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0312科学家在琥珀中发现最小恐龙化‪石‬ 1分钟英语

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Smallest dinosaur found 'trapped in amber’

smallest 最小的
dinosaur 恐龙
found find找到的过去式
trapped in amber 被困在琥珀中,标题中这是一个比较生动的说法

Scientists have discovered what they say is the smallest known dinosaur.

The new species has been described by one team member as the "weirdest fossil" she has ever worked on.

weird  古怪的,离奇的
work on 常用短语动词 to spend time repairing or improving something
比如我觉得我要提高自己的发音,可以这样说 I need to work on my pronunciation

“当我第一次看到这个标本时,它让我大吃一惊,”中国科学院古生物学家、这篇论文的合著者Jingmai O'Connor在一段《自然》视频中说道,“我真的从未见过这样的事情。”根据周三发表在《自然》杂志上的论文披露,这块头骨估计有近1亿年的历史。


Smallest dinosaur found 'trapped in amber’

smallest 最小的
dinosaur 恐龙
found find找到的过去式
trapped in amber 被困在琥珀中,标题中这是一个比较生动的说法

Scientists have discovered what they say is the smallest known dinosaur.

The new species has been described by one team member as the "weirdest fossil" she has ever worked on.

weird  古怪的,离奇的
work on 常用短语动词 to spend time repairing or improving something
比如我觉得我要提高自己的发音,可以这样说 I need to work on my pronunciation

“当我第一次看到这个标本时,它让我大吃一惊,”中国科学院古生物学家、这篇论文的合著者Jingmai O'Connor在一段《自然》视频中说道,“我真的从未见过这样的事情。”根据周三发表在《自然》杂志上的论文披露,这块头骨估计有近1亿年的历史。


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