13 min

Chapter 8 On Campus All Examples 故事湯屋

    • Stories for Kids

2024「戒菸就贏比賽」火熱進行中「尼古清戒菸噴霧」是你的神隊友,陪你一起強大!簡單1噴,立即緩解7大戒斷症狀、提高戒菸成功率尼古清戒菸噴霧,用科學方法戒菸,請諮詢全台各大藥局及戒菸門診查看哪裡買➜ https://fstry.pse.is/5t2fcg尼古清戒菸噴霧 衛部藥輸字第027835號|嘉安家護股份有限公司 臺北市中山區民生東路三段2號10樓|北市衛藥廣字第113040005號|AsiaPac_2024_00111588_000

—— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

Chapter Eight On Campus All Examples.
Unit One Registering Courses.
Schools And Degrees.
I'm doing a double major.
What's your major?
I'm working towards an MBA.
I will attend graduate school in the fall.
My kid brother is in junior high school.
I have an MA in history.
She's so proud to have a doctoral degree.
He will graduate from an Ivy League school.
What is your major?
I'm majoring in French and minoring in German.
Sounds interesting. 
I'm working towards a BS.
Will you attend graduate school in the future?
I'm not sure, as that will take hard work and lots of money.
Subjects And Courses.
I quit physics because it was too difficult.
Literature is a required-course for my major.
Danny, my science-geek roommate, majors in chemistry.
I've decided to major in psychology.
What can you do with a philosophy major?
I'm taking a liberal arts program.
How many credits do you need to graduate?
Math 101 is a prerequisite course.
Spanish is one of my elective courses.
How many credits are you taking this semester?
12. I was taking 15, but I dropped a course.
I think 15 credits is a bit heavy.
I decided not to take physics. 
I found it too difficult.
Registration And Class Regulations.
I've decided to drop Math 101.
Is it possible to swap a class?
I need to make an enrolment adjustment.
The course fees are refundable.
You will need approval to add a course.
It's too late to withdraw from a course now.
You can audit the class first.
Be careful to avoid time conflicts.
Can you handle such a heavy course load?
I want to drop a course.
I think it's too late to make enrollment adjustments.
But my course load is too heavy.
Then drop the class you are auditing.
What's your major? 
Business. I'm studying for my MBA.
How many more credits I do you need?
Another 45. The course load is very heavy.
Wow! You must have to attend a lot of lectures.
I have a lot of classes this semester.
Ben is a graduate of an Ivy League school.
What are the prerequisites for this class?
I need to make some adjustments to my schedule. 
Taking 15 credits is quite demanding.
I think it's too late to withdraw from a course.
Really? I thought you could do it at any time.
No, there is a limited time to do that.
Unit Two Campus Life.
Clubs And Activities.
I'm interested in joining a debate team.
The tryouts for the football team are tomorrow.
Did Okay win the speed competition?
Ian was tapped to join the alumni association.
I can't decide which cultural group to join.
Sam's keen on getting involved in student politics.
I meditate in the prayer room every day.
Let's meet in the student café after class.
The film appreciation club regularly screens classic movies.
Have you considered getting involved in student politics?
No, I'll stick to the debate team.
What about you?
When Ewon won the speech competition,
I was tapped to join the alumni association at the Department of Politics. 
However, I didn't accept the offer.
I don't enjoy student activism that much.
Part-Time Jobs And Internships.
I'm hoping to do some voluntary work.
You may find an on-campus job at the career center.
Internships are available at many local businesses.
I found a casual job with a tradesman.
I'll see what's available on the job board.
Please fill out the forms in your hire packet.
Drew works as a tutor on the weekends.

2024「戒菸就贏比賽」火熱進行中「尼古清戒菸噴霧」是你的神隊友,陪你一起強大!簡單1噴,立即緩解7大戒斷症狀、提高戒菸成功率尼古清戒菸噴霧,用科學方法戒菸,請諮詢全台各大藥局及戒菸門診查看哪裡買➜ https://fstry.pse.is/5t2fcg尼古清戒菸噴霧 衛部藥輸字第027835號|嘉安家護股份有限公司 臺北市中山區民生東路三段2號10樓|北市衛藥廣字第113040005號|AsiaPac_2024_00111588_000

—— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

Chapter Eight On Campus All Examples.
Unit One Registering Courses.
Schools And Degrees.
I'm doing a double major.
What's your major?
I'm working towards an MBA.
I will attend graduate school in the fall.
My kid brother is in junior high school.
I have an MA in history.
She's so proud to have a doctoral degree.
He will graduate from an Ivy League school.
What is your major?
I'm majoring in French and minoring in German.
Sounds interesting. 
I'm working towards a BS.
Will you attend graduate school in the future?
I'm not sure, as that will take hard work and lots of money.
Subjects And Courses.
I quit physics because it was too difficult.
Literature is a required-course for my major.
Danny, my science-geek roommate, majors in chemistry.
I've decided to major in psychology.
What can you do with a philosophy major?
I'm taking a liberal arts program.
How many credits do you need to graduate?
Math 101 is a prerequisite course.
Spanish is one of my elective courses.
How many credits are you taking this semester?
12. I was taking 15, but I dropped a course.
I think 15 credits is a bit heavy.
I decided not to take physics. 
I found it too difficult.
Registration And Class Regulations.
I've decided to drop Math 101.
Is it possible to swap a class?
I need to make an enrolment adjustment.
The course fees are refundable.
You will need approval to add a course.
It's too late to withdraw from a course now.
You can audit the class first.
Be careful to avoid time conflicts.
Can you handle such a heavy course load?
I want to drop a course.
I think it's too late to make enrollment adjustments.
But my course load is too heavy.
Then drop the class you are auditing.
What's your major? 
Business. I'm studying for my MBA.
How many more credits I do you need?
Another 45. The course load is very heavy.
Wow! You must have to attend a lot of lectures.
I have a lot of classes this semester.
Ben is a graduate of an Ivy League school.
What are the prerequisites for this class?
I need to make some adjustments to my schedule. 
Taking 15 credits is quite demanding.
I think it's too late to withdraw from a course.
Really? I thought you could do it at any time.
No, there is a limited time to do that.
Unit Two Campus Life.
Clubs And Activities.
I'm interested in joining a debate team.
The tryouts for the football team are tomorrow.
Did Okay win the speed competition?
Ian was tapped to join the alumni association.
I can't decide which cultural group to join.
Sam's keen on getting involved in student politics.
I meditate in the prayer room every day.
Let's meet in the student café after class.
The film appreciation club regularly screens classic movies.
Have you considered getting involved in student politics?
No, I'll stick to the debate team.
What about you?
When Ewon won the speech competition,
I was tapped to join the alumni association at the Department of Politics. 
However, I didn't accept the offer.
I don't enjoy student activism that much.
Part-Time Jobs And Internships.
I'm hoping to do some voluntary work.
You may find an on-campus job at the career center.
Internships are available at many local businesses.
I found a casual job with a tradesman.
I'll see what's available on the job board.
Please fill out the forms in your hire packet.
Drew works as a tutor on the weekends.

13 min