697 episódios

Lisa Woodruff is a home organization expert, productivity specialist, and author of multiple books including The Paper Solution.

Lisa’s research-based teaching shines a light on the invisible work being done at home and in the workplace. Lisa’s sensible and doable organizing tasks appeal to multiple generations. Her candor and relatable style make you feel she is right there beside you, helping you get organized as you laugh and cry together.

Lisa believes organization is not a skill you are born with. It is a skill that is developed over time and changes with each season of life. Lisa has helped thousands of women reclaim their homes and finally get organized with her practical tips, encouragement, and humor through her blog and podcast at Organize365.com.

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Lisa Woodruff is a home organization expert, productivity specialist, and author of multiple books including The Paper Solution.

Lisa’s research-based teaching shines a light on the invisible work being done at home and in the workplace. Lisa’s sensible and doable organizing tasks appeal to multiple generations. Her candor and relatable style make you feel she is right there beside you, helping you get organized as you laugh and cry together.

Lisa believes organization is not a skill you are born with. It is a skill that is developed over time and changes with each season of life. Lisa has helped thousands of women reclaim their homes and finally get organized with her practical tips, encouragement, and humor through her blog and podcast at Organize365.com.

    594 - Summer Workbox Focus

    594 - Summer Workbox Focus

    It’s summertime! Time to put on some sunscreen, let your hair down and get relaxed, right? Wrong! People, you need to plan what you are doing in business because everyone else has that summer mentality. Let me tell you, summer will be over before you know it. But with a little planning, you will be ready for the most productive weeks that come after summer.
    Summer, Summer, Summertime…
    Why does summer go so fast? I’ll tell you why…because in May/beginning of June it’s almost like we exhale from the school year in anticipation of all the summer fun. And the Bermuda Triangle we call July. The first week everyone basically has off or takes off mentally anyway. It’s hot and our energy is zapped. August comes around with back to school. If you have school age children just be forewarned, life will not return to some normalcy until September. Summer is when we take advantage of our PTO and making memories with our families.
    Be Purposeful
    With everyone here and there, you’ll be lucky to have a full meeting. It’s a hard time of year for hiring and/or growing your team in skills and mindset. Just reserve yourself to the fact that summer is a good time to work on YOU! If you are a business owner (but also applicable to your position in your company), I would suggest for all summer production to be planned and accounted for by June 1st. We do offer a Friday Workbox® Planning Day on June 7th so it’s not too late to get a plan in place if this is the first time you are considering this. This way you have peace of mind that projects will get done at work so you can get projects done at home; and this will apply to your staff, too. If you are organized in the summer, the pay off is profitability and productivity in the fall.  
    Don't forget the Friday Workbox®. I did a quick rundown of the colors and what you could be planning within each slash pocket. Pink is for all your ideas, personal development, and research and development. We’ll focus on the pink work for Friday Workbox® Planning Day. Purple is for your projects. Projects have dollar amounts and deadlines attached to them like client work or new products that will be launching. I strongly caution you to only pick one to two projects in summer. Blue is for people such as your employees, contractors, vendors, excluding the end user or your customers. And green is for finances and your admin tasks. This is also where you would have your checklists.
    The Value of a Checklist
    The good ole checklist. A little tough love here, make sure you are putting tasks on it that are important and that you would not already complete on auto pilot. Checklists are what you are doing and a good indication of what could be handed off. As your company grows, you can use those checklists like job descriptions. Your checklists will point towards the position you need to hire next and what they will be doing. And as people resign, and as business changes and evolves, you will need to evaluate if that checklist still needs to be done or can some tasks be eliminated and the rest handed off to another employee/contractor. When it comes to your checklists, I want you to ask yourself two questions. 
    If this checklist didn’t get done, what would happen? 
    If someone else does this checklist, what would I do with all the time that would move the company forward? 
    Now that we know work will be taken care of, join me next week as I discuss how to choose this meaty summer project you have been waiting to sink your teeth into!
    The Sunday Basket®
    Friday Workbox®
    Friday Workbox® Planning Day
    Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter 
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    • 41 min
    Teacher Podcast #11 - Academic Research Support for the Needs of Teachers

