23 min

AKSHAYA TRITYA - the best day of the year, when you can change your life and achieve your goals SHINE FROM WITHIN

    • Enriquecimento individual

Akshaya Tritya is a very auspicious day, happens only once a year, when both Royal planets - the Sun and the Moon are in exaltation, means at their strongest positions.

What is recommended to do during this day and how to invite more abundance into your life:
1. Start a new beginning
2. Have a wedding
3. Conceive a child
4. Plan your future
5. Do charity
6. Do gratitude practice
7. Worship the Goddess Lakshmi by reciting mantra for 108 times:


Translation: Om, I bow to the divine energy of Goddess Lakshmi

8. Take tapas (austerity)
9. Do fasting
10. Avoid bad deeds

Don't miss this wonderful opportunity!
Happy celebration of Akshaya Tritya!

Akshaya Tritya is a very auspicious day, happens only once a year, when both Royal planets - the Sun and the Moon are in exaltation, means at their strongest positions.

What is recommended to do during this day and how to invite more abundance into your life:
1. Start a new beginning
2. Have a wedding
3. Conceive a child
4. Plan your future
5. Do charity
6. Do gratitude practice
7. Worship the Goddess Lakshmi by reciting mantra for 108 times:


Translation: Om, I bow to the divine energy of Goddess Lakshmi

8. Take tapas (austerity)
9. Do fasting
10. Avoid bad deeds

Don't miss this wonderful opportunity!
Happy celebration of Akshaya Tritya!

23 min