51 min

Resistance Radio interview of Felice Pace Resistance Radio

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Felice Pace was born on January 10th 1947 into the working classItalian Community in South Philadelphia. He holds a BA in Economicsfrom Yale U., an MA in Education from Montclair State University anda life-time California teaching credential. He has worked as ateacher/educator, laborer, Outward Bound instructor, social servicesadministrator and for Native American tribes. For fifteen yearsduring the 80s and 90s Felice worked for and led the Klamath ForestAlliance as Program Coordinator and Executive Director. During thattime he played a major role in the campaign to protect Northwest andNorthern California Ancient Forests, including participation as aspeaker at President Clinton's Forest Conference. Currently Feliceengages as an independent Klamath River, Scott River, clean water andstreamflow activist and pursues a number of writing project. Feliceblogs on Klamath River issues at www.KlamBlog.org. He has lived inNorthwest California's Klamath River Basin since 1975 and  currentlyresides at Klamath Glen near the mouth of the Klamath River.

Felice Pace was born on January 10th 1947 into the working classItalian Community in South Philadelphia. He holds a BA in Economicsfrom Yale U., an MA in Education from Montclair State University anda life-time California teaching credential. He has worked as ateacher/educator, laborer, Outward Bound instructor, social servicesadministrator and for Native American tribes. For fifteen yearsduring the 80s and 90s Felice worked for and led the Klamath ForestAlliance as Program Coordinator and Executive Director. During thattime he played a major role in the campaign to protect Northwest andNorthern California Ancient Forests, including participation as aspeaker at President Clinton's Forest Conference. Currently Feliceengages as an independent Klamath River, Scott River, clean water andstreamflow activist and pursues a number of writing project. Feliceblogs on Klamath River issues at www.KlamBlog.org. He has lived inNorthwest California's Klamath River Basin since 1975 and  currentlyresides at Klamath Glen near the mouth of the Klamath River.

51 min

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