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Building your brand in new frontiers with Amy Wees Ecomm Breakthrough

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All right, guys, I have a very special episode for you all today. Scott Needham and I from the Smartest Amazon Seller podcast have partnered together, where he interviewed Amy Wees, and she delivered some amazing, actionable strategies as to how you can grow your brand off of Amazon. I feel like this message is super timely for what a lot of us are experiencing massive amounts of overseas competition, a lot of margin reduction, an increase in FBA fees, etc. the list continues to go on and on, and while many people look for what's going to be the next best sales channel for me to get into, Amy shares some actionable tips and strategies, and I think you can experience a mindset shift in terms of understanding that getting into retail can open up some massive doors, an opportunity even bigger than what you're experiencing on Amazon. So go ahead, sit back, listen to this episode, take down some notes, and then when you're done, go ahead and follow the smartest Amazon seller podcast by Scott Needham.
Intro (00:01:09) - One, two, three.
Scott (00:01:12) - Welcome to the Smartest Amazon Seller podcast. I am your host, Scott Needham, an Amazon seller. And I have with me Amy Wees from Amazing At Home. She has been giving such amazing advice. I was at a conference with her 2 or 3 weeks ago in Boston, and when I heard her talk, I was like, all right, I've got to get her on the podcast to talk about this subject. I've never talked about it, and I know there's a few people that are probably at this threshold of how to take some of their products, some of their brands, to the next level, understand, what it can mean to branch outside of Amazon and perhaps even into retail stores. Amy, welcome to the podcast.
Amy (00:01:57) - Thank you for having me, Scott. It's great to be here.
Scott (00:01:59) - So, you know, I like to think that I'm, pretty good at selling on Amazon, but, the more I've been doing this podcast, the more that I like, I'm like, there's just way more things to consider.
Scott (00:02:14) - in how to, you know, grow a brand and actually maybe turn a product into a brand. And, one of the first things that you think of in, in answering that question is like, well, are you just on Amazon? You know, have you if you expanded and like, have you found the best fits off of Amazon? So, let's just do a thought experiment where, you know, I have grown to, say $500,000 a year in sales, and it's all just on Amazon doing, you know, private label. What would you think be, you know, the next step.
Amy (00:03:00) - Well, I think always you have to look at your customer base, right? who is your customer and where do they shop? What are their brands? Do they follow, you know, where do they expect to find you? and of course, we all love Amazon. I love Amazon too. I'm an Amazon seller as well. but when it comes to expansion, we really have to think and remember that e-commerce is 10% of all of retail.
Amy (00:03:31) - E-commerce is 10% of all retail. So it's like, whoa, you know, and then Amazon is a little over half of the e-commerce chunk, but there's still so many cool places that we can sell our products both online and offline, in brick and mortar channels as well. So when you're thinking about, okay, you know, could I do something off Amazon? I know a lot of people too. They don't want to keep all of their eggs in the Amazon basket right now because it's just been yeah really crazy. Amazon's changed a lot right.
Scott (00:04:03) - That's not a yeah it's not a great idea. now so expanding off Amazon and you know figuring out where your customers are or how to get to them, you know, the most natural might be, you know, Walmart Shopify but like and then the rest of, you know, brick and mortar you could set up wholesale. So say you're approaching you're approaching that question right there. what are some factors that you should be considering?
Amy (00:04:34) - Yeah. So I mean, the first thing that you should consider is your margin.
Amy (00:

All right, guys, I have a very special episode for you all today. Scott Needham and I from the Smartest Amazon Seller podcast have partnered together, where he interviewed Amy Wees, and she delivered some amazing, actionable strategies as to how you can grow your brand off of Amazon. I feel like this message is super timely for what a lot of us are experiencing massive amounts of overseas competition, a lot of margin reduction, an increase in FBA fees, etc. the list continues to go on and on, and while many people look for what's going to be the next best sales channel for me to get into, Amy shares some actionable tips and strategies, and I think you can experience a mindset shift in terms of understanding that getting into retail can open up some massive doors, an opportunity even bigger than what you're experiencing on Amazon. So go ahead, sit back, listen to this episode, take down some notes, and then when you're done, go ahead and follow the smartest Amazon seller podcast by Scott Needham.
Intro (00:01:09) - One, two, three.
Scott (00:01:12) - Welcome to the Smartest Amazon Seller podcast. I am your host, Scott Needham, an Amazon seller. And I have with me Amy Wees from Amazing At Home. She has been giving such amazing advice. I was at a conference with her 2 or 3 weeks ago in Boston, and when I heard her talk, I was like, all right, I've got to get her on the podcast to talk about this subject. I've never talked about it, and I know there's a few people that are probably at this threshold of how to take some of their products, some of their brands, to the next level, understand, what it can mean to branch outside of Amazon and perhaps even into retail stores. Amy, welcome to the podcast.
Amy (00:01:57) - Thank you for having me, Scott. It's great to be here.
Scott (00:01:59) - So, you know, I like to think that I'm, pretty good at selling on Amazon, but, the more I've been doing this podcast, the more that I like, I'm like, there's just way more things to consider.
Scott (00:02:14) - in how to, you know, grow a brand and actually maybe turn a product into a brand. And, one of the first things that you think of in, in answering that question is like, well, are you just on Amazon? You know, have you if you expanded and like, have you found the best fits off of Amazon? So, let's just do a thought experiment where, you know, I have grown to, say $500,000 a year in sales, and it's all just on Amazon doing, you know, private label. What would you think be, you know, the next step.
Amy (00:03:00) - Well, I think always you have to look at your customer base, right? who is your customer and where do they shop? What are their brands? Do they follow, you know, where do they expect to find you? and of course, we all love Amazon. I love Amazon too. I'm an Amazon seller as well. but when it comes to expansion, we really have to think and remember that e-commerce is 10% of all of retail.
Amy (00:03:31) - E-commerce is 10% of all retail. So it's like, whoa, you know, and then Amazon is a little over half of the e-commerce chunk, but there's still so many cool places that we can sell our products both online and offline, in brick and mortar channels as well. So when you're thinking about, okay, you know, could I do something off Amazon? I know a lot of people too. They don't want to keep all of their eggs in the Amazon basket right now because it's just been yeah really crazy. Amazon's changed a lot right.
Scott (00:04:03) - That's not a yeah it's not a great idea. now so expanding off Amazon and you know figuring out where your customers are or how to get to them, you know, the most natural might be, you know, Walmart Shopify but like and then the rest of, you know, brick and mortar you could set up wholesale. So say you're approaching you're approaching that question right there. what are some factors that you should be considering?
Amy (00:04:34) - Yeah. So I mean, the first thing that you should consider is your margin.
Amy (00:

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