Epizoda: 1

I'm Josh Brothers--and I want to help bring humanity and compassion back into the school system. I am interested in the relationships that breed positive learning opportunities.

This podcast will explore the different relationships that educators work with, provide practical tips for educators and parents, and explore what we can do collectively to improve education on a larger scale.

My students call me "The Teach in the Sneaks" (an affectionate play on "The Cat in the Hat") when I started wearing bright sneakers with my slacks and tie, and the name stuck. You can find me on instagram @shuabros87 and @theteachinthesneaks and on my website www.teachinthesneaks.com

The Teach in the Sneaks Joshua Brothers

    • Obrazovanje

I'm Josh Brothers--and I want to help bring humanity and compassion back into the school system. I am interested in the relationships that breed positive learning opportunities.

This podcast will explore the different relationships that educators work with, provide practical tips for educators and parents, and explore what we can do collectively to improve education on a larger scale.

My students call me "The Teach in the Sneaks" (an affectionate play on "The Cat in the Hat") when I started wearing bright sneakers with my slacks and tie, and the name stuck. You can find me on instagram @shuabros87 and @theteachinthesneaks and on my website www.teachinthesneaks.com

    "RESET" with David Habben

    "RESET" with David Habben

    David Habben is a Utah Artist, Author and Illustrator. When I came across an article that he authored and illustrated for BYU magazine, the experience he shared was a revelation—the story is called Reset, and can be found in the Spring 2019 issue.

    Our conversation goes a little bit of everywhere. Fences, horses, long dead painters, metaphors about gold nuggets. But at its core, the conclusions we came to about being the kind of teacher that is prepared to recognize and seize the individual opportunities to make a difference is what separates good teachers from the great teachers.

    You can follow David's work on Instagram @habbenink or buy high quality prints or his new book "Mr. Sherman's Cloud" at habbenink.com

    • 55 min

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