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疲惫娇娃 CyberPink Baihua Media

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    046 戛纳特辑|《疲惫娇娃》x《赶场》:这个世界特别差,年轻人都在挣扎 Cannes Film Festival Special Episode

    046 戛纳特辑|《疲惫娇娃》x《赶场》:这个世界特别差,年轻人都在挣扎 Cannes Film Festival Special Episode

    【聊了什么The What】

    戛纳电影节第四天,《疲惫娇娃》的一芳和《赶场 Way To Cinemas》播客的Selina在戛纳电影宫的天台坐了下来录制本期特辑节目,聊聊戛纳体验和目前看过的电影。



    主播:Selina(小红书 About Cannons)赶场 Way To Cinemas,一芳《疲惫娇娃 CyberPink》

    On the fourth day of the 77th Cannes Film Festival, Yifang and Selina (host of Way To Cinemas) sat down to record this special episode, talking about their experience with the festival and the films they’ve seen so far. Thanks to douban.com for their support, you can now find our podcast on Douban.

    【时间轴 The When】

    00:45 好开心,竟然与《疲惫娇娃》联动上啦!

    01:13 第一次来戛纳的一芳

    03:07 开幕片《第二幕》

    04:14 《原钻》(野性钻石)

    06:08 《拿针的女孩》

    08:08 《鸟》

    09:12 《折射》

    10:26 《一部未完成的电影》(本期内容不多,未来会再聊)

    12:28 《大都会》“当一个男导演花太多时间去思考罗马帝国,就会拍出来这样一部电影”

    14:42 《噢,加拿大》“他的故事,他的人生,他的一切,我根本就不想知道”

    16:49 《善良的种类》

    24:51 《狗镇》

    26:51 《风流一代》

    00:45 "Way to Cinemas" is excited to be collaborating with "Cyberpink"

    01:13 Yifang's first time at Cannes

    03:07 Opening Film: "The Second Act" by Quentin Dupieux

    04:14 "Wild Diamond" by Agathe Riedinger

    06:08 "The Girl with the Needle" by Magnus von Horn

    08:08 《鸟》"Bird" by Andrea Arnold

    09:12 《折射》Ljósbrot (When the Light Breaks) by Rúnar Rúnarsson

    10:26 "An Unfinished Film"

    12:28 "Megalopolis" by Francis Ford Coppola, "this is what happens when a male director spends too much time thinking about the Roman empire"

    14:42 "Oh Canada" by Paul Schrader, "I could care less about the protagonist's story, his life, his everything"

    16:49 "Kind of Kindness" by Yorgos Lanthimos

    24:51 "Black Dog" by Guan Hu

    26:51 "Caught in the Tides" by Jia Zhang-Ke

    【疲惫红书 CyberRed】


    Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu!

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    • 30 мин.
    045 | 妻子三部曲 1:美国“传统妻道“的回魂 Wife Trilogy Part I: The Return of “Trad Wife”

    045 | 妻子三部曲 1:美国“传统妻道“的回魂 Wife Trilogy Part I: The Return of “Trad Wife”

    【聊了什么The What】

    写在前面: 💡感谢女性情趣品牌「大人糖」赞助本期节目(此处应有掌声),疲惫娇娃听众应该都比较熟悉的老朋友。距离上一次我们和她们合作已经过去了一年。恰逢520即将到来,借着这次契机,争取到了一次难得的福利,不如趁现在送自己或者伴侣一份特别的礼物,收获一份美妙绝伦的感受!

    正文: 这是"疲惫娇娃Wife三部曲"的第一部,我们想聊聊近年来在社交媒体上备受关注的"Trad wife" (传统妻子) 现象。

    20世纪50年代的美国郊区是一个我们都熟知的画面:白色别墅、核心家庭、金发红唇的家庭主妇形象在宽敞光洁的厨房中忙碌,这幅画面饱含着阶级和政治色彩。对于这样传统家庭、传统妻子的怀念变成了一场运动,近年重新出现在年轻女性的社交媒体中,形成了"Trad wife热潮",影响越来越多年轻女性。”传统妻子“不仅是一种审美风格,更蕴含意识形态内涵以及一系列生活方式和宗教信仰。这股潮流的走红与当代女权主义相互碰撞,反映出女性在家庭、疫情、经济等层面所面临的困境,以及她们"拥抱传统"以求解脱的天真想法。

    疲惫娇娃的几个娃将分析Trad wife在当代互联网上的细分门类(到底有多少种trad wife想卖给我们货???!!!),以及不同年龄段受众人群的特点,以及这一兼具审美与意识形态内核的复杂现象。

    Today we want to dive into the deep internet rabbit hole of "Trad Wife" -- short for traditional wife, this social media phenomenon has taken the world by storm, and we want to unpack it all.

