Epizoda: 5

Children With Value is a community where I am going to share my knowledge and answers any , parenting questions you guys might have .

Children with Value ChildrenWith Value

    • Djeca i obitelj

Children With Value is a community where I am going to share my knowledge and answers any , parenting questions you guys might have .

    Give your Child a Heads up

    Give your Child a Heads up

    Hi everyone hope you're okay
    so today we're going to talk about transitions .
    For those who dont know Transitions can be : School moves or changes , someone moving,moving houses or cities , becoming potty trained , going college, separation , divorce , new boyfriend or girlfriend, someone moving in the house, new sibling, finding out there's a new sibling , finding out their adopted, someone close to them passing away .

    I hope I covered all the transitions but anyway , the important thing is to GIVE YOUR CHILD A HEADS UP .
    The reason for this is when a transition is happening and sometimes even before,changes of routine children are quite intuitive, and they sense it and they often times play up - they suddenly misbehave ,because they can't pinpoint how they are feeling and they are just communicating their inner chaos through behaviour -

    Let me make you think of your own examples and I know they'll pop up to your head as I am speaking.
    If you're not a parent you will think about a time you as a child , could sense something was off , and no one was telling you , and you were about to go through a transition .
    If you are a parent -Just think about a time when , your child went through one of those transitions perhaps you were moving houses and even before you started packing your child , started playing up and you were unsure as to how did this behaviour came about?

    Glad you remembered ... I mean I hope you did ..
    Anyway when those Transitions do happen there's a few things to keep in mind - and tell your child
    Explain to your child what is happening and how this will affect their day-to-day routine - Honestly this bit is the TOP1 ONE because as soon as they understand the situation they start adapting their behaviour to it
    This is also a HUGE opportunity for you to talk about Expectations to your child ,tell them what you Want them to do , Example: because of this transition changes are going to happen and mummy needs you to do extra good listening I know it's a new routine but that is what I need you to do .
    Or literally any kind of behaviour expectation you have

    The next thing is ...
    Give them a time-frame to explain to your child how long this will affect them for , for example if it's a relative living in your house for a week , then you'd say for a week this is what is happening , tell them about it talk about expectations.
    If it's a school move then that would be A WHOLE different approach because the time frame is more about the countdown of how long their lives are about to change. - so the conversation would be in 1 month time you will be going to big children's school and that would mean that and then you'd talk about the expectation - it will feel a bit different at first but I need you to be confident because you will make friends and things are going to be amazing - try to be very positive with them , even though you might feel anxious yourself , to be honest transition to school is a topic for a podcast on its own to be honest -- but just understand the approach would be different.
    The next one is -
    Use resources , depending on your child's age use different resources -
    So depending on what transition they go through , try to find books , movies , videos about them and if age appropriate use them as talking points to say , the girl in the video is also , idk for example changing school look she was scared and now she's fine it will be similar to you -
    You can also find someone that's gone through the same transition as them ,so your child can have that open conversation and know their not alone, this is quite helpful to be honest -

    Ask them How do you feel -
    Welcome any feelings to be raised even negative ones , allow it to be a safe zone for them to express themselves , because change as an adult is so hard , let alone for children - so asking them to talk about it is quite useful .

    • 10 min


    Hi everyone Hope everyone is okay -Im glad that you are here today thank you so much, today we are going to talk about gratitude . Your Question might be How will this add value to my children ? Or to my life ?
    Well the opposite of gratitude is ? Ungratefulness and when we become ungrateful we become bitter, sad some people might overcompensate with this fake snobbiness that's disguising broken self worth or ungratefulness might show up as feeling of lack , sadness and self-pitiness
    Being an ungrateful person sometimes starts with habits of - Looking around and faulting things that others aren't going right , why isn't anyone appreciating me ? Why hasn't anyone said a thank you ? Why am I the only one putting the work?
    I am not in any point disregarding any of these feelings THEY ARE valid .
    However, the mindset isn't. When you are truly are a grateful person , you don't expect anything from others , because you are too busy being happy on what is going right . you are focused on the things that people are doing
    When we focus on things for too long they become bigger . -So if we are only focusing on what others aren't doing , and going into nagging shouting once again complaining , tell me if that has served you any purpose? Has that fixed the problem?
    But when you start focusing on what people DOO
    funny enough you find more and more things that they do right .

    When it comes to Parenting being a grateful parent is , really appreciating them for who they truly are and as they are developing ,they might not necessarily listen all the time , they might challenge you , or even have characteristics that aren't pleasant - but it's who they are.
    Really taking the time to thank them for the things you appreciate them doing will Cause DRAMATIC POSITIVE IMPACT -
    Let's do this quick exercise I will say a phrase and allow you to spend time repeating it and then filling out the blank ok , this can be in a context of your child maybe your husband or those who are around you like friends ?
    Let's do it -Say the phrase and fill out the blanket
    I really appreciates it when (blank ) now you say it
    I feel the most loved when (blank
    I am grateful to have a child that is so (fill in the blanket)
    I am grateful to have support from my (blank)
    I am grateful to have friends that (bank)

    How did that feel? -
    Right today's Reflective moment is : If I was my best Self how differently would I show up to my children and those around me?