    Teacher Podcast #11 - Academic Research Support for the Needs of Teachers

    Anna is back and we’re talking all about the white paper Anna created for the Teacher Friday Workbox®.
    When Anna came to me with this pink sparkly box of Teacher Friday Workbox® opportunities, I wanted to talk shop. Anna was almost done with her EED and I am still very much tied up with the PhD. So it was a win-win to have Anna complete a white paper. It is so interesting that there is literature and media supporting what I have been saying all along. Anna’s supportive data came from her EED education and mine is coming from my PhD education. Anna shared that for the school year 2023-24, Tennessee reported 3.900 teacher vacancies and Virginia reported 3.9% of teacher positions were not filled. There is a real teacher retention problem and with the help of Anna (and don’t forget Jayme!), we are out to shine light on the issues and increase teacher retention. 
    There IS Money
    There is personal development money schools can be using that is not earmarked for the operations of or in the buildings. Schools have these funds and aren’t always sure how or where to spend them. Yes, you can offer self care like maybe a massage day for the teachers, but it’s a temporary fix. Give the teachers a raise! But that is costly to an already dwindling budget. An easy answer will be the Friday Workbox® or the course from Ashland University that rewards them with CEU’s.
    How Does The Teacher Friday Workbox® Actually Help Educators
    So how is the Teacher Friday Workbox® like self care? Most of you have heard on the podcast that a lot of teachers have purchased the Teacher Friday Workbox® on their own. They were looking for a solution and treated themselves to organization. As the number of tasks go up, so does the teacher's burnout level. A person needs to see the work before they can start to strategize a solution. The Teacher Friday Workbox® helps to identify all the invisible tasks. Then teachers can decide if they need to eliminate, delegate, or plan for each task.
    Task Switching
    We have all heard the stats about how costly in time it is to constantly be switching between tasks. The Teacher Friday Workbox® helps you to identify tasks in similar categories (the task specific slash pockets). When you pull out an IEP for a specific student, you can focus on all the tasks needed to be completed for that one student. Our brain likes this focus on one task and stress is reduced. 
    Reduce Cognitive Load on Working Memory
    Color coding is so productive for our brains. And I know I have nerded out about the connection in the brain when we write things down. That activity of pen to paper is so impactful on our brains and with recall. Cue the index cards. You write everything down. You don’t stress over remembering what you are trying to remember. The Teacher Friday Workbox® allows you to use your brain as a brain and not a filing cabinet. 
    When Anna really stopped to think about what teachers needed in a resource that could decrease burnout …it was the Teacher Friday Workbox®! She also pointed out the value of community that you get. It's nice to have positive voices outside of your building. It’s nice to see what others are struggling with as well as celebrating wins. AND it’s private from parents and students. It’s a safe space for all things teaching. 
    What is included in the Teacher Friday Workbox®?
    Red Workbox (roughly the size of a watermelon)
    One Set of Rainbow Slash Pockets
    Sets of 5 of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Purple, and Pink
    Online Dashboard
    Online Private Community
    Teacher Camp (first two weeks of July)
    During the Summer - Thursday night coworking time with replays
    Lifetime Access
    Teacher Friday Workbox®
    Organize 365® Teacher Workbox White Paper Managing Executive Functions with the Teacher Workbox (Ashland University)
    Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter 
    On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Or

    • 43 min
    593 - Preparing For Projects - Step 4 - Where We Do Our Projects

    593 - Preparing For Projects - Step 4 - Where We Do Our Projects

    Ok, just one more detail we need to nail down before you start your project - identify your project space. 
    We all have a lot going on and I’m guessing a lot of projects. It’s ok to be working on more than one thing at a time. In this episode I share some of those things that I have going on. But how do we organize the projects, have appropriate amounts of time to work on them, and a dedicated space where we can leave a few projects out that are “in progress?” Keep in mind, the biggest difference between work projects and home projects is that work is income generating and home is production generating. Once we finish this remodel and get Abby’s washer and dryer downstairs, we will not be generating income from that project, but we will have increased productivity for both of us. Keeping that in mind, you need to plan financial resources for these projects, too.
    Ok, I had a moment of clarity recently. In preparation for this episode, I was thinking of my project workspaces. I realized almost always my work space has been my bed! I loved my room growing up. My mom would update it from time to time and I loved doing projects on my bed. Then when the kids came along? Again, it was my bed. I would help get them ready for bed, Greg would bathe them, and then we’d put them to bed. The kids liked me upstairs when they went to bed, so then I would work on projects in my room for the next 3-4 hours. In my bedroom, on my bed. As a rule, the kids did not go in our room because they were where I was and that was with them in the kitchen, likely. Therefore, the projects were out of the range of little hands. 
    Which brings me to an important point. Make sure all your basic supplies are in the project area. Back in the day, I made sure all my scrapbooking supplies were available in my project space. Make it easy for yourself so once you start you have all the things you need at your disposal. 
    The other project space, but really I’d have to label it as a workspace, was my kitchen. I love the layout of our family room, kitchen and dining room. When the kids were little, and I revisited this with Grayson, I sectioned off the rooms with baby gates to make one self contained room for us for the day. I remember I used to make awesome playdough (see recipe link below.) It lasted a long time. I kept it out of reach in the laundry room, but all the toys for playdough were within the kids' reach. We basically lived in the kitchen. And as the kids grew, I would alter the cabinets for our needs. At one point, we needed one cabinet dedicated to medicine and vitamins. And I would “audition” the new arrangements. My friend, Carol, used to audition a set up or furniture. Like a bookshelf, she’d audition it in a space in her house and, if it was functional, it stayed and was possibly upgraded. If it didn’t work in that place, then she would audition it in other places. I encourage you to do the same. Try out a desk in your bedroom. If you like it and it works for your life, keep it there. Maybe you get a nicer, better quality desk or realize you need one with drawers or more work space. But you get the idea. 
    I want to give you permission to have those project piles around without stressing. Our homes are lived in, not museums. It's about making peace with the ebb and flow of project life. Honestly, it’s refreshing. It’s all about being smart with your space and making it fit your project lifestyle.
    Lisa’s Playdough Recipe
    The Sunday Basket®
    The Paper Solution®
    The Household Operations Binder
    Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter 
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    • 43 min
    Teacher Podcast #10 - Meet Anna