    To talk about trad wives, we first have to time travel back to the emergence of the American suburb in the post-war 1950s, the image of the white-picket-fence home, the nuclear family, and the blonde, ruby-lipped housewife that's imbued with class and political undertones. This visually evocative image has resurfaced in recent years on social media, sparking a discussion on the deeper socioeconomic and political undertones of the trad wife revival.

    In this episode, we unpack how the trad wife trend is not merely an aesthetic style but also an ideological core with a religious and politically conservative undertone. The rise of this online movement has collided with contemporary feminism, reflecting the challenges women face on various fronts, including balancing family and work, surviving the pandemic, participating in the economy, as well as their naïve embrace of tradition as a means of emancipation.








    另外!考虑到我们有部分海外听众,也可通过点击这里 https://osuga.com/ 下单输入优惠码【疲惫娇娃】可立减,但到手价格&优惠政策与国内不同享哦,有需要的朋友们可以自由选择啦~

    【时间轴 The When】

    0:00 “美国娇妻” trad wife是一种寄居在社交媒体和年轻人头脑中的意识形态

    3:23 市面上有哪些不同的trad wife?

    06:00 大人糖产品部分

    14:44 社交媒体上的娇妻生活为什么有如此大的吸引力?娇妻生活的美学对

    • 1 ч.
    044 | 天降紫微星这次在女篮 This is your sign to watch women’s basketball

    044 | 天降紫微星这次在女篮 This is your sign to watch women’s basketball

    【聊了什么The What】



    女子篮球的崛起也与诸多社会议题息息相关。我们与The Athletic的小帆和布鲁克林篮网的思齐一起,聊了聊那些隐藏在数字和赛事之后备受关注的问题:女篮突破了哪些障碍才走到了今天这一步?是什么因素促成了这场变革?我们能从中窥见哪些值得关注的趋势?

    Sports have never been merely about the games themselves; they shape the popular culture we engage with, from fashion to music, reflecting the cultural zeitgeist. Those who have been closely following American sports will have noticed the surging popularity of women's college basketball and its standout stars—Caitlin Clark, Angel Reese, Paige Bueckers, Kamilla Cardoso, and many others. Remarkably, the 2024 NCAA Women's Basketball Championship was the most-watched basketball game on television since 2019, attracting a staggering 18.7 million viewers. This viewership even surpassed last year's NBA Finals (sorry, Nuggets), sparking widespread discussion both online and offline.

    In this conversation, we talked to Yifan from The Athletic and Siqi from the Brooklyn Nets, and delved into the factors beyond mere statistics, exploring the obstacles these athletes had to overcome for women's basketball to achieve its current prominence.

    【时间轴 The When】

    00:00 今年的大学女篮有多火?

    15:45 男篮和女篮收入差距能有多大?当女篮在要求涨薪水的时候他们在要求什么?

    24:30 假设天降两个非常有天赋的初中生——凯文和凯莉杜兰特,他们从新秀到退役的职业道路会有什么不同?

    52:17 为什么不能让篮筐低一点呢?

    01:13:18 站在女性、少数族裔、酷儿交叉口的WNBA

    00:00 How popular is women's college basketball this year?

    15:45 Exploring the income gap between men's and women's basketball: What highlighting this disparity matters? It's not just about income.

    24:30 Imagining two highly talented middle school students—Kevin and Kelly Durant—dropped into the world: How would their career trajectories differ from rookies to retirement?

    52:17 Why isn't the basketball hoop height lowered for women?

    01:13:18 The WNBA at the intersection of gender, racial, and LGBTQ+ identities

    【疲惫红书 CyberRed】


    Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu!

