13 min

Chapter 9 In the Workplace All Examples 故事湯屋

    • Stories for Kids

2024「戒菸就贏比賽」火熱進行中「尼古清戒菸噴霧」是你的神隊友,陪你一起強大!簡單1噴,立即緩解7大戒斷症狀、提高戒菸成功率尼古清戒菸噴霧,用科學方法戒菸,請諮詢全台各大藥局及戒菸門診查看哪裡買➜ https://fstry.pse.is/5t2fcg尼古清戒菸噴霧 衛部藥輸字第027835號|嘉安家護股份有限公司 臺北市中山區民生東路三段2號10樓|北市衛藥廣字第113040005號|AsiaPac_2024_00111588_000

—— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

Chapter Nine In the Workplace All Examples
Unit One Job Application.
Include your maiden name on your resume.. 
Should I include my date of birth on the resume?
You need to update your marital status.
What skills are required?
I have experience as a supervisor.
Write your reason for leaving each job.
Please provide your educational background.
You possess excellent qualifications.
I don't believe I'm sufficiently qualified for this position.
Should I include my maiden name on my resume?
Sure, I suppose.
Also, update your marital status from single to married.
Do you think I am qualified for the position?
You have previous experience as a supervisor.
But I don't have all the qualifications.
You will need to include a cover letter.
Submit your resume as soon as possible.
My resume is not up to date.
Do you have a portfolio?
These documents need to be notarized.
Could you write me a letter of recommendation?
Three forms of ID are required.
The application requires a passport photo.
What's your social security number?
I want to apply for this job, but my resume isn't up to date.
I can help you write a cover letter.
Thanks, but it must be handwritten.
Oh, OK. Shall I make copies of your supporting documents?
Thanks! Here are my degrees and references.
Company Information And Job Description.
Is there a vacancy for a part-time position?
We have an equal opportunity employer.
Let's find someone to start as soon as possible.
Shall we recruit an apprentice?
I'm applying for an internship.
I heard that this company is recruiting trainees.
We need you to work on the night shift.
Our company offers flextime.
We really need another part-timer for the night shift.
Well, let's find someone to start ASAP.
How much shall we offer the candidate?
Other part-timers make $20 an hour.
Maybe we should recruit a full-time apprentice.
I have experience as a supervisor.
I'm sorry, you are not suitably qualified for this job.
You missed your maiden name on the resume.
Update your marital status from single to married.
Submit your resume as soon as possible.
These documents need to be notarized.
Three forms of ID are required.
We need another part-time worker for the night shift.
Well, let's find someone to start ASAP.
What salary shall we offer?
The pay should be $20 per hour.
Unit Two Interviews.
Preparation And During the Interview.
Make sure to be on time.
Wear proper attire.
I'd like to confirm our appointment at nine o'clock.
Mind your etiquette when entering the room.
Calm your nerves before answering questions.
Thank the interviewer for the opportunity.
What salary are you expecting?
I have a question about the job description.
Is there a probation period and on-the-job training?
I've got a big job interview tomorrow.
Make sure to be punctual to the interview.
That's good advice.
Any other tips?
Calm your nerves before answering questions.
I will, thanks.
Experience And Abilities.
I have a good track record as a student.
I have an emphasis on literature.
The course equipped me with communication skills.
I have the know-how.
I specialize in analyzing the markets.
Software design is my area of expertise.
I can deal with pressure well.
I was responsible for customer service.
I'm good at handling complaints.
Why do you think you're competent for this job?
I w

2024「戒菸就贏比賽」火熱進行中「尼古清戒菸噴霧」是你的神隊友,陪你一起強大!簡單1噴,立即緩解7大戒斷症狀、提高戒菸成功率尼古清戒菸噴霧,用科學方法戒菸,請諮詢全台各大藥局及戒菸門診查看哪裡買➜ https://fstry.pse.is/5t2fcg尼古清戒菸噴霧 衛部藥輸字第027835號|嘉安家護股份有限公司 臺北市中山區民生東路三段2號10樓|北市衛藥廣字第113040005號|AsiaPac_2024_00111588_000

—— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

Chapter Nine In the Workplace All Examples
Unit One Job Application.
Include your maiden name on your resume.. 
Should I include my date of birth on the resume?
You need to update your marital status.
What skills are required?
I have experience as a supervisor.
Write your reason for leaving each job.
Please provide your educational background.
You possess excellent qualifications.
I don't believe I'm sufficiently qualified for this position.
Should I include my maiden name on my resume?
Sure, I suppose.
Also, update your marital status from single to married.
Do you think I am qualified for the position?
You have previous experience as a supervisor.
But I don't have all the qualifications.
You will need to include a cover letter.
Submit your resume as soon as possible.
My resume is not up to date.
Do you have a portfolio?
These documents need to be notarized.
Could you write me a letter of recommendation?
Three forms of ID are required.
The application requires a passport photo.
What's your social security number?
I want to apply for this job, but my resume isn't up to date.
I can help you write a cover letter.
Thanks, but it must be handwritten.
Oh, OK. Shall I make copies of your supporting documents?
Thanks! Here are my degrees and references.
Company Information And Job Description.
Is there a vacancy for a part-time position?
We have an equal opportunity employer.
Let's find someone to start as soon as possible.
Shall we recruit an apprentice?
I'm applying for an internship.
I heard that this company is recruiting trainees.
We need you to work on the night shift.
Our company offers flextime.
We really need another part-timer for the night shift.
Well, let's find someone to start ASAP.
How much shall we offer the candidate?
Other part-timers make $20 an hour.
Maybe we should recruit a full-time apprentice.
I have experience as a supervisor.
I'm sorry, you are not suitably qualified for this job.
You missed your maiden name on the resume.
Update your marital status from single to married.
Submit your resume as soon as possible.
These documents need to be notarized.
Three forms of ID are required.
We need another part-time worker for the night shift.
Well, let's find someone to start ASAP.
What salary shall we offer?
The pay should be $20 per hour.
Unit Two Interviews.
Preparation And During the Interview.
Make sure to be on time.
Wear proper attire.
I'd like to confirm our appointment at nine o'clock.
Mind your etiquette when entering the room.
Calm your nerves before answering questions.
Thank the interviewer for the opportunity.
What salary are you expecting?
I have a question about the job description.
Is there a probation period and on-the-job training?
I've got a big job interview tomorrow.
Make sure to be punctual to the interview.
That's good advice.
Any other tips?
Calm your nerves before answering questions.
I will, thanks.
Experience And Abilities.
I have a good track record as a student.
I have an emphasis on literature.
The course equipped me with communication skills.
I have the know-how.
I specialize in analyzing the markets.
Software design is my area of expertise.
I can deal with pressure well.
I was responsible for customer service.
I'm good at handling complaints.
Why do you think you're competent for this job?
I w

13 min