97 episódios

The IT Experts Podcast with Ian Luckett, is designed to help ambitious IT/MSP business owners build a profitable tech business.

In this show you will learn the complete tried and tested strategies that are working today as Ian helps techie business owners in the IT / MSP community on a daily basis.

The content of this Podcast is a blend of expert advice and Interviews with some of the most successful people in the industry, offering massive value and a wise range of topics from his MSP profit Builder System.

Whether his guests are experts from large enterprises, established IT/MSP businesses, serial entrepreneurs, or world class techies, they all have great stories and content to share.

So, if you are preparing your IT/MSP business for growth, then we will help by sharing what IS and what ISN'T working in business right now.

Our outcome for you listening to this podcast is that we help you to spend quality time working ON your business rather than being consumed IN it!

The IT Experts Podcast Ian Luckett - The MSP Growth Hub

    • Tecnologia

The IT Experts Podcast with Ian Luckett, is designed to help ambitious IT/MSP business owners build a profitable tech business.

In this show you will learn the complete tried and tested strategies that are working today as Ian helps techie business owners in the IT / MSP community on a daily basis.

The content of this Podcast is a blend of expert advice and Interviews with some of the most successful people in the industry, offering massive value and a wise range of topics from his MSP profit Builder System.

Whether his guests are experts from large enterprises, established IT/MSP businesses, serial entrepreneurs, or world class techies, they all have great stories and content to share.

So, if you are preparing your IT/MSP business for growth, then we will help by sharing what IS and what ISN'T working in business right now.

Our outcome for you listening to this podcast is that we help you to spend quality time working ON your business rather than being consumed IN it!

    EP188 - How Your Customer Experience Can Multiply Your MSP’s Profits with Justin Neale & Ian Luckett

    EP188 - How Your Customer Experience Can Multiply Your MSP’s Profits with Justin Neale & Ian Luckett

    Our conversation with Justin Neale was packed with useful tips and strategies to help improve customer experience and ultimately drive higher profits for MSPs. Justin, who has an extensive background in customer experience from his time at Airbus Group, now dedicates his expertise to helping smaller, more nimble companies, including MSPs, optimize their customer journeys.

    We began by discussing why customer experience is more crucial than ever. Justin highlighted that while MSPs typically enjoy high customer retention rates, there is always room to improve and create even stronger bonds with clients. This is particularly vital in today’s competitive landscape where exceptional customer service can set an MSP apart from the competition. 

    One of the key takeaways from our discussion was the concept of customer journey mapping. Justin emphasised the importance of understanding your ideal customer persona and designing processes around their needs. He suggested involving the entire team in this exercise to ensure everyone is on the same page and committed to delivering a seamless customer experience. By identifying and focusing on your ideal customers, MSPs can streamline their operations, resulting in happier clients and more engaged staff. 

    Another significant point was the importance of clear communication and proper handovers between different teams within an MSP. Justin used a relatable analogy of a bride being handed over to a stranger on her wedding night to illustrate how jarring poor handovers can be for clients. He recommended using tools like videos to introduce team members to clients, ensuring a smooth transition and maintaining the client’s trust and confidence. 

    Justin also shared tips on measuring customer success. Rather than relying solely on traditional metrics like revenue and margins, he advised MSPs to focus on leading indicators that reflect the health of customer relationships. Regular business reviews with clients can provide deeper insights into their evolving needs and open up opportunities for additional services. This proactive approach not only strengthens client relationships but also positions the MSP as a trusted advisor, leading to higher client retention and increased revenue. 

    We also explored the concept of customer advocacy. Justin pointed out that loyal clients who are wowed by your service can become your best salespeople. Moreover, when clients advocate for your MSP, it strengthens their own commitment to your services, creating a mutually beneficial cycle. 

    Throughout our conversation, Justin Neale consistently highlighted the need for MSPs to focus on adding real value to their clients’ businesses. This involves understanding their unique needs and challenges and delivering solutions that genuinely help them succeed. By doing so, MSPs can differentiate themselves in a crowded market, command higher prices, and build long-lasting client relationships. 

    Connect with Justin Neale on his LinkedIn HERE 

    Or you can also visit her website by clicking HERE 

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK 

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads. 


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE 

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!   


    • 31 min
    EP187 - How Stress Impacts You and What to Do About It with Rachel Williams and Ian Luckett

    EP187 - How Stress Impacts You and What to Do About It with Rachel Williams and Ian Luckett

    We begin by welcoming Rachel back to the podcast. She shares her experiences and the importance of self-care, emphasising how important it is for maintaining a balanced and productive life. Rachel’s consultancy, Zest Lifestyle, focuses on helping individuals and teams become healthier and happier, ultimately enhancing engagement and productivity at work. 

