44 min

🔒 Episode 238: Near Enemies in the LDS Church: Confronting and Healing from Hidden Barriers to Spiritual Growth (Part IV of IV‪)‬ Latter Day Struggles

    • Mental Health

Subscriber-only episodeIn this thought-provoking final episode of this four-part series, Valerie explores the complex historical and cultural factors that contribute to the prevalence of unique near enemy behaviors within the LDS Church. She discusses how the church's trauma history, including persecution and isolation, has fostered a culture of extreme self-protection and difficulty with self-confrontation. Valerie also examines unresolved shadow characteristics related to gender, sexua...

Subscriber-only episodeIn this thought-provoking final episode of this four-part series, Valerie explores the complex historical and cultural factors that contribute to the prevalence of unique near enemy behaviors within the LDS Church. She discusses how the church's trauma history, including persecution and isolation, has fostered a culture of extreme self-protection and difficulty with self-confrontation. Valerie also examines unresolved shadow characteristics related to gender, sexua...

44 min