67 episódios

Our night dreams can seem non-sensical, bizarre and even flat out disturbing. But if we can push past our human judgments in pursuit of deeper understanding, we WILL find God, every time.

My name is Margaux, I'm the host of Breathing Underwater : A Dream Interpretation Podcast where together we will take the deep dive into this magnificent and mysterious language of God in our night dreams.

Through teaching and live interpretation demos you can expect to unlock metaphorical language, learn common dream symbols and get inspired to interpret your dreams and the dreams of those around you. We will also engage in real conversations around our faith histories and journeys (or lack there of) and lean into the character of God to better know Him and better know ourselves.

Whether you are a prolific dreamer or rarely have dreams that you remember, this is the place for you. If you’re still deciding what you think about God or the things of the Spirit this is a safe place, rich in revelation and curiosity.

It’s time to throw off fear. It’s time to throw off religion. Its time know ourselves as sons and daughters- designed live in the deep, designed to breathe underwater.

Breathing Underwater: A Dream Interpretation Podcast Margaux Nelson

    • Religião e espiritualidades

Our night dreams can seem non-sensical, bizarre and even flat out disturbing. But if we can push past our human judgments in pursuit of deeper understanding, we WILL find God, every time.

My name is Margaux, I'm the host of Breathing Underwater : A Dream Interpretation Podcast where together we will take the deep dive into this magnificent and mysterious language of God in our night dreams.

Through teaching and live interpretation demos you can expect to unlock metaphorical language, learn common dream symbols and get inspired to interpret your dreams and the dreams of those around you. We will also engage in real conversations around our faith histories and journeys (or lack there of) and lean into the character of God to better know Him and better know ourselves.

Whether you are a prolific dreamer or rarely have dreams that you remember, this is the place for you. If you’re still deciding what you think about God or the things of the Spirit this is a safe place, rich in revelation and curiosity.

It’s time to throw off fear. It’s time to throw off religion. Its time know ourselves as sons and daughters- designed live in the deep, designed to breathe underwater.

    Summer Refresh: 4 Questions to Start Interpreting Dreams

    Summer Refresh: 4 Questions to Start Interpreting Dreams

    In the second part of our Summer Refresh series, we revisit some essentials originally aired in Episode 4 that will help set you up for success when identifying the sources of dreams and knowing where to start when interpreting. Grab a pen and paper because this is chock-full of dream interpretation GOLD! Taking her own advice, Margaux also goes through two examples of dreams from her life to model interpretation for us.

    4 sources of our dreams: Body, Soul, Demonic realm, God

    Before interpreting dreams:

    1. Write the date! If you happened to be somewhere that's not your norm, this could add to interpretation.
    2. Write a title for your dream. For example, if it were a film, what would you title it so you could easily pick it out from a pile?
    3. Write down your emotions. Were they primarily positive or negative? This is an indicator of the source and can help with interpreting symbols within the context and with the witness of Holy Spirit.

    Then, invite Holy Spirit to come be with you and to help interpret the dream.

    4 Questions to ask when interpreting dreams:

    1. Who or what is this dream about?
    2. What area of your life does this pertain to?
    3. Are there any recurring themes in the dream?
    4. What are the main focuses of the dream?

    *Scripture References: John 6:53-69; 1 Corinthians 1:27; Mark 4:21-25; Proverbs 25:2; 1 Corinthians 2:10

    "God is not the author or source of all dreams, but this is secondary in importance to His sovereignty and relational pursuit of us through them."

    "The spirit realm operates on attention. If we're going to talk about the currency of the Kingdom, we're going to talk about faith. We have all as humans been endowed with this gift of faith, and we get to choose where we deposit this currency."

    More on Breathing Underwater Membership HERE [https://www.permissiontoreign.com/memberships]

    Interested in 1:1 coaching with Margaux:  Free Consultation HERE [https://permissiontoreign.as.me/?appointmentType=39971876]

    Join the Community and Newsletter HERE  [https://www.permissiontoreign.com/podcast-page]

    Email: margaux@permissiontoreign.com

    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media [https://pixabay.com/users/coma-media-24399569/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=12219] from Pixabay [https://pixabay.com//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=12219]

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

    • 46 min
    Summer Refresh: All About Symbolism

    Summer Refresh: All About Symbolism

    Remember when you dreamt you were naked, your teeth were falling out, or you were pregnant? You are not alone! These are among the most common dreams. Originally aired as Episode 3, this episode kicks off our Summer Refresh series. Last week, Margaux shared a prophetic word about experiencing refreshing this summer as we step into a new season (literally and spiritually).