    One of the key takeaways from our conversation is understanding what stress really is. Rachel explains that stress is a natural reaction to events, serving as a protection mechanism. However, in today’s fast-paced world, stress often becomes prolonged, leading to various health issues. We discuss the different types of stress signals, including physical, mental, emotional, and behavioural. Rachel highlights common physical symptoms like aches, digestive problems, and fatigue, while mental signs can include mood swings, irritability, and poor concentration. Emotional indicators might be feelings of loneliness and anxiety, and behavioural changes can manifest as increased consumption of alcohol or junk food, procrastination, and nervous habits. 

    Rachel emphasises the importance of recognising these stress signals in ourselves and others. For many of us, our stress threshold can vary, and it’s crucial to identify when we are approaching our limits. By understanding our own stress signals, we can take proactive steps to manage stress effectively. This involves addressing the five pillars of vitality: sleep, diet, physical activity, mental well-being, and taking time to pause and recharge. 

    We also discuss practical tips for managing stress. One effective strategy Rachel recommends is writing down a list of stressors and categorising them into things we can control or influence. This exercise helps in taking actionable steps to mitigate stress and brings a sense of control over the situation. Additionally, creating a healthy sleep environment, eating a balanced diet, and incorporating physical activity into our daily routine are essential practices. 

    Rachel shares her personal experiences with managing stress, including how she incorporates physical activity like swimming into her routine. She stresses the importance of movement, suggesting that even simple activities like walking can significantly reduce stress levels. Moreover, she highlights the value of a supportive work environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their stress and seeking help. 

    We touch on the impact of diet on stress, with Rachel advising on the benefits of consuming natural, unprocessed foods. She mentions that proteins, vegetables, and fruits can improve our overall well-being and help manage stress. We also discuss the role of hydration and the common misconception between hunger and thirst, encouraging listeners to stay hydrated to avoid unnecessary snacking.

    Finally, we explore how to support colleagues who may be experiencing stress. Rachel advises creating a culture of well-being within the workplace, where open communication is encouraged, and resources are available for those in need. Recognising stress in others and offering support can make a significant difference in maintaining a healthy and productive work environment. 

    In closing, Rachel urges everyone to be mindful of their stress signals and to take proactive steps in managing stress. By focusing on the five pillars of vitality and fostering a supportive work culture, we can improve our overall well-being and help others do the same. 

    We suggest you listen to EP145- You Are Not Alone where Ian talks about the feeling of isolation, and also EP128 – How to Turn a Bad Day Into a Good Day where Ian talks about shifting your mindset to the right direction.

    Connect with Rachel through her LinkedIn HERE if you fancy daily tips from her. 

    You can also reach out to Rachel by visiting her website HERE or by emailing her at Rachel@zestlifestyle.com 

    Connect on LinkedIn H

    • 36 min
    EP186 - Your MSP Isn’t Growing… Time to Look in the Mirror with Brian Hoppe & Ian Luckett

    EP186 - Your MSP Isn’t Growing… Time to Look in the Mirror with Brian Hoppe & Ian Luckett

    We kick off the discussion by addressing a common issue faced by many MSP owners: the lack of growth. Brian and I agree that often, the first step to resolving this issue is self-reflection. Brian highlights the importance of looking in the mirror and recognising that the current state of your business is a direct result of your actions and decisions. This concept might be tough to accept, but it’s a crucial step towards meaningful change. 

    One of the main obstacles MSP owners face, is imposter syndrome. Brian points out that many MSP owners start as techies and suddenly find themselves running a business without the necessary experience or confidence. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and uncertainty. Brian emphasises the importance of overcoming these feelings by seeking outside help and surrounding yourself with experts who can provide the guidance needed to grow the business. 

    A recurring theme in our conversation is the need for a business operating system. Brian shares how implementing a structured system in his MSP brought clarity and freedom. By having a clear framework for annual and quarterly planning, running meetings, and setting priorities, MSP owners can reduce chaos and focus on what truly matters. This structure is vital for building a scalable business and ensuring that every team member is aligned with the company’s goals. 

    Prioritisation is another key topic we discuss. With so many aspects to manage in an MSP, from sales and marketing to client management and team building, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Brian advises breaking down large plans into smaller, manageable tasks. By focusing on a few key objectives each quarter, MSP owners can make significant progress without getting bogged down by trying to do too much at once. 

    The value of peer groups and coaching also comes up in our discussion. Brian shares his personal experience of joining a peer group, which he describes as a game changer. Being part of a community of MSP owners who are facing similar challenges provides not only support but also accountability. This sense of camaraderie and shared learning can be instrumental in driving your MSP forward. Additionally, Brian talks about the transformative impact of having a coach. A coach can offer personalised guidance, help you identify blind spots, and keep you focused on your goals. Brian himself continues to work with a coach to this day, highlighting the ongoing value of this support. 

