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Welcome to the IN10TIONALIST Community. Align your business hustle with holistic success. Merge purpose with profit, and learn how to navigate the entrepreneurial journey with In10TIONALITY and poise. Where ambition meets mindfulness.


10 IN10TIONAL Minutes with Janine Dr. Janine Do Cabo

    • Religion & Spirituality

Welcome to the IN10TIONALIST Community. Align your business hustle with holistic success. Merge purpose with profit, and learn how to navigate the entrepreneurial journey with In10TIONALITY and poise. Where ambition meets mindfulness.


    0️⃣8️⃣ of 1️⃣0️⃣ Supernatural Protection & Provision Affirmations

    0️⃣8️⃣ of 1️⃣0️⃣ Supernatural Protection & Provision Affirmations

    Welcome back to '10 IN10TIONAL Minutes with Janine,' where we take a look into the extraordinary realms of existence. I'm Janine, and today we anchor ourselves in the reality of supernatural protection and provision.
    Our focus is not just on the physical, but on the extraordinary care that surrounds our life, families, relationships, assets, and all that we hold close to our hearts. In the end time season we live, we have to clothe ourselves with the armour of God for daily protection.
    Not just physical protection but also spiritual and mental protection. Protection over your loved ones, relationships, endeavours, finances, home, assets and even your mind.  Life has a way of coming at you hard, but you can come back even harder through the Word of God.
    Remember to bookmark this episode so you can revisit these affirmations anytime— listen and confess along during your morning routine, while working out, or as you wind down in the evening.
    Now, let's set aside the next 10 minutes to affirm the supernatural covering that guides and guards us in all our ways. These affirmations are not just words; they are spoken truths that align us with a higher order of life, action and protection.
    Confess with me :
    * "I affirm that I am surrounded with a supernatural shield of protection that guards my life and my loved ones, ensuring our safety and well-being." This is an assurance we see mirrored in the principle of divine protection in Psalm 91:1-4
    * "I declare that every aspect of my life is under supernatural surveillance, which secures my steps and my future. I lean on, trust in, and is confident in the Lord with all my heart and mind and I do not rely on your own insight or understanding, as in Proverbs 3:5. "
    * "I confess that my relationships are secure and my conversations are sealed with the blood of Jesus. I have extraordinary wisdom and understanding, protecting me from discord and strengthening unity in my relationships, according to Proverbs 2:6-7. "
    * "I acknowledge that my assets and finances are blessed with an extraordinary increase and preservation, shielding them from loss and decay." This stand on the power principle of supernatural provision and protection in Malachi 3:10)
    * "I decree that my endeavors are marked with signs of extraordinary success and protection, far beyond natural expectations or limitations." This is the manifestation of divine favor in our work and aspirations in Deuteronomy 28:12
    * "I proclaim that in all areas of my life, an extraordinary peace prevails, dispelling fear and anxiety, and establishing peace that surpasses understanding according to Philippians 4:6-7
    * "I affirm that my path is illuminated with extraordinary clarity, leading me away from the snares and towards a path of righteousness and success as in Psalm 119:105. You Guard my ways Lord, you protect me from all sides”
    * "I confess that my home is a sanctuary of extraordinary love and protection, a place where the sacred is cherished and the secular cannot harm as in Joshua 24:15."
    * "I declare that my influence extends with extraordinary impact, enabling me to uplift, heal, and bring restoration wherever I go and I am safe when I am in the will of God for my life according to Matthew 5:14-16."
    * "I affirm that my life is a testament to extraordinary works, where the impossible becomes possible, and the natural gives way to the supernatural. I declare that nothing is impossible for me according to Mark 9:23."
    As you speak these affirmations, let them be more than words. Let them be the reality you walk in, the protection you trust in, and the extraordinary life you lead.
    Thank you for joining me for these '10 IN10TIONAL Minutes.' Let's step boldly daily into life, love and the power of God. Knowing that we are covered, cared for, and commissioned for greatness.
    Before we close this podcast today's topic, I'm excited to remind you that my book 'It Is Finished – The end is not near the end is Here' is available. It's a reso

    • 7 min
    0️⃣7️⃣ of 1️⃣0️⃣ Building a Legacy Affirmations

    0️⃣7️⃣ of 1️⃣0️⃣ Building a Legacy Affirmations

    Welcome to '10 IN10TIONAL Minutes with Janine,' the podcast where we cultivate legacies and break through barriers that have held us back. I'm Janine, your host, and in this session, we're focusing on building a future not just for ourselves but for our families and communities, grounded in principles that echo through eternity.
    As an encouragement, my book 'It Is Finished – The End Is Not Near, The End is Here' is available for you to glean wisdom on completing what you started with the Glory of God. Find it at your favorite book sellers, including Take A lot and Amazon.