    We'll revisit key basics of dream interpretation from previous episodes to stay sharp. As the title suggests, we'll discuss the importance and power of symbolism in dreams. How do you know if your dream is literal or symbolic? The vast majority of the time, dreams are SYMBOLIC - just as God often used symbolism in the Bible to communicate, He still uses that same language to speak in your dreams.

    When deciphering dream symbols, here are some helpful guidelines:

    1) Rely on Holy Spirit for interpretation!

    2) Consider what the symbols mean to you personally and their biblical context.

    3) Google the prophetic meaning of the symbol - no shame in the Google game! Ask Holy Spirit to highlight anything He wants to speak through your search.

    This episode offers key practical tips for interpreting dreams with Holy Spirit's guidance, and of course, we reveal interpretation for the three common dreams mentioned above!

    *Scripture References: Mark 4:1-2; 1 Corinthians 2:9-14

    "What do I mean when I say that dreams are symbolic? I mean that often times you will have a dream where the things or the people in your dreams actually represent something else."

    "We are receiving information in parables and the invitation here is to get into the quiet place, sit with God, listen to your heart, and He's going to describe and tell you what He was talking about in those dreams."

    More on Breathing Underwater Membership HERE [https://www.permissiontoreign.com/memberships]

    Interested in 1:1 coaching with Margaux:  Free Consultation HERE [https://permissiontoreign.as.me/?appointmentType=39971876]

    Join the Community and Newsletter: HERE  [https://www.permissiontoreign.com/podcast-page]

    Email: margaux@permissiontoreign.com

    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media [https://pixabay.com/users/coma-media-24399569/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=12219] from Pixabay [https://pixabay.com//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=12219]

    • 30 min
    Summer Refresh: 3 Ways To Recommit + Refresh Your Dream Life

    Summer Refresh: 3 Ways To Recommit + Refresh Your Dream Life

    Episode 65 Summer Refresh

    As we enter into as CRAZT HOT WEEK in Northern California ( think triple digits )- Summer has arrived. This episode is the first in the Summer series of Breathing Underwater called "The Summer Refresh". In this episode Margaux shares 3 reasons for the title Summer Refresh as well as 3 practical ways to intentionally engage with the new physical and spiritual season of summer with a return to simplicity and refreshment in the truth of the Gospel, as God as our first lover and to the foundations of biblical, spirit lead dream interpretation. Here are the practical ways to engage with the reset:

    1. Get a dream journal or a new dream journal. Or create a new folder on your phone.
    2. Set some time apart to go back through the last quarter of your dreams and reflect. Are there any patterns you see in your dream content? Are there any dreams that have been fulfilled? Make a new folder or tag them so they go into a new mental category.
    3. Look at your summer and ask Holy Spirit to help you find a REALISTIC rhythm of time to spend with your dreams. Time to seek out God: "For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened". Matthew 7:8 Take an honest assessment of your days and set goals that are realistic and life-giving.

    Summer brings something different for all of us. For some it's a winding down, others it's a ramping up and many have lives that stay the same. But let's acknowledge the change in season and respond to the newness of it but taking a pause to re-align, re-set and intentionally seek God for His voice in our lives.

    More on Breathing Underwater Memberships HERE [https://www.permissiontoreign.com/memberships]

    Need Help with dreams or discerning God's Voice? Free Consultation HERE [https://permissiontoreign.as.me/?appointmentType=39971876] 

    Join the Community and Newsletter: HERE  [https://www.permissiontoreign.com/podcast-page]

    Email: margaux@permissiontoreign.com

    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media [https://pixabay.com/users/coma-media-24399569/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=12219] from Pixabay [https://pixabay.com//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=12219]

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

    • 15 min
    Kids and Dreams: Navigating Nightmares and Spiritual Activity

    Kids and Dreams: Navigating Nightmares and Spiritual Activity

    The third in the series on Kids and Dreams, we. Hear from Mila, 7 and her dream called Snake Bites- and from Jackson , 4 on field trips with Jesus and defeating Goliath. Margaux also teaches on how to talk to your kids about their nightmares, about seeing things in their bedrooms, and how to find Jesus and His angels in the midst of it. Dreaming for children can be a sign that their spiritual senses are coming alive and we as parents are wise to make space to hear what they say and to validate their experiences. As we give language to their spiritual experiences we give them keys to trust themselves we set them up for a lifetime of connection to God's voice. Dreams have the potential to be a rich source of intimacy and connection with God that will only strengthen their relationship as they grow. In this episode you will learn questions to ask, and potential language to use to teach your kiddos about what they are seeing and sensing.