    We also touch on the importance of personal development in business growth. Brian and I agree that to grow your MSP, you need to grow as a leader. This involves asking yourself deep questions about your skills, your comfort zones, and the areas where you need to improve. By focusing on personal development, you can become the leader your business needs to thrive. 

    If you want to keep the conversation going with Brian Hoppe, feel free to connect with him through his LinkedIn HERE 

    You can also visit his website by clicking HERE

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK 

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads. 


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE 

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!  

    • 25 min
    EP185 - How to Get Energised and Excited About Your MSP with Fiona Challis

    EP185 - How to Get Energised and Excited About Your MSP with Fiona Challis

    Fiona has spent over 25 years in the IT industry, with 16 of those years dedicated to running a successful sales training company. Two years ago, she took a step back from the industry, driven by personal milestones and a desire for change. Her son leaving for university provided her with a quiet house and a moment to reflect on her life and career. She realised that she was bored and needed to find a new passion. This led her to immerse herself in the world of entrepreneurship, working extensively with female entrepreneurs outside the MSP industry. This break rejuvenated her and equipped her with fresh perspectives and strategies that she now brings back to the MSP community. 

    During our conversation, Fiona and I discussed the importance of getting back into the flow of your business. Flow, as Fiona describes, is about doing what you love and what energises you. It’s crucial for MSP owners to identify their strengths and passions to stay motivated and productive. Fiona emphasises the need to align your business with your personal values and strengths. She suggests using tools like the Gallup StrengthsFinder and the VIA Character Strengths Test to understand what puts you in your flow. For Fiona, speaking and engaging with people is her flow, whereas technical tasks and social media posts are not. 

    We also talked about the importance of giving yourself permission to pivot and course-correct in your business. If you find yourself stuck or unfulfilled, it’s essential to reassess and make changes that align with your passions and lifestyle goals. Fiona shared that even if it means stepping back from certain roles or delegating tasks, it’s vital to ensure you’re doing what you enjoy. This not only brings back your energy but also positively impacts your business’s success. 

    Mindset plays a significant role in an MSP owner's journey. Fiona highlights the need to overcome limiting beliefs that can hold you back. These beliefs often stem from past experiences and can manifest as thoughts like “I’m not worthy” or “I’m not enough.” Recognising and reprogramming these beliefs is crucial. Fiona suggests that awareness is the first step – identifying when these beliefs come up, especially during stressful or challenging times. By shifting your mindset to focus on possibilities and potential, you can break through these barriers and unlock new levels of growth and success. 

    Fear is another major factor that can block success. Fiona advises MSP owners to not let fear drive their business decisions. Instead, they should focus on what they desire and align themselves with that vision. This shift in energy and mindset can significantly impact the business’s trajectory. She encourages owners to ask themselves, “What if it works?” and to stay hungry and passionate about their goals. 

    Throughout the episode, Fiona shared her personal experiences of stepping out of her comfort zone and the benefits it brought to her life and business. She reminded us that it’s essential to enjoy the journey, not just the destination. By focusing on personal growth and aligning your business with your passions, you can create a fulfilling and successful MSP. 

    You can connect with Fiona Challis through her LinkedIn profile HERE 

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK 

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads. 


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE 

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you soon!   

    • 32 min
    EP184 - The Future of Running Your MSP in an AI World with Jay McBain & Ian Luckett

    EP184 - The Future of Running Your MSP in an AI World with Jay McBain & Ian Luckett

    We kicked off the conversation by exploring how the MSP sector is currently valued at a staggering $548 billion, with an annual growth rate of 12%. This growth is particularly significant given the challenging global economic environment. Jay emphasised that the demand for managed services continues to rise, with 82% of businesses now outsourcing some or all of their IT needs. This shift marks a dramatic increase from a decade ago when only 30% of companies outsourced IT services.

    One of the key drivers behind this surge in demand is cybersecurity. Jay pointed out that even the largest banks and government institutions have admitted that they cannot manage cybersecurity alone. This has led to a growing reliance on MSPs, making cybersecurity a fundamental component of their service offerings. As the threat landscape becomes more complex, the need for specialised managed security services is paramount.

    Jay also highlighted the significant generational shift in the MSP market. Millennials, who are now the majority buyers of technology services, have different expectations and buying behaviours compared to previous generations. They prefer digital-first or digital-only interactions and are more comfortable with subscription and consumption-based models. This demographic change requires a shift in how MSPs approach their clients, focusing more on seamless integration and user-friendly solutions.