    Teacher Podcast #10 - Meet Anna

    I want to introduce you to another educator that is embracing the Teacher Friday Workbox® and values the benefits teachers experience when using it. Anna found Organize 365® through podcast interviews I’d done on other shows. Anna knows the transformation that results from the physical products and the blitzes from Organize 365®. 
    Turns out, I could have known Anna many years ago when her mom was a Creative Memories consultant. Her mother's innovation with power layouts in scrapbooking helped me to create many scrapbooks in very short amounts of time. Anna always knew she wanted to be a teacher. She shared memories of teaching her younger brother after an enriching day at kindergarten herself. Anna, now in education in a supporting role outside the school buildings (NOT how you may imagine), values the Teacher Friday Workbox® so much that she created a college course for educators that she will be facilitating that results in 3 college credits at Ashland University. 
    Anna did go to college to be a teacher, but got pulled in a different path. As she “created her own degree,” Anna got to experience emerging adulthood first hand. This is yet another point of connection for Anna and me. After completing her graduate degree at University of Maryland, she moved back to Ohio. While starting her new life she started a small sewing business. She took a substitute teacher position which turned into a Family and Consumer Science (AKA Home Economics) teaching position for the next 6 years. During the pandemic, she created virtual/visual teaching materials for teachers. All of the teachers were looking for help and Anna was right there supporting them. 
    Her next move? She was experiencing a golden window, what better time is there to explore? Over the past year, Anna has had the freedom to explore many opportunities. During her exploration she took courses from Ashland University. She was so impressed with her experience that she approached them and said “Hey, how about I come work for you?” Anna's transition from being a classroom teacher to becoming an adjunct professor at Ashland University in Ohio is a testament to her dedication to education. Equally, her involvement with Organize 365® highlights her ongoing commitment to addressing teacher overwhelm and burnout through practical, curriculum-aligned support.
    Anna has been very intrigued with the flow theory. She explained it as a task that challenges you enough to stay engaged. And also not so challenging that your desire to stay engaged dwindles. She wants to keep exploring this in her efforts to support teachers. This initiative, along with the new course she created, embodies her belief in equipping teachers with tools to manage their workloads effectively, thereby extending their careers and enriching student learning experiences. 
    Next week we’ll be talking about the white paper Anna has created for Organize 365® and explore even more ways to support teachers in their essential work.
    Teacher Friday Workbox®
    Managing Executive Functions with the Teacher Workbox
    Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter 
    On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365­® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in action. If you are ready to share your story with us, please apply at https://organize365.com/wednesday.
    Did you enjoy this episode? Please leave a rating and review in your favorite podcast app. Share this episode with a friend and be sure to tag Organize 365® when you share on social media!

