9 min

Faithful John 故事湯屋

    • Stories for Kids

2024「戒菸就贏比賽」火熱進行中「尼古清戒菸噴霧」是你的神隊友,陪你一起強大!簡單1噴,立即緩解7大戒斷症狀、提高戒菸成功率尼古清戒菸噴霧,用科學方法戒菸,請諮詢全台各大藥局及戒菸門診查看哪裡買➜ https://fstry.pse.is/5t2fcg尼古清戒菸噴霧 衛部藥輸字第027835號|嘉安家護股份有限公司 臺北市中山區民生東路三段2號10樓|北市衛藥廣字第113040005號|AsiaPac_2024_00111588_000

—— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

Faithful John.

Once upon a time,
there was an old king who lay on his deathbed,
feeling that his end was near.
He called for his favorite servant,
Faithful John,
and expressed his concern about his young son's future.
The king entrusted Faithful John with the task of guiding and protecting his son,
making him promise to teach the boy everything he needed to know.
Faithful John vowed to fulfill this duty faithfully,
even at the cost of his own life,
bringing comfort to the old king in his final moments.

After the king's passing,
Faithful John fulfilled his promise by informing the young king of his father's wishes.
He assured the young king that he would remain faithful and protect him,
just as he had done for his father.
Once the mourning period was over,
Faithful John took the young king on a tour of his inheritance,
showing him the magnificent palace and all its treasures.
there was one room that Faithful John avoided opening—the chamber containing the dangerous picture.

Although the young king noticed Faithful John's reluctance to open the door,
he insisted on seeing every part of the palace,
including the mysterious room.
Despite Faithful John's warnings,
the young king became determined to enter the chamber,
believing that avoiding it would only lead to his destruction.
He refused to leave until Faithful John unlocked the door,
insisting that he must see what lay within with his own eyes.

Faithful John realized there was no avoiding it.
With a heavy heart and many sighs,
he searched for the key among the large bunch.
Opening the door,
he went in first,
hoping to shield the portrait from the king's view.
But his efforts were futile.
The king stood on tiptoe and caught sight of the portrait over his shoulder.
Upon seeing the magnificent maiden depicted,
adorned with gold and precious stones,
the king fainted.
Faithful John gently lifted him,
carried him to his bed,
and mournfully pondered the unfortunate turn of events.
After reviving him with wine,
the king expressed his deep affection for the princess and his determination to win her hand.
He implored Faithful John to assist him.

The loyal servant deliberated for some time on how to proceed,
knowing that gaining access to the king's daughter would be challenging.
he devised a plan and proposed it to the king.
He suggested crafting various golden items from the kingdom's vast treasures and presenting them to the princess,
accompanied by a visit from the king in disguise.

Following Faithful John's plan,
the king ordered the goldsmiths to fashion exquisite treasures day and night until the most splendid items were ready.
Once everything was prepared and loaded onto a ship,
Faithful John disguised himself as a merchant,
and the king followed suit to avoid detection.
They sailed across the sea until they reached the town where the princess resided.

Faithful John instructed the king to remain on the ship while he ventured ashore.
He approached the royal palace,
where he encountered a beautiful maiden drawing water from a well.
Introducing himself as a merchant,
he displayed the golden items to her delight.
The maiden,
who was the princess's maid,
eagerly led him to the palace,
where the king's daughter admired the treasures and expressed her desire to purchase them all.


2024「戒菸就贏比賽」火熱進行中「尼古清戒菸噴霧」是你的神隊友,陪你一起強大!簡單1噴,立即緩解7大戒斷症狀、提高戒菸成功率尼古清戒菸噴霧,用科學方法戒菸,請諮詢全台各大藥局及戒菸門診查看哪裡買➜ https://fstry.pse.is/5t2fcg尼古清戒菸噴霧 衛部藥輸字第027835號|嘉安家護股份有限公司 臺北市中山區民生東路三段2號10樓|北市衛藥廣字第113040005號|AsiaPac_2024_00111588_000

—— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

Faithful John.

Once upon a time,
there was an old king who lay on his deathbed,
feeling that his end was near.
He called for his favorite servant,
Faithful John,
and expressed his concern about his young son's future.
The king entrusted Faithful John with the task of guiding and protecting his son,
making him promise to teach the boy everything he needed to know.
Faithful John vowed to fulfill this duty faithfully,
even at the cost of his own life,
bringing comfort to the old king in his final moments.

After the king's passing,
Faithful John fulfilled his promise by informing the young king of his father's wishes.
He assured the young king that he would remain faithful and protect him,
just as he had done for his father.
Once the mourning period was over,
Faithful John took the young king on a tour of his inheritance,
showing him the magnificent palace and all its treasures.
there was one room that Faithful John avoided opening—the chamber containing the dangerous picture.

Although the young king noticed Faithful John's reluctance to open the door,
he insisted on seeing every part of the palace,
including the mysterious room.
Despite Faithful John's warnings,
the young king became determined to enter the chamber,
believing that avoiding it would only lead to his destruction.
He refused to leave until Faithful John unlocked the door,
insisting that he must see what lay within with his own eyes.

Faithful John realized there was no avoiding it.
With a heavy heart and many sighs,
he searched for the key among the large bunch.
Opening the door,
he went in first,
hoping to shield the portrait from the king's view.
But his efforts were futile.
The king stood on tiptoe and caught sight of the portrait over his shoulder.
Upon seeing the magnificent maiden depicted,
adorned with gold and precious stones,
the king fainted.
Faithful John gently lifted him,
carried him to his bed,
and mournfully pondered the unfortunate turn of events.
After reviving him with wine,
the king expressed his deep affection for the princess and his determination to win her hand.
He implored Faithful John to assist him.

The loyal servant deliberated for some time on how to proceed,
knowing that gaining access to the king's daughter would be challenging.
he devised a plan and proposed it to the king.
He suggested crafting various golden items from the kingdom's vast treasures and presenting them to the princess,
accompanied by a visit from the king in disguise.

Following Faithful John's plan,
the king ordered the goldsmiths to fashion exquisite treasures day and night until the most splendid items were ready.
Once everything was prepared and loaded onto a ship,
Faithful John disguised himself as a merchant,
and the king followed suit to avoid detection.
They sailed across the sea until they reached the town where the princess resided.

Faithful John instructed the king to remain on the ship while he ventured ashore.
He approached the royal palace,
where he encountered a beautiful maiden drawing water from a well.
Introducing himself as a merchant,
he displayed the golden items to her delight.
The maiden,
who was the princess's maid,
eagerly led him to the palace,
where the king's daughter admired the treasures and expressed her desire to purchase them all.


9 min