    Remember to bookmark this episode so you can revisit these affirmations anytime— listen and confess along during your morning routine, while working out, or as you wind down in the evening.
    Let’s invest the next 10 minutes in affirmations that can reshape our family narratives and guide us toward a future that shines with purpose and intention.

    Let’s Confess:
    * "I affirm that I am a cycle breaker. Generational setbacks do not define my destiny or my family's future. I am the architect of a new, empowered legacy." This affirmation encourages us to be the change, inspired by the transformation promised in 2 Corinthians 5:17.
    * "I declare that my actions create a path of prosperity and wisdom for those who follow. I am planting seeds for a harvest my family will reap for generations." This mirrors the principle of sowing and reaping, in Galatians 6:7.
    * "I confess that I build with eternity in mind. My endeavors are not for the fleeting moment but for lasting impact, according to Colossians 3:23."
    * "I acknowledge that my daily choices are the blueprint for my family's tomorrow. I choose Life and I choose wisely, understanding the power of my decisions, as encouraged in Deuteronomy 30:19."
    * "I affirm that my life is a testament to resilience. The challenges I overcome today pave the way for a resilient lineage, embodying the strength shown in Philippians 4:13."
    * "I declare that my legacy is not just in wealth but in character. I lead by example, showcasing integrity and love as my greatest assets, in line with 1 Corinthians 13:13."
    * "I am a beacon of hope and a builder of futures. My vision extends beyond the horizon, setting a foundation of faith and courage, inspired by Hebrews 11:1."
    * "I affirm that my work is a service to others and to a greater purpose. I am dedicated to creating value that blesses those around me, drawing from the principle in Matthew 23:11."
    * "I confess that my investments are not just financial but spiritual and emotional. I invest in relationships, in learning, and in love, as these yield the truest returns, as suggested in Matthew 6:20."
    * "I decree that my family's story is one of triumph and grace. We rise above past limitations, and we soar on wings like eagles, as found in Isaiah 40:31."
    Let these affirmations be the compass that guides your actions and intentions. They are your declaration of independence from what was and a proclamation of what will be.
    Thank you for sharing these '10 IN10TIONAL Minutes' with me. Together, let's walk a path that leaves a trail for others to follow with confidence and faith.
    Join our IN10TIONALIST Community for exclusive content and offerings that will aid you in this journey. If you're not yet a member, the link is in the podcast notes. Become part of a movement that's building lives on purpose for a purpose.

    Until we meet again, remember: We are not just preparing for the years we will see but also for the generations to come. Stay intentional, and keep making an impact.
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    • 5 min
    6️⃣ of 1️⃣0️⃣ Financial Empowerment Affirmations

