Выпусков: 23

However hard I try, I continue to have had melt-downs with my kids. I know shouting on kids has an adverse effect on their psyche and I too get affected badly. Whenever I am off to do something professionally, it kills me to know that I have not been kind enough to my kids and that robs me of all high spirits. The only way is to break the pattern. Beginning 12 Feb'21, I am embarking on a 365 days journey of my transformation as a mother. I want to be accountable and so I am going to put up daily updates in this space of how I am doing with my goal - 365 Days Of Gentle Parenting !

Anupriya Chowdhary - 365 Days of Gentle Parenting - Mommytincture Anupriya Chowdhary

    • Дети и семья

However hard I try, I continue to have had melt-downs with my kids. I know shouting on kids has an adverse effect on their psyche and I too get affected badly. Whenever I am off to do something professionally, it kills me to know that I have not been kind enough to my kids and that robs me of all high spirits. The only way is to break the pattern. Beginning 12 Feb'21, I am embarking on a 365 days journey of my transformation as a mother. I want to be accountable and so I am going to put up daily updates in this space of how I am doing with my goal - 365 Days Of Gentle Parenting !

    S2E1 - The Parenting Confidence Circle - 365 Days Of Gentle Parenting

    S2E1 - The Parenting Confidence Circle - 365 Days Of Gentle Parenting

    Parents ideally never grow up to be comfortable with all that they do for their kids. Because kids are growing and evolving every minute. And along with them, we as parents too have to reinvent ourselves. So, the bottomline is that I as a parent still lack confidence. I am no more confident of not making a mistake as I was 8 years ago.

    So what’s the solution?

    To follow ‘The Confidence Circle’

    • 16 мин.
    Day 29 - 365 Days Of Gentle Parenting - Summers Have Arrived

    Day 29 - 365 Days Of Gentle Parenting - Summers Have Arrived

    The complacency really is setting down. I need to actively start work on my new parenting technique of 'Reasoning not threatening' soon. Else I really will have nothing to share in this space. Well, the summers are here and the kids had a blast at the mini home pool yesterday. Listen to this episode how my attempts at threatening my younger went and how the entire day yesterday was everything pool and water. Do tell me how you are getting ready for the summers?

    • 14 мин.
    Day 27 - 365 Days Of Gentle Parenting

    Day 27 - 365 Days Of Gentle Parenting

    As I settle into the new normal of my life i.e. no shouting on my kids, I am getting complacent towards recording my days as a mother. That I have been busy on other fronts would just be another excuse. The thing is that it's time for a new parenting goal to take my parenting technique and experience to the next level. I have identified the goal, but I think I am going to take a little more time to start practicing it in real. I have already begun to practice it in my mind :) So here I am, on Day 27 of 365 Days of Gentle Parenting - getting a little bored because I do not see any reason to shout on my kids. 

    • 14 мин.
    Day 26 - 365 Days Of Gentle Parenting - We Often Underestimate Our Kids

    Day 26 - 365 Days Of Gentle Parenting - We Often Underestimate Our Kids

    I had another eureka moment today. I realised that all the fretting over our kids is actually needless. As moms we just need to relax and be there for the kid. Sometimes only in spirit. Else, they will never become independent.  Listen to my story of how I came to this conclusion because of an experience. 

    And now I feel its time for me to move to the next target towards gentle parenting. And that is to do away with threatening techniques. No these threatens are not intimidating, but something as 'sleep, as the boogieman will come and take you'. The kids grow up soon to realise that its just a threat, but it has a long lasting effect on their mindset. I will talk more on that in the coming episodes.

    • 11 мин.
    Day 24 & 25 - 365 Days Of Gentle Parenting - Identifying The Triggers

    Day 24 & 25 - 365 Days Of Gentle Parenting - Identifying The Triggers

    Day 24 for a normal gratitude worthy day on all fronts. While Day 25, was another day of my temper shooting up on my younger son. I got into a self introspection mode after the temper tantrum that last not more than 120 seconds. And gave up on being the kid myself. Later, I mused on all that happened and all that I could make right. 

    And guess what ? I had a Eureka moment. I was able to identify the trigger. And as is the law, it isn't the kid's mistake. It is actually my shortcoming as a mother. Listen to this episode of 365 Days of Gentle Parenting, as I share my trigger. Wait for the next episode on what solution I have come up with. 

    • 13 мин.
    Day 23 - 365 Days Of Gentle Parenting - Meditation for Better Parenting

    Day 23 - 365 Days Of Gentle Parenting - Meditation for Better Parenting

    The month of March is going to be a slightly absent parenting month, with me only checking on the kids now and then and jumping into my mediator shoes in times of a crisis. And that's the reason there are not many instances or observations to share from the day that was yesterday. And so I decided to share with you all the impact of practicing meditation has had on me as a parent. So I started practicing meditation around 4 years ago and it had various benefits for me. Listen to this episode of 365 Days Of Gentle Parenting to know how meditation can help you be a calm parent

    • 19 мин.

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