32 мин.

46_Give Yourself Permission to Be YOU to Success in Life and Business with Leanne Wolff Conscious Coaches on a Mission

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Leann is a Vision and Alignment Coach who specializes in guiding Leaders and Entrepreneurs toward aligning their personal and business energy with their inner magic to live, work, and experience life without succumbing to burnout and distractions. By integrating Human Design and Manifestation practices, Leann facilitates a journey of rediscovery, authenticity, and self-actualization within your business vision. She underscores the significance of the Human Design System in today’s economy and demonstrates how everyone can tap into the potential inherent in their unique chart, all while harnessing the transformational power to shift from a disempowering employee mindset to entrepreneurial superpowers. Leann ignites a fresh wave of entrepreneurial spirit by encouraging individuals to release the 'shoulda, woulda, coulda' mental chatter, allowing them to fully embrace and embody the destined direction of their limitless potential.
www.powerofself.ca - Free Gift "3 Steps to Align to your Wealth Code"

Leann is a Vision and Alignment Coach who specializes in guiding Leaders and Entrepreneurs toward aligning their personal and business energy with their inner magic to live, work, and experience life without succumbing to burnout and distractions. By integrating Human Design and Manifestation practices, Leann facilitates a journey of rediscovery, authenticity, and self-actualization within your business vision. She underscores the significance of the Human Design System in today’s economy and demonstrates how everyone can tap into the potential inherent in their unique chart, all while harnessing the transformational power to shift from a disempowering employee mindset to entrepreneurial superpowers. Leann ignites a fresh wave of entrepreneurial spirit by encouraging individuals to release the 'shoulda, woulda, coulda' mental chatter, allowing them to fully embrace and embody the destined direction of their limitless potential.
www.powerofself.ca - Free Gift "3 Steps to Align to your Wealth Code"

32 мин.