    6️⃣ of 1️⃣0️⃣ Financial Empowerment Affirmations

    Welcome to '10 INT10TIONAL Minutes with Janine,' the podcast where we align our financial goals with deep-rooted wisdom. I'm Janine, your host, and today we embark on a financial empowerment journey using timeless principles.
    Before we begin, a quick reminder: My latest book, 'It Is Finished – The End is Not Near, the End is Here', is now available. Make sure you grab your copy from all leading book sellers including Takealot and Amazon, in hardcopy and eBook formats.
    For the next 10 minutes, let’s IN10TIONALLY focus our attention on these affirmations for financial growth and stability, inspired by principles that have stood the test of time. These affirmations are crafted to inspire your financial strategy and breathe life into your economic aspirations.
    Remember to bookmark this episode so you can revisit these affirmations anytime—listen and confess along during your morning routine, while working out, or as you wind down in the evening. Let these words be the seeds that grow into your financial success.
    All affirmations are Word-based and built on the principle and promise of Mark 11:23 and 24.
    Let's start with our affirmations:
    "I declare that prosperity is within my reach. I affirm that I am equipped with creativity, diligence, and the acumen necessary for financial success. I am a good steward and I work diligently with my finances according to Proverbs 13:4."
    "I confess that generosity is my nature. I affirm that sharing my wealth is not just a duty, but a joy. As I give, so shall I receive, abundantly and without measure according to 2 Corinthians 9:6-7."
    "I acknowledge that my financial plans are crafted with wisdom and prudence. I affirm that with sound counsel and foresight, my assets and resources will grow according to Proverbs 21:5."
    "I confess that I am debt-free. I affirm that I live within my means and am disciplined in my spending and saving, accruing to Romans 13:8."
    "I declare that my work is fulfilling and profitable. I affirm that my labor is not in vain and it brings financial blessings to my life." This is rooted in the principle of meaningful work, which is emphasized in Ecclesiastes 5:19.
    "I affirm that integrity is at the forefront of all my financial dealings. I am honest and trustworthy in my transactions, reflecting the principle of integrity." This is a principle you can find reflected in Proverbs 22:1.
    "I decree that I am resilient in economic adversity. I affirm that challenges are but stepping stones to greater financial wisdom and success." This draws from the principle of perseverance in James 1:2-4.
    "I confess that I am a wise investor. I affirm that I seek knowledge and understanding before committing my resources, ensuring they yield positive returns according to Ecclesiastes 11:2."
    "I declare that my financial future is secure. I affirm that through wise stewardship and divine guidance, I am building a legacy that will last." I stand on this biblical principle of legacy and inheritance, outlined in Proverbs 13:22.
    Let these affirmations guide your financial journey, as they are more than just words—they are commitments to a brighter economic future. Embrace them, repeat them, and watch as they transform your reality.
    Thank you for spending these '10 IN10TIONAL Minutes' with me. Let's continue to live IN10TIONALLY, with our financial goals not just as dreams but plans in action.
    Be sure to join our IN10TIONALIST Community for exclusive content and offers. If you haven't joined yet, find the link in the podcast notes and become an intentional architect of your life and finances.
    Until next time, remember: Your wealth is not measured by your possessions but by the well-being and prosperity you create in your life and in the lives of those around you. Stay purposeful, stay prosperous.

    Join the Conversation 🤝
    I invite you to get right into this book and join our discussions. Together we are growing in our faith IN10TIONALLY.

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    • 6 min
    5️⃣ of 1️⃣0️⃣ 🗣️ Personal and Professional Growth Affirmations

    5️⃣ of 1️⃣0️⃣ 🗣️ Personal and Professional Growth Affirmations

    🥇 My new book, IT IS FINISHED, is available! Make sure you get your copy from all leading booksellers.

