Epizoda: 9

A podcast about friendship, care and connection with two silly doulas, Erica Livingston and Laura Interlandi of Birdsong Brooklyn

Tether Together Tether Together by Birdsong

    • Djeca i obitelj

A podcast about friendship, care and connection with two silly doulas, Erica Livingston and Laura Interlandi of Birdsong Brooklyn

    ... as Postpartum is to the Marriage"

    ... as Postpartum is to the Marriage"

    The second half of our conversation unpacking an analogy we created back in 2013 as we began the journey of helping people understand the importance, and the impact of planning for postpartum. 

    Don't forget to subscribe, rate and leave a review if you love this podcast! 

    • 1 h 27 min
    S2 E2 "Birth is to the Wedding..."

    S2 E2 "Birth is to the Wedding..."

    Part 1 of 2 as we explore one of our signature phrases "Birth is to the Wedding, as Postpartum is to the Marriage" 

    In this episode of Tether Together, Erica and Laura detangle the first part of this analogy - and somehow continue to center postpartum in our birth-iest episode yet!

    Links to things we mention in this episode:
    Mentorship with Birdsong - apply now!
    Esther Perel
    Our postpartum planning class "What's Next"
    The Support Network for Indigenous Women and Women of Colour*
    Moms Against Racism*
    The Nesting Doula Collective*
    MBRACE Report on Maternal Mortality in the UK
    *Organizations in Canada speaking directly to perinatal inequities and racism

    • 1 h 13 min
    We're Back!

    We're Back!

    We are back!

    In our first episode back since Fall 2019, Erica and Laura talk about “what’s changed” since Season One.

    Don’t forget to participate in this years 3rd annual Nourished Postpartum Challenge on instagram November 9-15th, tag @birdsongbrooklyn in your shares, invite your friends and colleagues and don’t forget to follow and use the hashtags #showupforpostpartum #nourishedpostpartumchallenge

    This is our one major social media event of the year and this year we are going ALL OUT! 

    Make sure you’re signed up for the emails to get the most support during the week!

    Self-location inspiration from Erynne Gilpin of Nesting Doula Collective

    For more information about us and our work you can visit www.birdsongbrooklyn.com

    This podcast is produced by Salvatore Interlandi

    • 1 h 10 min
    Trust Building

    Trust Building

    This week we are talking Trust Building! Before we get stuck in, we have a big announcement for you! Diving back into the conversation: we often call ourselves Professional Trust Builders. This is Doula/Human Ethics 101 and, we believe, the primary antidote to 'Sister'wound. In doula-world sometimes there is a very short turn around time between meeting a client and being privy to the most intimate moments of their life. In life, like in doula work, every moment is an opportunity to build trust. But what does trust look like? Feel like? What do we owe each other in healthy relationship? In addition to discussing these vast questions we delve into the rupture > repair cycle within attachment parenting AND attachment friendships. Erica permissions Laura to put her main wound on blast (fun!) including why she cried in a magical book store. We reference Brené Brown's 'Anatomy of Trust' which you can find here and we talk trust building in learning spaces for the highest growth for all.

    If you enjoy this episode please share widely and tag us on your socials! Leaving a review is so helpful for our continued growth, visibility and expansion. Thank you for taking the time to review! 

    This episode of Tether Together was produced by Salvatore Interlandi

    Want to make sure you receive the SEEN Early Bird Discount Code that we mentioned? Sign up for our email love notes at http://www.birdsongbrooklyn.com/heyfriend

    Find us on Instagram @birdsongbrooklyn

    On Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/birdsongbrooklyn.com

    • 49 min


    Have you ever felt on the outs? Like someone built a table purposefully for you NOT to sit at? Have you ever felt psychically attacked? Emotionally bullied? Ever screenshot private texts and shared them without permission... or had that done to you? This episode we are exploring something we call "Sisterwound", the psychological, emotional and social wounding that occurs, almost pathologically, EVERYDAY - particularly in cis female spaces. It is important to acknowledge that sisterwound is a result of the gender binary and is the internalized expression of the larger white supremacist patriarchal system. To that end, we take some time to do some education on the difference between anatomical sex and gender identity and underscore why the binary is harming and so easily produces something like Sisterwound. 

    Hierarchy and cultures of silence are the gasoline on this fire - where any hierarchical system exists, where people are not encouraged and supported to be direct with their needs and feelings, sisterwound will be present - with needs and feelings being weaponized for gain up that hierarchical structure. 

    This episode discusses where feminism missed the mark and how white cis- hetero passing women are the main perpetrators AND beneficiaries of this malignant force within social spheres, work spaces, spiritual circles and even activist groups. As two cis het white women we know it cause we ARE it -  trying to figure out how to decondition/reprogram/heal/do better than inherited reactive patterning. 

    We don't claim to have it right. This is our raw, honest 2019 rendering of a tough conversation that doesn't stop at the end of this episode. This is a through line in our work and friendship and our commitment to working outside of this conditioning (or at least TRYING TO! This stuff goes DEEP!) is how we are able to keep our relationship clear. This episode might make your gut churn and throat get hot. That's the edge, the fear, the place we need to be in to grow beyond harming patterning - thanks for being brave. Feel free to reach to us with your feelings and memories brought up by this convo. We are co creating a new paradigm together and we need each other as we wade through the inherited muck of normalized wounding.

    Next episode will be on trust building... some expansion after the contraction.

    This episode of Tether Together was produced by Salvatore Interlandi 

    Want to know what we are up to? Get love notes from us? http://www.birdsongbrooklyn.com/heyfriend

    Find us on Instagram @birdsongbrooklyn

    On Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/birdsongbrooklyn.com

    • 37 min
    Available Joy

    Available Joy

    Today we are discussing mental health through the lens of joy finding and receiving. Laura tells the story of finding out she is pregnant with twins and why and how Available Joy became so vital and Erica reflects on the Grandmother medicine of 'simple joy's'. We explore the pressure in parenting to "enjoy every moment" and what it means to be realistic while also staying open to what is magic and juicy in life in real time. Of course there is some doula nerd-ery about Oxytocin thrown in for good measure and we close with why the basic tenants of comedy will help you in your life, your parenting and your ability to create space for and access Available Joy.  You know, casual 80 minute chats. #availablejoy

    Want to know what we are up to? Get love notes from us? http://www.birdsongbrooklyn.com/heyfriend

    Find us on Instagram @birdsongbrooklyn

    On Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/birdsongbrooklyn.com

    This episode of Tether Together was produced by Samara Ferguson 

    • 1 h 22 min

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