    More on Breathing Underwater Memberships HERE [https://www.permissiontoreign.com/memberships]

    Need Help with dreams or discerning God's Voice?: Free Consultation HERE [https://permissiontoreign.as.me/?appointmentType=39971876] 

    Join the Community and Newsletter: HERE  [https://mailchi.mp/d60eea59396a/breathing-underwater]

    Email: margaux@permissiontoreign.com

    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media [https://pixabay.com/users/coma-media-24399569/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=12219] from Pixabay [https://pixabay.com//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=12219]

    Image by Claire Fischer from Unsplash

    • 29 min
    Kids and Dreams: How To Help Them Find God's Voice

    Kids and Dreams: How To Help Them Find God's Voice

    In Part 2 of the Kids and Dreams series, we continue discussing the importance of engaging with children when it comes to their dream lives and cover practical ways how we can do so. In this episode, we hear more from our sweet friend James (whose dream we heard a teaser clip of last week) and from another friend, Sawyer.

    As parents and adults, we can teach children to recognize when and how God is speaking through their dreams by asking the following questions:

    1. What would you title this dream?

    -Titling the dream allows them to think about the content of the dream and find language for what the overall meaning might be.

    2. What were the emotions felt in the dream? What did it feel like? (Positive, negative)

    -Talking through the emotions felt in the dream creates a space for them to process and release what was being brought up or revealed in the dream.

    3. What do you think this dream means?

    -Children are quick to grasp the meaning of their dreams. Even if they don't remember everything, they remember what they need to know. Growing the muscle of remembering dreams helps further establish the value for and culture of dreams (last episode) and helps them learn to recognize how God may be speaking to them.

    4. Do you think God is speaking? Where is God in this dream?

    -Asking this question teaches children to connect to the character of God through their dream life and discover where He was in the dream. Don't worry about getting the full interpretation - the important this is for them to just get talking!

    *Scripture References: Acts 2:17; Isaiah 61; Hebrews 13:5 & Deuteronomy 31:6-8; Acts 17:28; Psalm 139: 7-12

    "Our children are hearing from God. Regardless of their age, the Spirit is speaking to them."

    "The most important thing we're doing is allowing the dreams to be a bridge to connect us to them so that the conversation is open, so we're connected to what's going on with them, to give them a place to talk about what they're feeling…[It's] also to make space to talk to them about God's character and to start to connect THEM to the voice of God as well, whether through their dreams or dialoguing about their dreams."

    More on Breathing Underwater Membership HERE [https://www.permissiontoreign.com/memberships]

    Interested in 1:1 coaching with Margaux :  Free Consultation HERE [https://permissiontoreign.as.me/?appointmentType=39971876] 

    Join the Community and Newsletter: HERE  [https://mailchi.mp/d60eea59396a/breathing-underwater]

    Email: margaux@permissiontoreign.com

    Instagram: @permission_to_reign

    Intro Music by Coma-Media [https://pixabay.com/users/coma-media-24399569/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=12219] from Pixabay [https://pixabay.com//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=music&utm_content=12219]

    • 19 min
    Kids and Dreams: Creating a Dream Culture at Home

    Kids and Dreams: Creating a Dream Culture at Home

    Episode 62

    Kids and Dreams; Creating a dream culture at home

    This is the first of three in the series on Kids and Dreams. Parents are always asking Margaux how to speak to there kids about their dreams, how do they teach them to know God's message in dreams, what do they do about nightmares? In this series we will address these questions and more! As parents it is up to us to create the culture we'd like to see in our homes and families.Creating a safe space to talk about and connect over the dreams of our children is an amazing way to build a bridge of connection as well as teach our children about spiritual wisdom. In today's show Margaux lays the foundation for the next three episodes by explaining:

    1. What does it mean to create a dream culture at home?

    2. Why should we create a dream culture at home?

    3. HOW to create a dream culture at home.

    If you are a parent or know someone who is, you won't want to miss this practical, encouraging and thought provoking episode.

    • 15 min

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