3 min

Journal Week 13_Read Children Book and Watch Cartoon Movie Santika Setya Utami_6411421090_1B_Public Health

    • Aprendizagem de idiomas

Hello Mrs. Raya, I'm Santika Setya Utami. I have watched children's cartoons in English. I watched "Brave" movie. And I also read children's book, that is "Cinderella".

The movie I have watched is "Brave"

The summary that I got from this movie :
Merida is a red-haired princess who lives in a castle in Scotland.
Her mother is a queen named Elinor and tries to teach Merida to be a real princess.
Merida was so upset that she ran to a witch's house and made a spell cake that was given to Elinor, and turned into a beast. Merida has to change her mother back.
To save her mother and restore peace to her kingdom, Merida must face the forces of nature and ancient curses. She had to get rid of the curse before there was more chaos. And in the end her mother was able to return, they made peace, and Merida was able to do her hobby, namely archery.

My experience after using new vocabs from this movie :
I feel very challenged. The vocabs in this movie are very amazing. I have a lot to learn. But I like being able to learn vocabs from movies and I can remember them more easily.

I also read an English version of a children's book, that is "Cinderella"

The summary that I got from this book :
Cinderella is an orphan girl. However, her father remarried, her mother and stepsisters treated Cinderella like a maid when Cinderella's father left. And, Cinderella's suffering got worse after her father died.
One day, the prince held a party, Cinderella couldn't come because of her dress, then the fairy godmother turned her into a beautiful woman, and she had to go home before 12 o'clock at night.
When she came to the party, the prince fell in love. At 12 o'clock at night Cinderella left and in her rush she left behind her glass slipper. The prince searched all corners of the country to look for her. When Cinderella tried the glass slipper, it was the right size and the prince was very happy. They got married and lived happily ever after.

My experience after using new vocabs from this book:
I feel like I have to be good at putting vocabs into life. Think about what it means and how to use it. I found the words unique. Because of the new vocabs, it's also easier for me to understand the story. I'm very happy to learn new vocabs.

Hello Mrs. Raya, I'm Santika Setya Utami. I have watched children's cartoons in English. I watched "Brave" movie. And I also read children's book, that is "Cinderella".

The movie I have watched is "Brave"

The summary that I got from this movie :
Merida is a red-haired princess who lives in a castle in Scotland.
Her mother is a queen named Elinor and tries to teach Merida to be a real princess.
Merida was so upset that she ran to a witch's house and made a spell cake that was given to Elinor, and turned into a beast. Merida has to change her mother back.
To save her mother and restore peace to her kingdom, Merida must face the forces of nature and ancient curses. She had to get rid of the curse before there was more chaos. And in the end her mother was able to return, they made peace, and Merida was able to do her hobby, namely archery.

My experience after using new vocabs from this movie :
I feel very challenged. The vocabs in this movie are very amazing. I have a lot to learn. But I like being able to learn vocabs from movies and I can remember them more easily.

I also read an English version of a children's book, that is "Cinderella"

The summary that I got from this book :
Cinderella is an orphan girl. However, her father remarried, her mother and stepsisters treated Cinderella like a maid when Cinderella's father left. And, Cinderella's suffering got worse after her father died.
One day, the prince held a party, Cinderella couldn't come because of her dress, then the fairy godmother turned her into a beautiful woman, and she had to go home before 12 o'clock at night.
When she came to the party, the prince fell in love. At 12 o'clock at night Cinderella left and in her rush she left behind her glass slipper. The prince searched all corners of the country to look for her. When Cinderella tried the glass slipper, it was the right size and the prince was very happy. They got married and lived happily ever after.

My experience after using new vocabs from this book:
I feel like I have to be good at putting vocabs into life. Think about what it means and how to use it. I found the words unique. Because of the new vocabs, it's also easier for me to understand the story. I'm very happy to learn new vocabs.

3 min