10 min

Morning Hesi: Meditation House Of Nekhbet

    • Espiritualidad

A Hesi in Kemet (Pre-colonial Egypt) is described as a chant. Enjoy this interval meditation giving adoration to Ra when he rises. “Dua Ra Cheft Uber F is a direct translation of the first section of the Hymn to Ra contained in the Pert Em Hru or Book of Coming Forth By Day of Ani. It is a reference to and propitiation to Ra for his illumination and influence over the Neteru to cause them to promote their cooperation in the study and meditative process.” -Muata Ashby


Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/houseofnekhbet/message

A Hesi in Kemet (Pre-colonial Egypt) is described as a chant. Enjoy this interval meditation giving adoration to Ra when he rises. “Dua Ra Cheft Uber F is a direct translation of the first section of the Hymn to Ra contained in the Pert Em Hru or Book of Coming Forth By Day of Ani. It is a reference to and propitiation to Ra for his illumination and influence over the Neteru to cause them to promote their cooperation in the study and meditative process.” -Muata Ashby


Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/houseofnekhbet/message

10 min