50 min

From Kindergarten Classroom to Clutter-Free: The Power of Play with Elizabeth Manley Wannabe Clutter Free | Declutter, Organize, Calm the Chaos

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Discover how play shapes child development in our podcast, where we explore balancing fun and organizing toys to minimize clutter. Learn about the benefits of play for skills growth, the downsides of too much screen time, and effective strategies for creating a learning-friendly environment at home. We also discuss tips for playful learning, the benefits of minimalism, decluttering strategies, and the principles of intentional parenting. Tune in to transform your approach and enhance your child's potential.
Resources Mentioned (some may be affiliate links - thanks for supporting the show at no extra cost to you):

Get the FREE Joyful Mama, Joyful Kiddos Bundle (with my Toy Clutter Rescue Guide Included!)

Check out my favorite tools & resources

Podcast Feed for Supporters

Connect with Elizabeth Manly



Follow Deanna Yates, the host of Wannabe Clutter Free on:





Join the Wannabe Minimalist Community on Facebook

Key Takeaways:

The Power of Play: Discover how essential play is to a child's development, and how reducing toy clutter can significantly enhance their growth and creativity.

Screen Time Concerns: Learn about the negative effects of excessive screen time on children, such as weakened fine motor skills and diminished focus, and hear expert screen time management strategies.

Engaging Children in Developmental Play: Get practical tips for engaging children in play that promotes development using minimal toys, focusing on outdoor activities and creative play with simple items like sticks.

Minimizing Toys: Understand the benefits of keeping toys to a minimum to enhance a child's focus and creativity, with suggestions for implementing a minimalist approach to your child’s play environment.

Promoting Imaginative Play: Gain insights on fostering more engaged and imaginative play, which can help counteract the drawbacks of digital distractions.

Episode Highlights:

00:00 Welcome to Wannabe Clutter Free: Episode 201 Overview

00:38 Supporting the Show: How You Can Help

02:20 Meet Elizabeth Manley: The Importance of Play

03:25 The Critical Role of Play in Development

10:14 Screen Time and Its Impact on Kids

13:54 Managing Screen Time: Family Strategies

20:49 Encouraging Play Over Screen Time

24:00 The Journey to Change and the Power of Persistence

24:32 Decoding the Toy Dilemma: How Much is Too Much?

24:43 The Magic of Minimal Toys and Outdoor Play

26:34 Embracing Play and Imagination Over Material Abundance

30:45 The Educational Value of Play and Preparing for Kindergarten

38:35 The Joyful Mama, Joyful Kiddos Bundle: A Treasure Trove for Parents

42:02 Reflections on Clutter-Free Living and Family Time

45:47 Closing Thoughts and Invitations for Engagement

Music: Fresh Lift by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com
Subscribe & Review
Are you subscribed to the Wannabe Clutter Free podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those.
And if you enjoyed today’s episode, it would make my day if you left me a rating and review. You can leave a review on Apple Podcasts, a comment on Spotify Podcasts or Goodpods, or connect on guest video interviews on YouTube. Your review helps other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to read. Let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
We’d love to hear how you’re applying the strategies discussed in this episode. Share your stories and tips with us on social media or via email. Don’t forget to subscribe for more insightful episodes designed to make your busy life a bit easier.
Thank you for joining us, and remember, it’s about progress, not perfection. Here’s to a more organized a

Discover how play shapes child development in our podcast, where we explore balancing fun and organizing toys to minimize clutter. Learn about the benefits of play for skills growth, the downsides of too much screen time, and effective strategies for creating a learning-friendly environment at home. We also discuss tips for playful learning, the benefits of minimalism, decluttering strategies, and the principles of intentional parenting. Tune in to transform your approach and enhance your child's potential.
Resources Mentioned (some may be affiliate links - thanks for supporting the show at no extra cost to you):

Get the FREE Joyful Mama, Joyful Kiddos Bundle (with my Toy Clutter Rescue Guide Included!)

Check out my favorite tools & resources

Podcast Feed for Supporters

Connect with Elizabeth Manly



Follow Deanna Yates, the host of Wannabe Clutter Free on:





Join the Wannabe Minimalist Community on Facebook

Key Takeaways:

The Power of Play: Discover how essential play is to a child's development, and how reducing toy clutter can significantly enhance their growth and creativity.

Screen Time Concerns: Learn about the negative effects of excessive screen time on children, such as weakened fine motor skills and diminished focus, and hear expert screen time management strategies.

Engaging Children in Developmental Play: Get practical tips for engaging children in play that promotes development using minimal toys, focusing on outdoor activities and creative play with simple items like sticks.

Minimizing Toys: Understand the benefits of keeping toys to a minimum to enhance a child's focus and creativity, with suggestions for implementing a minimalist approach to your child’s play environment.

Promoting Imaginative Play: Gain insights on fostering more engaged and imaginative play, which can help counteract the drawbacks of digital distractions.

Episode Highlights:

00:00 Welcome to Wannabe Clutter Free: Episode 201 Overview

00:38 Supporting the Show: How You Can Help

02:20 Meet Elizabeth Manley: The Importance of Play

03:25 The Critical Role of Play in Development

10:14 Screen Time and Its Impact on Kids

13:54 Managing Screen Time: Family Strategies

20:49 Encouraging Play Over Screen Time

24:00 The Journey to Change and the Power of Persistence

24:32 Decoding the Toy Dilemma: How Much is Too Much?

24:43 The Magic of Minimal Toys and Outdoor Play

26:34 Embracing Play and Imagination Over Material Abundance

30:45 The Educational Value of Play and Preparing for Kindergarten

38:35 The Joyful Mama, Joyful Kiddos Bundle: A Treasure Trove for Parents

42:02 Reflections on Clutter-Free Living and Family Time

45:47 Closing Thoughts and Invitations for Engagement

Music: Fresh Lift by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com
Subscribe & Review
Are you subscribed to the Wannabe Clutter Free podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those.
And if you enjoyed today’s episode, it would make my day if you left me a rating and review. You can leave a review on Apple Podcasts, a comment on Spotify Podcasts or Goodpods, or connect on guest video interviews on YouTube. Your review helps other people find my podcast and they’re also fun for me to read. Let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!
We’d love to hear how you’re applying the strategies discussed in this episode. Share your stories and tips with us on social media or via email. Don’t forget to subscribe for more insightful episodes designed to make your busy life a bit easier.
Thank you for joining us, and remember, it’s about progress, not perfection. Here’s to a more organized a

50 min