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    • 1 ч. 26 мин.
    043 | 2024奥斯卡:高雅和通俗审美坐在一起包饺子 2024 Oscars: Dying to Party

    043 | 2024奥斯卡:高雅和通俗审美坐在一起包饺子 2024 Oscars: Dying to Party

    【聊了什么The What】


    The CyberPink squad is back with an episode on the recently wrapped 96th Academy Awards!

    Over the past few years, the Academy Awards have faced a lot of questioning and criticism. As the self-proclaimed pinnacle of cinematic excellence, the Academy is struggling to maintain its reputation and convince people of its relevance. But the Oscars ceremony still provides an interesting lens to examine how this major cultural institution addresses ongoing events - from the writers and actors strikes to the conflict in Gaza. Which films, actors and actresses win ultimately is not based on merit, but on a myriad of factors and a relentless awards season campaign that has become the norm of the industry, a profound legacy of none other than Harvey Weinstein and his company Miramax.

    We discuss the history of Oscars, its genre bias, and what we think about the “Barbie snub.”

    【时间轴 The When】

    00:00 颁奖典礼的回顾和高光时刻

    08:23 颁奖典礼外,加沙和乌克兰的战火

    21:04 奥斯卡的种族多样性进步了吗?

    25:02 奥斯卡颁奖的竞选游戏,包括宣传策略和资源投入

    33:05 奥斯卡的类型偏见

    48:12 女性导演和女性主导电影在奥斯卡中的困境,特别是对《Barbie》和《Poor Things》的讨论

    56:42 彩蛋:没想到我们还能继续聊poor things

    00:00 Highlights and memorable moments of the 2024 Oscars Awards

    08:23 Addressing the war in Gaza and Ukraine

    21:04 Is the Oscars doing better in diversity?

    25:02 The bloodsport of Oscars campaigning

    33:05 The Academy’s genre bias

    48:12 Ongoing challenges of female filmmakers in the industry

    56:42 Yet more on "Poor Things"

    【拓展链接 The Links】

    Oscar Wars: A History of Hollywood in Gold, Sweat, and Tears
    I Still Believe in the Power of Sexual Freedom
    Jonathan Glazer’s Oscar Speech Becomes Latest Battleground in Israel-Gaza Conflict
    BarbieGate: Why All Oscars Snubs Are Not Created Equal
    The profound weirdness of Robert Downey Jr.’s Oscar win — and the category he won
    Is A24, the Indie Upstart with a Fresh Best-Picture Win, the Next Miramax?

    【疲惫红书 CyberRed】


    Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu!

    【买咖啡 Please Support Us】



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    Those Abroad: htt

    • 1 ч. 8 мин.
    042|美国小说:少数社群如何书写生命的复杂 American Fiction: How minority communities tell their complex stories

    042|美国小说:少数社群如何书写生命的复杂 American Fiction: How minority communities tell their complex stories

    【聊了什么The What】

    奥斯卡提名的作品《美国小说》American Fiction讲述了一个陷入这样的创作难题的黑人作家Monk——在以自己作为主体的Monk自己的书不被出版界和读者买账,却发现一部“迎合白人观众、贩卖黑人创伤和贫困”的书却大卖。于是Monk决定用通过写一部充满所以刻板印象的“黑人文学”去反抗自己的命运。但是却遭遇了一系列的家庭变故。



    The Oscar-nominated work "American Fiction" tells the story of Thelonius “Monk” Ellison, a Black writer who finds himself in a creative dilemma. Out of anger, spite, and disappointment in the publishing industry status quo, he takes up a pen name and writes a piece of "Black literature" filled with stereotypes as a form of rebellion, yet the publishing world gobbles it all up.

    The movie, when translated into familiar contexts, reveals universal challenges: Is it merely a form of capitalizing on feminism when women write about women's suffering? Is it catering to white audiences when Asians write about Asian trauma? How can one stay true to their own life experiences in their creative work, while also achieving dignity in creation (income, attention, etc.)? How can the complexity of life be conveyed in a way that also encourages empathy from people of other ethnic groups?

    Caiwei, our a talented female writer friend, also joins this dialogue.