    IT IS FINISHED – The end is not near the end is Here is now available in a  hardcopy from TakeAlot and hardcopy and eBook on Amazon.
    Over the next 10 minutes, we'll explore affirmations that empower us to reach our goals and dreams. Whether you're on a morning commute, enjoying a quiet moment, or seeking motivation, get ready to set your intentions and make your goals a reality."
    But before we dive into today's 10-minute confession, I want to encourage you to save or pin this podcast. You can listen to these affirmations and confessions as you drive to work, during your workouts, before bed, or even when you wake up. They can be a powerful source of inspiration and motivation.
    Our affirmations and confessions today are based on the biblical truth found in Mark 11:23-24, I simply love the straightforwardness of the message version which says  
    “Embrace this God-life. Really embrace it, and nothing will be too much for you. This mountain, for instance: Just say, ‘Go jump in the lake’—no shuffling or hemming and hawing—and it’s as good as done. That’s why I urge you to pray for absolutely everything, ranging from small to large. Include everything as you embrace this God-life, and you’ll get God’s everything.
    Let’s confess:
    * I confess that my goals are well-defined and achievable. I affirm that I have the determination and skills needed to turn my dreams into reality." I affirm that with God's strength, I can achieve all my goals. Scripture: Philippians 4:13 (NIV)
    * I confess that I am committed to continuous learning and growth. I affirm that I embrace new knowledge and experiences that propel me toward my goals." "I affirm that God's plans for me are for good, and I trust in His guidance. Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
    * I confess that I am resilient in the face of challenges. I affirm that setbacks are opportunities for growth, and I use them to my advantage. I affirm that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God, and I embrace self-care. Scripture: Psalm 139:14 (NIV)
    * I confess that I prioritize self-care and well-being. I affirm that a healthy body and mind are the foundation for achieving my goals." I affirm that I conduct myself with integrity and kindness in both my professional and personal relationships. Scripture: Colossians 3:23 (NIV)
    * I confess that I am open to collaboration and support. I affirm that I surround myself with positive influences that uplift and motivate me." "I affirm that I strive for harmony and unity, not only in my personal life but also in my professional endeavors. Scripture: Psalm 133:1 (NIV)
    * I confess that I am organized and focused. I affirm that I manage my time effectively, ensuring that each day brings me closer to my goals. I affirm that I trust in the Lord's guidance and seek His wisdom in all my endeavors. Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
    * I confess that I celebrate my achievements along the way. I affirm that acknowledging progress fuels my determination to reach even greater heights. I decree that my strength and courage come from the Lord, and I am not easily discouraged. Scripture: Psalm 27:1 (NIV)
    * I confess that I visualize my success daily. I affirm that this mental clarity and focus manifest my goals into reality. I affirm that I am patient and persistent, trusting in God's timing for my goals. Scripture: Galatians 6:9 (NIV)
    * I confess that setbacks do not define me. I affirm that I learn, adapt, and continue to strive for excellence. I affirm that I am patient and persistent in pursuing both my personal and professional goals, trusting in God's timing for my achievements. Scripture: Habakkuk 2:3 (NIV)
    * I confess that my goals align with my values and purpose. I affirm that as I pursue my dreams with intention, I lead a fulfilling and purpose-driven life. I affirm that I seek God's kingdom and His righteousness first, and all things w

    • 7 min
    4️⃣ of 1️⃣0️⃣ 🗣️ Relationship-Focused Affirmations

    4️⃣ of 1️⃣0️⃣ 🗣️ Relationship-Focused Affirmations

    Welcome to '10 IN10TIONAL Minutes with Janine,' the podcast where we dive into the transformative power of positive confessions and affirmations. I'm your host, and today this episode is dedicated to nurturing our relationships with IN10TIONALITY.
    Whether you're listening alone or sharing these moments with someone special, get ready to enrich your connections with IN10TION and love.
    But before we dive into today's 10-minute confession, I want to encourage you to save or pin this podcast. You can listen to these affirmations and confessions as you drive to work, during your workouts, before bed, or even when you wake up. They can be a powerful source of inspiration and motivation.
    Our affirmations and confessions today are based on the biblical truth found in Mark 11:23-24,  Whoever says to this mountain with great faith and does not doubt, ‘Mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the midst of the sea,’ and believes that what he says will happen, it will be done.”
    Lets confess:
    * I confess that because HE loved me first, I will show Godly love in my relationships I will be patient and kind. I affirm that love does not envy or boast, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love in my connections always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
    * I confess that in my relationships, I respond with gentleness. I affirm that my words are kind and calming, diffusing anger and fostering understanding. Scripture: Proverbs 15:1
    * I confess that my relationships are founded on love and support. I affirm that I stand by my friends, family and colleagues through all seasons of life. God gives me the wisdom and knowledge on how to support them in the their different seasons of life. Scripture: Proverbs 17:17
    * I confess that love is the binding force in my relationships. I understand the different types of love there is and apply the right type of love to each of my relationships. Boundaries are still very important to me. I affirm that love unites us in perfect unity, enhancing my relationships. My relationships are pure and Holy. Scripture: Colossians 3:14
    * I confess that I approach my relationships with humility, gentleness, and patience. I affirm that I make every effort to maintain unity and peace. All Relationships in life is a gift from God and I am thankful for the people God has placed in my life,. Scripture: Ephesians 4:2-3
    * I affirm that I honor and value others above myself. While always placing my relationship with God first. Scripture: Romans 12:10
    * I confess that I strive to be a peacemaker in my relationships. I affirm that I reflect the heart of God in bringing peace and reconciliation. Scripture: Matthew 5:9
    * I confess that my relationships sharpen and uplift the people around me and also myself. I affirm that I grow and evolve together with the people God has placed in my life. Together we encourage personal and spiritual growth. Scripture: Proverbs 27:17
    * I confess that deep friendship permeates my relationships. I affirm that these friendships cover over mistakes, fostering forgiveness and grace. Scripture: 1 Peter 4:8
    * I confess that my relationships are strong, with God at the centre. I affirm that this divine bond makes my Goldy relationships unbreakable, and therefore we can face life's challenges together. Scripture: Ecclesiastes 4:12
    These confessions and affirmations, rooted in Scripture, breathe life into our relationships.
    Let them resonate within your hearts and connections. Remember, IN10TIONALY nurturing our relationships can lead to a lifetime of love, unity, and faith. Thank you for joining me in this episode of IN10TION towards our relationships.

