1h 5 min

17. The "Maze" to Marriage (Pt 1) with Camilo Buchanan Naked + Unashamed

    • Cristianismo

HAPPY MONDAY! On today's episode - we're back with the Maze to Marriage series with a new couple! This is always one of my favorite series that I get to do because there's SO much to learn from the stories and experiences of others.

Marriage - the thing society tells us to aspire to and the thing that is a lot more complicated than the world likes to tell us. Marriage is something that has been portrayed as a destination. To the outsider, life is a maze, and in your singleness, you're navigating the confusing path we call life. At the end of the path is your person and then you get married and you've exited the "maze" to marriage!

That isn't the slightest bit true.

In reality, marriage exposes your singleness and in this episode, we sit with Camilo Buchanan as he shares his story of what his singleness looked like, how singleness affected his love life, as well as how when God has his hand something, it can be fully redeemed and made new and whole. In this funny and impactful episode, we'll learn more about Camilo, his journey and redeemed relationship with his now wife Emily, and how God has moved in every step.

Stick around for next week's episode where I sit with Camilo's wife, Emily!

To keep up with all things Cam, his travels, speaking, and more, follow him @iamkingcam!

HAPPY MONDAY! On today's episode - we're back with the Maze to Marriage series with a new couple! This is always one of my favorite series that I get to do because there's SO much to learn from the stories and experiences of others.

Marriage - the thing society tells us to aspire to and the thing that is a lot more complicated than the world likes to tell us. Marriage is something that has been portrayed as a destination. To the outsider, life is a maze, and in your singleness, you're navigating the confusing path we call life. At the end of the path is your person and then you get married and you've exited the "maze" to marriage!

That isn't the slightest bit true.

In reality, marriage exposes your singleness and in this episode, we sit with Camilo Buchanan as he shares his story of what his singleness looked like, how singleness affected his love life, as well as how when God has his hand something, it can be fully redeemed and made new and whole. In this funny and impactful episode, we'll learn more about Camilo, his journey and redeemed relationship with his now wife Emily, and how God has moved in every step.

Stick around for next week's episode where I sit with Camilo's wife, Emily!

To keep up with all things Cam, his travels, speaking, and more, follow him @iamkingcam!

1h 5 min