    The conversation then turned to the impact of AI on the MSP sector. Jay noted that AI is not a standalone product but a feature that enhances various aspects of technology services. He provided a fascinating perspective on how AI is evolving at an unprecedented pace, with each iteration becoming exponentially more powerful. This rapid advancement means that AI is becoming an integral part of many software solutions that MSPs use and manage. 

    However, Jay cautioned MSPs against rushing to get certified in AI technologies prematurely. He suggested that while AI holds tremendous potential, its immediate application for MSPs will be more about internal optimisation rather than client-facing services. MSPs can leverage AI to improve their marketing, sales, customer support, and operational efficiency. He believes the true managed services opportunities related to AI, particularly at the edge where most data reside, are still a couple of years away. 

    We also discussed the evolving nature of vendor relationships in the MSP space. Jay shared a candid view on the role of private equity in scaling MSP tools and platforms. As MSPs grow, they often find themselves transitioning from family-run businesses to larger, more corporate entities. This shift can lead to changes in how MSPs interact with their vendors, moving from personal relationships to more structured, professional engagements. Jay advised MSPs to remain flexible and open to adapting their toolsets as the industry evolves.

    A significant takeaway from our discussion was the importance of building robust ecosystems and partnerships. Jay encouraged MSPs to engage with various stakeholders, including digital agencies, accountants, and other tech service providers, to create a comprehensive support network. By doing so, MSPs can tap into new business opportunities and enhance their service offerings.

    Feel free to connect with Jay McBain through his LinkedIn HERE 

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK 

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more time, engage & align your people and generate more leads. 


    To join our amazing Facebook Group of over 400 MSPs where we are helping you Scale Up with Confidence, then click HERE 

    Until next time, look after yourself and I’ll catch up with you

    • 35 min
    EP183 - How to Sell Without Selling with Julie Hutchison and Ian Luckett

    EP183 - How to Sell Without Selling with Julie Hutchison and Ian Luckett

    Julie Hutchison joins us to simplify the concept of selling for those who find it intimidating. We start by addressing a common misconception: the belief that technical expertise and selling are mutually exclusive. Julie emphasises that selling isn’t about having the gift of the gab or being inherently extroverted. Instead, it’s about understanding the needs of your clients and offering solutions that add value to their businesses. This mindset shift is crucial for MSPs who typically feel uncomfortable with sales conversations. 

    One of the key takeaways from our discussion is the importance of being "interested" rather than "interesting." Julie explains that the crux of selling lies in understanding your client's pain points and addressing them effectively. Rather than overwhelming clients with technical details, focus on asking the right questions to uncover their needs. This approach not only builds rapport but also positions you as a problem solver rather than a salesperson. 

    Julie Hutchison shares tips for practising these skills. She suggests starting with role-playing exercises within your team to build confidence. By simulating sales scenarios, you can refine your questioning techniques and become more comfortable with the sales process. Additionally, she recommends engaging with a friendly client to test your new approach. Framing it as a way to improve your service can make clients more receptive and supportive, turning the exercise into a mutually beneficial experience. 

    Another significant point Julie highlights is the need to address the client's pain. She advises not to shy away from digging deeper into the client's issues to understand the full impact on their business. This method not only clarifies the value of your solution but also helps the client see the urgency and importance of addressing their problem. By identifying and emphasising the gap between their current situation and their desired outcome, you make your service an invaluable asset. 

    We also discuss the concept of self-worth in selling. Many MSPs struggle with pricing and undervalue their services because they lack confidence. Julie Hutchison stresses the importance of recognising the value you bring to the table. She encourages MSPs to challenge their limiting beliefs and adopt a value-based approach to their services. This involves understanding the cost of the client's problem and positioning your solution as a worthwhile investment. 

    One practical tip Julie offers is to compile a list of open-ended questions that can help uncover client needs. These questions should focus on understanding the client's current situation, the challenges they face, and the impact of these challenges on their business. By practising these questions, you can develop a natural and effective way of steering conversations towards identifying solutions. 

    Throughout the episode, Julie Hutchison reiterates the importance of practice. Selling is a skill that can be developed with consistent effort. She advises setting aside time regularly to practice with colleagues or even clients. This not only hones your skills but also builds your confidence, making sales conversations feel more natural and less daunting.
    By shifting your mindset, focusing on client needs, and practising regularly, you can transform your approach to sales. Remember, it’s not about being a stereotypical salesperson; it’s about being a trusted advisor who provides valuable solutions. 

    And to help you learn more about selling and getting more from your existing clients, listen to this episode with Stuart Warwick.  

    Connect on LinkedIn HERE with Ian and also with Stuart by clicking this LINK 

    And when you’re ready to take the next step in growing your MSP, come and take the Scale with Confidence MSP Mastery Quiz. In just three minutes, you’ll get a 360-degree scan of your MSP and identify the one or two tactics that could help you find more

    • 30 min

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