Summary of avoiding remote burnout F+Z Reality's

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This is a short 5mins summary for listeners who are on the go.
Remote work has certainly created opportunities for us, like allowing many workers to work from home and spend more quality time with family, and widening the talent pool for many employers.
However, remote working also exposes social risks. Workers are experiencing burnout and loneliness. In this episode 5, we reflected on remote burnout and shared a few tips on how to deal with it.  Here are a few highlights from our latest episode:
We reflected on how remote work or work from home had provided us with flexibility and empowerment. We are able to spend more family time while still keeping the same productivity output.
While some thrive and live their dream life, others realise that it is harder than ever for them to put a hard stop on working and that work-life balance has never been further away and eventually resulted in work burnout.
A few tips on dealing with remote burnout – scheduling intentional breaks to have coffee or go for a walk, pantry talk with colleagues virtually, listening to your body, & creating a culture of empathy.
Addressing remote burnout or achieving a healthy work-life environment should start with the leader.
This episode left both of us with plenty of thoughts to reflect on. What is emerging for you from our discussion?
You can reach us at fandzreality@gmail com.


Listen to full episode :


This is a short 5mins summary for listeners who are on the go.
Remote work has certainly created opportunities for us, like allowing many workers to work from home and spend more quality time with family, and widening the talent pool for many employers.
However, remote working also exposes social risks. Workers are experiencing burnout and loneliness. In this episode 5, we reflected on remote burnout and shared a few tips on how to deal with it.  Here are a few highlights from our latest episode:
We reflected on how remote work or work from home had provided us with flexibility and empowerment. We are able to spend more family time while still keeping the same productivity output.
While some thrive and live their dream life, others realise that it is harder than ever for them to put a hard stop on working and that work-life balance has never been further away and eventually resulted in work burnout.
A few tips on dealing with remote burnout – scheduling intentional breaks to have coffee or go for a walk, pantry talk with colleagues virtually, listening to your body, & creating a culture of empathy.
Addressing remote burnout or achieving a healthy work-life environment should start with the leader.
This episode left both of us with plenty of thoughts to reflect on. What is emerging for you from our discussion?
You can reach us at fandzreality@gmail com.


Listen to full episode :