21 min

1.10 为《纽约时报》抓错别字,是种什么体‪验‬ YLYK learning

    • Language Learning






Because of an Editing Error

By David Vecsey

My job, simply speaking, is to get things right. So there is no worse feeling than the realization that you have entered a correctable error into print and that a correction will appear a day or two later to proclaim, "Because of an editing error …"

There is no escaping the page of the newspaper that you have marred; it reappears everywhere you look: blowing down the sidewalk, on a subway car, wrapped around the sea bass you've just bought at the market.

The Times has strict policies on corrections: If it's wrong, even if just for a few minutes online or in one edition of the print newspaper, it is supposed to get a correction. Reporters and editors are expected to self-report their mistakes, which can make you feel a little like Bart Simpson writing on the blackboard, "I will never misquote Shakespeare again." But it is this dedication to accuracy that earns the trust of our readers.

The Corrections listings are one of the first things I read every day, and that is a common practice among many copy editors. It's not necessarily an act of schadenfreude as much as it's a daily reminder of the importance of diligence: Double-check your math. Look up even the most famous of quotations.

But Times corrections are so much more than pedestrian spelling mistakes. They are wonderfully nuanced cultural explorations. When we misidentified the name of Bilbo Baggins's sword in "The Hobbit" as Orcrist the Goblin Cleaver, it was both the greatest and the nerdiest correction of all time.

One of the veteran reporters said, "Doctors bury their mistakes. Lawyers lock theirs away. But reporters print theirs for the whole damn world to see."






Because of an Editing Error

By David Vecsey

My job, simply speaking, is to get things right. So there is no worse feeling than the realization that you have entered a correctable error into print and that a correction will appear a day or two later to proclaim, "Because of an editing error …"

There is no escaping the page of the newspaper that you have marred; it reappears everywhere you look: blowing down the sidewalk, on a subway car, wrapped around the sea bass you've just bought at the market.

The Times has strict policies on corrections: If it's wrong, even if just for a few minutes online or in one edition of the print newspaper, it is supposed to get a correction. Reporters and editors are expected to self-report their mistakes, which can make you feel a little like Bart Simpson writing on the blackboard, "I will never misquote Shakespeare again." But it is this dedication to accuracy that earns the trust of our readers.

The Corrections listings are one of the first things I read every day, and that is a common practice among many copy editors. It's not necessarily an act of schadenfreude as much as it's a daily reminder of the importance of diligence: Double-check your math. Look up even the most famous of quotations.

But Times corrections are so much more than pedestrian spelling mistakes. They are wonderfully nuanced cultural explorations. When we misidentified the name of Bilbo Baggins's sword in "The Hobbit" as Orcrist the Goblin Cleaver, it was both the greatest and the nerdiest correction of all time.

One of the veteran reporters said, "Doctors bury their mistakes. Lawyers lock theirs away. But reporters print theirs for the whole damn world to see."

21 min