    【时间轴 The When】

    00:00 电影《美国小说》和电影导演编剧Cord Jefferson

    05:58 对家庭故事部分的讨论,包括男主角Monk的家庭背景和家族创伤:人生的复杂度和混乱从Monk的角度徐徐展开

    17:39 电影中对白人出版界人物的扁平化描写和对白人观众的讽刺

    34:00 故事中穿插着故事,这个电影是一个三个圆嵌套的非常meta的结构; 女作家和Monk是互通的,而不是互为对立

    40:59 电影结尾的开放式处理和对创作者能讲怎样的故事的探讨

    01:00:23 我们值得看到真诚、细腻的少数族裔故事

    00:00 “American Fiction”: overview of this Oscar-nominated movie and its creator: screenwriter-turned-director Cord Jefferson

    05:58 The duality of the movie: intertwining storylines of the literary plot and the family drama, the complexity of life as a middle-aged man, all from protagonist Monk’s point of view

    17:39 The intentional one-dimensional portrayal of characters in the publishing industry and the satirization of a white audience

    34:00 The meta structure of this movie’s storytelling

    40:59 Our discussion around the choice for an open-ended ending and what kind of creators are allowed to tell what kinds of stories

    01:00:23 We all deserve to see authentic and nuanced stories

    01:06:55 Bella's patricide, reconciliation with her father, and eventual symbolic rebirth as her father

    【拓展链接 The Links】


    【疲惫红书 CyberRed】


    Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more.

    • 1 ч. 13 мин.
    041|Poor Things: 暗黑奇幻的旅程中,她把自己又养了一遍 Poor Things: a fantastical journey of self nurturing

    041|Poor Things: 暗黑奇幻的旅程中,她把自己又养了一遍 Poor Things: a fantastical journey of self nurturing

    【聊了什么The What】


    Poor Things is a juicy, chewy, twisted coming-of-age fable about exploitation and womanhood. The two hours we spent following the curious, bold protagonist Balla Baxter provided a helpful chaos for us to metabolize an array of complex problems: the pursuit of female autonomy in a world seeking to define and confine it, the nature of sex work as gritty, exploitative labor, and, at some point, the ethics of biohacking and CRISPR.

    【时间轴 The When】

    00:00 今年颁奖季的宠儿Poor Things以及为什么我们要重新录制这集播客

    04:04 我们对于这个电影的第一感受

    10:10 “成熟女人的身体与婴儿的心智“——为什么我们对于Bella的担心程度随着她的旅程展开而忽上忽下?

    13:45 Poor Things是一部彻底翻转过来的《洛丽塔》?

    23:40 (假装我们在聊这部电影)电影的设定导致我们去思考了文本中复杂的性同意

    35:47 Poor Things的科幻设定——人类为何恐惧技术?Bella是一个关于AI的角色(???),科学设定和伦理困境

    45:30 我们对于现有科技以及特权人群改造人体的探讨

    51:12 从事性工作的Bella和她的劳工意识觉醒

    01:06:55 Bella弑父,和父亲和解,最后“变成父亲”的旅程

    00:00 Poor Things - This awards season's darling - and why we're re-recording this podcast

    04:04 Our first impressions of the film

    10:10 "A mature woman's body with an infant's mind" - Why do our concerns over Bella fluctuate throughout her journey?

    13:45 Is Poor Things a thoroughly inverted Lolita?

    23:40 (Pretending we're discussing the film) - How the storyline prompts pondering complex consent ethics within the text

    35:47 Poor Things' sci-fi premise - Why does technology unnerve humanity? Is Bella an allegory for AI (?) - scientific concepts and ethical dilemmas

    45:30 Our exploration of current technologies and how privileged groups alter human bodies

    51:12 Bella's awakened labor consciousness after entering sex work

    01:06:55 Bella's patricide, reconciliation with her father, and eventual symbolic rebirth as her father

    【拓展链接 The Links】





    【疲惫红书 CyberRed】


    Apart from the podcast, we have set up an official account on Xiaohongshu. We will periodically post content such as “CyberPink Reading,” “CyberPink Watching,” “CyberPink Traveling,” “CyberPink Vlog,” and more. Those are lighter, more fun and more experimental stuff about our lives. Leave us some comments on Xiaohongshu!

    【买咖啡 Please Support Us】



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    • 1 ч. 17 мин.

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