霧」是你的神隊友,陪你一起強大!簡單1噴,立即緩解7大戒斷症狀、提高戒菸成功率尼古清戒菸噴霧,用科學方法戒菸,請諮詢全台各大藥局及戒菸門診查看哪裡買➜ https://fstry.pse.is/5t2fcg尼古清戒菸噴霧 衛部藥輸字第027835號|嘉安家護股份有限公司 臺北市中山區民生東路三段2號10樓|北市衛藥廣字第113040005號|AsiaPac_2024_00111588_000

—— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

Chapter Seven Transportation All Examples.
Unit One Mass Transportation.
We will take a nonstop flight to New York.
I missed the school bus this morning.
Let's take a Greyhound bus there.
I like to sit upstairs on double-decker buses.
My family rented a minibus.
Passengers hold onto the overhead straps.
I gave my bus fare to the bus driver.
We will arrive at the bus terminal soon.
Where is the emergency exit?
Let's take a Greyhound bus from New York to Los Angeles.
OK, are there any double-decker buses available?
There are also luxury expresses.
Great! I'll call the bus depot to ask about the bus fares.
Subways And Trains.
The high-speed rail is quicker than the local train.
A driverless train shuttles between the two airport terminals.
The dining car is at the front of the train.
Our sleeper is in sleeping-car B.
Our train leaves from platform 2.
Faulty boom gates have delayed the train.
The train engineer wears a uniform.
I'll buy a ticket from the conductor.
Ask the station master for a timetable.
Look at the train engineer. His uniform is so sharp.
I thought this was an automated train.
No, that's the monorail.
Oh, OK. I guess a driverless high-speed rail wouldn't be safe.
Water Transportation.
We can take our car on the ferry.
We toured along the river by gondola.
I'd love to vacation on a luxury yacht.
The captain is on the bridge.
This cruise liner has 250 crew members.
Passengers will disembark down the gangway.
I am staying in Cabin 112.
Our ship is docked on pier 2.
This cruise liner is huge.
It sure is. In fact, there are over 250 crew members.
Wow! Where do we disembark?
We will disembark down the gangway.
I like to sit upstairs on double-decker buses.
Our train leaves from platform 2.
The dining car is at the front of the train.
We toured along the river by gondola.
Passengers will disembark down the gangway.
An automated train shuttles between the two airport terminals.
I gave my bus fare to the bus driver.
Let's take a Greyhound bus from New York to Los Angeles.
OK, are there any double-decker buses available?
Absolutely. There are also luxury expresses.
Great! I'll call the bus depot to ask about the bus fares.
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhzoypkf028r01webed85sw7
留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhzoypkf028r01webed85sw7/comments

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13 min