    • 40 min
    592 - Preparing For Projects - Step 3 - Overflow Room 2 - Garage

    592 - Preparing For Projects - Step 3 - Overflow Room 2 - Garage

    Alright, this is going to be a little bit shorter podcast. We’re going to talk about the garage as an extension of the laundry room. We’re in this short podcast series where I’m trying to make visible the…well, they’re actually not invisible spaces. They’re very, very visible…all look like hot mess spaces inside of our homes. But each hot mess has a different purpose.
    We have this expectation that while we’re managing all of this, our homes are also going to look like a magazine while we’re doing it. That if we’re doing it right, our house should look like a magazine. But if you can “see” the work, then that’s a problem. And yet, the more complexity your house has, the more people your house has, the more projects your house has, the more chaotic hot spots your house is going to have - because you have all of these projects in process.
    When you get all the way organized and you do what I'm going to teach you this summer, your house will look more magazine-ish, especially if you are over 50. Under 50 and have kids; change your expectations. Stop giving yourself an aneurysm over things that are really not necessary. 
    Number one, you need the Sunday Basket®. In addition to the Sunday Basket®, you are going to have to keep all of your dreams in a Sunday Basket® overflow space - which is the laundry room. The garage is an overflow of the laundry room. 
    The number one thing that will go into this space is really large items. The second thing that ends up in the garage is anything that’s related to an outside project. Other things that end up in the garage are things that are on their way out. 
    When you start realizing that you are a production machine, you are the CEO of your household, you’re a household manager, everything is in production. Our expectation at home is that we should be able to walk through this perfect magazine house. It’s not a magazine house, it’s a production machine. 
    The cadence for cleaning out your garage is on the red, white and blue holidays in the US - Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day. If you can get your garage and laundry room where they’re actually decluttered and organized, they need to be able to accept all of this “in-processness” with an underlying organization below it. 
    The Sunday Basket®
    Free Week of The Productive Home Solution®
    The Productive Home Solution®
    Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter
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    • 20 min
    Teacher Podcast #9 - How to Implement the Teacher Workbox in Your School

    Teacher Podcast #9 - How to Implement the Teacher Workbox in Your School

    This is our final episode about the Teacher Friday Worbox® Pilot with principal Jayme. We talked about how Jayme suggests getting started in your school and our hopes for all schools to be using the Teacher Friday Workbox® in the future. 
    What Would Jayme Suggest? 
    We have received a lot of feedback saying everyone is so interested, but they’d like to talk to Jayme. So what does Jayme have to say about this teacher pilot that she implemented in her school? Jayme appreciates all of the resources that come with the Organize 365® company as a whole. The podcast is an endless source of information for home and work organization. But when you add in the Teacher Friday Workbox® for staff, well…The teacher not only gains lifetime access to their dashboard with Organize 365® but they get the community. Jayme loves how supportive the community is as they all share their best practices and encourage each other. They also get Teacher Camp in July. You know, the one month all educators are available? 
    Jayme stressed the principal’s excitement over the Teacher Friday Workbox® is important for the staff to get on board. Each school will implement differently as each teacher will. She suggests for there to be one person “championing” the efforts to get staff on board with the Teacher Friday Workbox®. This person understands and can filter questions about implementation. We can agree there is no budget line for the Teacher Friday Workbox® so Jayme suggested a “phase in plan.” Choose a category of teachers, like first year, or a grade that would most benefit from the Teacher Friday Workbox® and start there. Of course, the best course of action would be for the whole building to start together but we are well aware of budgets. Another segment of teachers that you could prioritize is those that would have had an IEP in school. Let’s meet people where they are, support them in their roles as best as we can, so they stay in those roles longer!
    Speaking of staying in their roles longer…You say “Yes, this is great but there is a time and financial cost associated with each person who gets the Teacher FridayWorkbox®.” Yes, and there is a time and financial cost associated with new hires. The goal for Jayme and I in all of this is to better support teachers so they will stay in their roles longer and the schools don’t have to hire and train new employees. The community starts to scratch their heads when there is too much turnover in staff. Let’s get everyone settled in, lessen their cognitive load, and be at peace with work and home responsibilities.  
    School Train Stops and Stations
    I have previously proposed driving in cars versus driving a train; if you don’t know what I mean check out podcast episodes 570 and 571. And that sparked an idea for Jayme about a school train. Trains have quick stops and then they have larger stations that they stop at and spend a little more time at before taking off again. Jayme pointed out the importance of using times like winter/summer break and possibly spring break as your station time. During this time, you can really go through your Teacher Friday Workbox® and reset yourself and your work. We want to see all educators on a train where communication can flow from leadership to the teachers and back to leadership. This program opens communication. Let’s get everyone a ticket on smooth traveling locomotives. Choo choo!
    For $349 (one time) Teacher Friday Workbox® includes:
    Teacher Camp
    Teacher Workbox
    Slash Pockets
    Lifetime Access to the Online Community
    Teacher Friday Workbox®
    Sign Up for the Organize 365® Newsletter 
    On the Wednesday podcast, I get to talk with members of the Organize 365­® community as they share the challenges, progress, missteps and triumphs along their organizing journey. I am grateful that you are reaching out to share with me and with this community. You can see and hear transformation in

    • 41 min

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