    With that being said I AM SOOOO GRATEFUL THAT you spent the time listening to this Podcast have an amazing day , stay tuned

    • 6 min
    How to make your child more confident

    How to make your child more confident

    How to make your child more confident today I will be talking about 2 ways very thoroughly

    • 7 min
    Positive Affirmations

    Positive Affirmations

    Hi everyone thank you for being here today what is going on is everyone okay ?
    Today we are going to talk about something that I just cant stress enough is Positive Affirmations
    If i could be the advocate for something that i know produces so much self esteem and is honestly the best thing for you or your child is Positive Affirmations
    i honestly cannot stress enough on how important and impactful it REALLY IS
    With that being said is probably worth me talking what Positive Affirmations actually are
    So let's start with the meaning of it Positive Affirmations or as the psychologist call them Self affirmations in a easy-to-understand term is basically when you say phrases that are positive to yourself repeatedly.
    I mean if you were to type Positive Affirmations on Google right now you will have lots of different lists that you could start saying in your morning routine.
    Your question might be How do I start that ? Well that's simple
    Go to google type Positive Affirmations and try to think of things that you want to focus on , example if you think your childs (or even your own ) self esteem need a little love , then find a list that reflects that. With phrases like I am loved I matter I add value to others . Does that make sense?
    Once you find a list you like or even video theres sooo many good videos of even songs about positive affirmations .
    I want you to Set an alarm to remind you everyday to spend 30 seconds on it .
    Yes 30 seconds because I dont want anyone telling me they havent got the time.
    The alarm reminds you it's time to start for Poisitive Affirmations and you just say them and ask your child to repeat them
    It is as simple as that

    Good ways you can remind yourself to say those things is also having it written in your bathroom mirror even if your child can't read , if you are standing next to them just tell them you wrote I am beautiful on the mirror or whichever affirmation you wrote
    Or in little post stick notes in your child's lunchbox or even around the house like the fridge there are many ways you can do it
    the choices are endless or even little text messages saying those affirmations.

    Cool now that we covered the What is it And How do I do it ...
    you are probably wondering why will i bother?

    My answer is I dare you to , honestly just try it for a week .
    Let me know how it goes
    In terms of the science behind it there has is a few theories on it but I want to leave those little gems for another podcast but honestly it's good let me tell you .

    With that being said let us do some Positive Affirmations now ..
    Repeat After me :
    I always do my best
    I am loved
    I radiate hapiness
    I am enough
    I believe I can do it
    I am confident
    Everyday I find reasons to smile
    I love Myself

    How do you feel ? When I first started I felt a bit skeptical and even said them with a sarcastic tone to my voice because it didn't feel natural because deep down I didn't believe in those things , and if that was the case with you Well done for trying and go and do it everyday.
    Then your cchild will lead by example -
    Go set that alarm
    Go and google Positive Affirmations
    and just do them .
    Follow my Instagram CHILDRENWITHVALUE AND YOU WILL HAVE EVERYDAY motivation and quotes and often time affirmations for you to practice also it will remind you .
    because you can do it.
    you are loved
    you radiate hapiness everyday .
    okay ...

    With that being said our Reflection moment is If my child leads by example What are my actions teaching them ?

    Go follow me on Instagram Facebook or Tiktok just type Children With Value can't wait to see you next week and Stay Tuned

    • 6 min
    Children with Value

    Children with Value

    An introduction of who I am and what this project is about .Hi I'm tatiana can I just say thank you so much for you being here
    Like im cheering for you right now
    You can do this ,Yes yes Yeass
    You invested time in learning something of value and I AM HERE FOR YOU

    for those who don't know me I work in childcare for four years i have been proud to have met such amazing parents from my work and part of their children's growth progress.
    I created this project to create value for parents or future parents .
    And I know what you might be thinking How does a non parent who's worked in a nursery have anything to offer? I'm here to tell you that I do and its all about perspective, you see if I waited till I had all of the qualifications and all the knowledge possible when would I ever feel ready? Very much like parenting ,there isn't such thing as being ready so through the experience I do currently have I am here to share it with you guys. I will reference books and quotes and information that will
    be done in a dynamic way.

    And I will also have a reflective moment where you can think of how can you become someone of Value to impact your childs life?

    If was to ask you to recall a memory on something that you heard as a child that you wish you hadn't ,I'm sure you can come up with at least 2 things.
    Having that in mind what kind of memory ,on how you speak with your children do you want your child to hold?

    With that being said I am excited that you joined in this journey and I cant wait to see the amazing things that are going to happen in the meantime stay tuned.

    • 2 min

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