    Until next time, stay intentional in your pursuit of life on purpose for purpose.

    🥇 My new book, It Is Finished, is about to be launched.
    Keep your eyes and ears out for the newest announcement.
    I've got something special in store for my IN10TIONALIST community.
    If you're not yet part of the IN10TIONALIST community,

    • 6 min
    3️⃣ of 1️⃣0️⃣ 🗣️ Family-Focused Affirmations

    3️⃣ of 1️⃣0️⃣ 🗣️ Family-Focused Affirmations

    Welcome to "10 IN10TIONAL Minutes with Janine." I'm your host and together, we'll explore meaningful insights and perspectives to help you lead a purposeful and intentional life. In today's episode, we're focusing on our families.
    As we embark on a heart-warming journey centered around family and faith. In the next 10 minutes, we'll explore the affirmations that strengthen our bonds and the Scriptural wisdom that guides our path. Whether you're tuning in during a quiet moment or sharing this with your loved ones, get ready to nurture the sacred ties of family with intentionality.
    But before we dive into today's 10-minute confession, I want to encourage you to save or pin this podcast. You can listen to these affirmations and confessions as you drive to work, during your workouts, before bed, or even when you wake up. They can be a powerful source of inspiration and motivation.
    Our affirmations and confessions today are based on the biblical truth found in Mark 11:23-24, which says, "If anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
    * I confess according to Joshua 24:15 that my household is dedicated to serving the Lord. We affirm that our family is a place of love, faith, and unity, where God's presence is welcomed, and His guidance is our foundation. Scripture: Joshua 24:15 (NIV)
    * I confess that in our family, we trust in the Lord with all our hearts. We affirm that as we seek His wisdom and submit to His ways, He will guide us and make our paths straight. Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
    * I confess that unity and harmony reign in our family. We affirm that our love for one another, rooted in God's love, makes our home a good and pleasant place. Scripture: Psalm 133:1 (NIV)
    * I confess that kindness and compassion abounds in our family. We affirm that we forgive one another as Christ has forgiven us, fostering a spirit of grace and reconciliation. Scripture: Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)
    * I confess that we bear with each other in love within our family. We affirm that we readily forgive as the Lord forgave us, nurturing a culture of forgiveness and grace." Scripture: Colossians 3:13 (NIV)
    * I confess that we guide our children in the path of righteousness within our family. We affirm that their upbringing sets a foundation for a lifelong journey with God." Scripture: Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)
    * I confess that our children are a precious heritage from the Lord. We affirm that we raise them to be strong and purposeful, ready to face life's challenges with faith and courage. Scripture: Psalm 127:3-4 (NIV)
    * I confess that my spouse is a source of blessing within our family. We affirm that our children are flourishing and thrive in the love and security of our home. Scripture: Psalm 128:3 (NIV)
    * I confess that we are devoted to one another in love within our family. We affirm that we honor and cherish each other, valuing the well-being and happiness of every family member. Scripture: Romans 12:10 (NIV)
    * I confess that the Lord's love is with us and our future generations within our family. We affirm that we keep His covenant and obey His precepts, securing His blessings for our family's legacy. Scripture: Psalm 103:17-18 (NIV)
    These confessions and affirmations, are Word based and serves as a compass guiding us towards stronger, more faith-filled family bonds. Let them resonate within your hearts and homes. Remember, intentionality in nurturing our families can lead to a lifetime of love, unity, and shared faith. Thank you for joining me in this episode of 10 IN10TIONAL minutes with Janine.
    So, my fellow IN10TIONALISTS, remember that your Family is your priority; it's an essential component to your game changing life – Take care of them.
    Embrace these affirmations and confessions, and may they guide yo

    • 5 min

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