39 episódios

Five-minute bites of background about the Court and Constitution — provides unbiased information and context for fully understanding the Supreme Court and ongoing disputes related to democracy and constitutional law.

Learn to appreciate the complexity of constitutional questions, and make more informed decisions as voters and active citizens.

Constitutional Context is written and voiced by Professor Glenn C. Smith, a constitutional-law teacher and scholar at California Western School of Law, a visiting professor of political science at UCSD, the principal author of Constitutional Law for Dummies (Wiley 2012), and an instructor at the Osher Institute at SDSU.

Constitutional Context Osher Institute at SDSU

    • Ciência política

Five-minute bites of background about the Court and Constitution — provides unbiased information and context for fully understanding the Supreme Court and ongoing disputes related to democracy and constitutional law.

Learn to appreciate the complexity of constitutional questions, and make more informed decisions as voters and active citizens.

Constitutional Context is written and voiced by Professor Glenn C. Smith, a constitutional-law teacher and scholar at California Western School of Law, a visiting professor of political science at UCSD, the principal author of Constitutional Law for Dummies (Wiley 2012), and an instructor at the Osher Institute at SDSU.

    Episode 39 – Turnabout = Fair Play?

    Episode 39 – Turnabout = Fair Play?

    A recent podcast (entitled “Libel to Stay”) explained why Free-Speech doctrines prevented Donald Trump from suing journalist Bob Woodward (or any other serious critic) for defamation.  So, on the flip side, one of this month’s podcasts addresses how the First Amendment recently saved the President as a defendant in a defamation suit brought by Stephanie […]

    • 5 min
    Episode 38 – Time, Place & Manner

    Episode 38 – Time, Place & Manner

    The National Park Service recently proposed to significantly limit the scope of demonstrations in front of the White House or on the National Mall, the nearby 1000-plus acre swath of green space, memorials, and other historic installations. The proposals were closely scrutinized (and criticized at length) during a round of public comment closing on October […]

    • 5 min
    Episode 37 – The Constitution, Incorporated

    Episode 37 – The Constitution, Incorporated

    One very intriguing case on the Supreme Court’s 2018-2019 docket is unlikely to make big headlines or be featured on the Sunday news shows.  In fact, it’s likely you’ll only hear about it from this podcast! Timbs v. Indiana illustrates a phenomenon that even lawyers can forget: that the Constitution’s first 10 amendments (commonly known […]

    • 5 min
    Episode 36 – Libel to Stay

    Episode 36 – Libel to Stay

    I get the ideas for the subjects of these podcasts from a variety of sources.  Some podcasts are suggested by decisions made, or soon to be made, by the Supreme Court or lower courts.  Others bounce off of controversies about legislative or other policy-changing proposals.  Occasionally, a public statement by an official – or a […]

    • 5 min
    Episode 35 – On Justice Appointments, A Largely Silent Constitution

    Episode 35 – On Justice Appointments, A Largely Silent Constitution

    Events surrounding the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court illustrates how, on matters of Supreme Court nomination and confirmation, the U.S. Constitution is largely missing in action. To begin with, the Framers provided no minimal qualifications for who could serve as a Justice. As school kids learn, […]

    • 5 min
    Episode 34 – A Tough Roe? Pt. 2

    Episode 34 – A Tough Roe? Pt. 2

    So…having set the stage in Part One for the potential reversal of Roe v. Wade in the 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision, here’s the skinny on how Roe narrowly escaped: Justice Sandra O’Connor defied expectations by joining two other presumably anti-Roe justices to form a trio affirming its “central rule” that a pregnant woman […]

    • 5 min

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