9 min

SEO Leads are Declining — with Catherine Maley, MBA Beauty and the Biz

    • Marketing

📲 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine https://bit.ly/3D513rs
📖 Restart your practice in 7 days https://bit.ly/46Gwaaa
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Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll talk about why SEO leads are declining, and how to stay ahead of the curve. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general
Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.
Presenting today’s episode titled, "SEO Leads are Declining — with Catherine Maley, MBA." Obviously, Even the most skilled and experienced surgeons can struggle to attract new patients and grow their practice without leads. Because just like a human body needs blood flow to survive,
Furthermore, you need leads to keep your cosmetic practice alive. Certainly, you depend on a steady flow of cash-paying patients willing to pay a fair price for your services.
So, leads are your lifeblood. Without them, your whole operation (pun intended) comes to a screeching halt. In similar fashion, when the leads dry up, nobody notices until it’s too late and your schedule is empty.
Specifically, leads provide a consistent source of new patients, help you stay visible to prospective patients searching for your services online, allows for specialization so you can focus on an area of expertise, and helps ensure you stay up-to-date with technology and patient trends.

SEO Leads are Declining: Current Situation Currently, you’re probably paying an internet company $2-5K per month to keep your Website updated and use SEO to get you leads organically. But how’s that working for you?
Surgeons tell me daily those free leads have slowed down. If you, too, noticed a significant reduction in your organic traffic and leads recently, you’re not alone. Google just completed rolling out the largest algorithm update in the company’s history.
However, many practices are complaining their website is being outranked by spam and/or by plagiarized low-quality AI content. This abuse is manipulating search rankings and making it challenging for google to deliver accurate results (and for your website to rank). It seems Google is unable to reliably tell the difference between human-generated and generative AI content. So marketers are having a field day exploiting AI to try and highjack good rankings. By clogging up the internet with keyword-stuffed junk, they’re making it tougher and more expensive for Google to separate the good from the bad content.
BTW, Google derives over 75% of its revenue from ads on search engine results pages, so  the fluctuations in search volume affects their ad revenues if businesses no longer see a good return on their ad budget and go elsewhere.
Since all of this affects you big time if you are attempting to attract new cosmetic patients via organic SEO, here are 5 recommendations to help you rank:
SEO Leads are Declining: Focus on high-quality UNIQUE content that AI cannot duplicate: Create informative,

📲 Schedule your free 30-min strategy call with Catherine https://bit.ly/3D513rs
📖 Restart your practice in 7 days https://bit.ly/46Gwaaa
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Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we'll talk about why SEO leads are declining, and how to stay ahead of the curve. To be sure, we'll also discuss the business and marketing side of plastic surgery, in general
Indeed, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying”. Also, I'm a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.
Presenting today’s episode titled, "SEO Leads are Declining — with Catherine Maley, MBA." Obviously, Even the most skilled and experienced surgeons can struggle to attract new patients and grow their practice without leads. Because just like a human body needs blood flow to survive,
Furthermore, you need leads to keep your cosmetic practice alive. Certainly, you depend on a steady flow of cash-paying patients willing to pay a fair price for your services.
So, leads are your lifeblood. Without them, your whole operation (pun intended) comes to a screeching halt. In similar fashion, when the leads dry up, nobody notices until it’s too late and your schedule is empty.
Specifically, leads provide a consistent source of new patients, help you stay visible to prospective patients searching for your services online, allows for specialization so you can focus on an area of expertise, and helps ensure you stay up-to-date with technology and patient trends.

SEO Leads are Declining: Current Situation Currently, you’re probably paying an internet company $2-5K per month to keep your Website updated and use SEO to get you leads organically. But how’s that working for you?
Surgeons tell me daily those free leads have slowed down. If you, too, noticed a significant reduction in your organic traffic and leads recently, you’re not alone. Google just completed rolling out the largest algorithm update in the company’s history.
However, many practices are complaining their website is being outranked by spam and/or by plagiarized low-quality AI content. This abuse is manipulating search rankings and making it challenging for google to deliver accurate results (and for your website to rank). It seems Google is unable to reliably tell the difference between human-generated and generative AI content. So marketers are having a field day exploiting AI to try and highjack good rankings. By clogging up the internet with keyword-stuffed junk, they’re making it tougher and more expensive for Google to separate the good from the bad content.
BTW, Google derives over 75% of its revenue from ads on search engine results pages, so  the fluctuations in search volume affects their ad revenues if businesses no longer see a good return on their ad budget and go elsewhere.
Since all of this affects you big time if you are attempting to attract new cosmetic patients via organic SEO, here are 5 recommendations to help you rank:
SEO Leads are Declining: Focus on high-quality UNIQUE content that AI cannot duplicate: Create informative,

9 min