Выпусков: 149

CAREhER 是亞太高階女性的領導力共學交流平台。提供全球觀點的內容如組織管理、DEI(Diversity 多樣性、Equity 公平性、Inclusion 共融性)、ESG(Environment 環境保護、Social 社會責任、Governance 公司治理)、虛擬貨幣及 NFT(非同質化代幣)和 Podcast 語音專訪、會員專屬的精緻交流學習活動,以及大型策展論壇,透過共學和交流,成為想像中的領袖。

CAREhER 目前有兩個 Podcast 節目,分別是「Future Makers」和「Leading Ladies」,「Future Makers」中 CAREhER 團隊的 Gen Z 製作帶有未來感的單元,她們討論新科技及趨勢,還有那些熟悉的主題,但將會以新視角詮釋。而在每週更新的 Podcast 節目「Leading Ladies」中,創辦人 Tiffany 邀請創業家、企業執行長、二代接班者、改革者,暢談她們的領導力歷程、人生體悟、產業趨勢等,主題涵蓋共好領導力、成長型思維、利害關係人經營、永續議題等,以及她們的真心話。除了在各大串流平台如 Apple Podcast、Spotify 及 KKBOX 上能夠收聽到來自世界的專訪,也能在 careher.net 上閱讀每一集的專訪文章。
【追蹤 CAREhER 的 IG】 https://www.instagram.com/clubcareher/
【追蹤 CAREhER 的 LinkedIn】 https://www.linkedin.com/company/careher/mycompany/

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CAREhER - A community learning & development platform for women leaders in the APAC CAREhER

    • Бизнес

CAREhER 是亞太高階女性的領導力共學交流平台。提供全球觀點的內容如組織管理、DEI(Diversity 多樣性、Equity 公平性、Inclusion 共融性)、ESG(Environment 環境保護、Social 社會責任、Governance 公司治理)、虛擬貨幣及 NFT(非同質化代幣)和 Podcast 語音專訪、會員專屬的精緻交流學習活動,以及大型策展論壇,透過共學和交流,成為想像中的領袖。

CAREhER 目前有兩個 Podcast 節目,分別是「Future Makers」和「Leading Ladies」,「Future Makers」中 CAREhER 團隊的 Gen Z 製作帶有未來感的單元,她們討論新科技及趨勢,還有那些熟悉的主題,但將會以新視角詮釋。而在每週更新的 Podcast 節目「Leading Ladies」中,創辦人 Tiffany 邀請創業家、企業執行長、二代接班者、改革者,暢談她們的領導力歷程、人生體悟、產業趨勢等,主題涵蓋共好領導力、成長型思維、利害關係人經營、永續議題等,以及她們的真心話。除了在各大串流平台如 Apple Podcast、Spotify 及 KKBOX 上能夠收聽到來自世界的專訪,也能在 careher.net 上閱讀每一集的專訪文章。
【追蹤 CAREhER 的 IG】 https://www.instagram.com/clubcareher/
【追蹤 CAREhER 的 LinkedIn】 https://www.linkedin.com/company/careher/mycompany/

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    EP. 130 為創造難忘的回憶舉杯: 米其林三星餐廳 ODETTE 首席侍酒師 Lesley Liu

    EP. 130 為創造難忘的回憶舉杯: 米其林三星餐廳 ODETTE 首席侍酒師 Lesley Liu

    睽違一段日子,在米其林三星餐廳 ODETTE 工作的 Lesley 已經從助理侍酒師晉升為首席侍酒師,還斬獲數個國際大獎!她娓娓訴說自己心境的轉變;儘管對「美酒」這個工作的熱情始終如一,她卻分享,現在的她更注重聆聽和觀察客人的需求,而不是強加艱深的專業輸出,反而對於為每一位客人提供難忘的體驗有更深的體悟。這種照顧人的心,成了她取得成功的秘訣,也更是她認為女性加入餐飲界的好契機。一起再度來聽她說故事,並且發現,原來,紅酒是絕佳打開話題並促進聯繫的好工具。

    台灣女兒,居然代表新加坡贏得法餐大獎! Lesley 所開啟的 sommelier 之路從助理到首席侍酒師:從自己,到帶領團隊並統整所有細節察言觀色的觀察力和設身處地,來加強與「人」的連結米其林三星或不三星 – 透過服務來創造難忘的回憶和體驗專業女性在餐飲界,主動積極培養國際能見度
    【成為 CAREhER 會員】https://www.careherticket.net/zh-TW

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    • 33 мин.
    EP. 129 【EN】Achieving Potential: Women in the AI Era - Debra Bell, Vice President of DRAM Product Engineering Group, Micron Technology

    EP. 129 【EN】Achieving Potential: Women in the AI Era - Debra Bell, Vice President of DRAM Product Engineering Group, Micron Technology

    Is AI a "boy's or a girl's" job? To Debra Bell, Vice President at Micron, AI is a "new" job -- so the undefined nature is precisely what makes it a great opportunity to lower the entry barrier and narrow the gender gap in STEM education and profession. In this episode, hear Debra's journey in the tech space as she grew, expanded her roles and leadership; her warmth and sincerity is surely infectious that won the hearts of our audience from the IWD Summit and equally today.

    【Discussed in this episode】
    Debra’s journey 20 years ago and nowRealizing visibility and working towards visibilityBeing a leader and scaling influence in a male dominated industryWill AI take our jobs?AI trends women should get involved with
    【成為 CAREhER 會員】https://www.careherticket.net/zh-TW

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    • 30 мин.
    EP. 128 【EN】The energy transition: talent and dialogue power the future - Patrick Kong Chief Financial Officer, Asia GE Vernova – Gas Power

    EP. 128 【EN】The energy transition: talent and dialogue power the future - Patrick Kong Chief Financial Officer, Asia GE Vernova – Gas Power

    Facing the energy crisis, governments and organizations worldwide are investing not only in technology but also in talent. After all, sustainable energy transitions require actual people, who are properly skilled, to drive progress forward. As Asia’s Chief Financial Officer of GE Vernova - Gas Power, Patrick uses his 20 years of energy industry experience to help us decode -- in plainspoken words, which we super appreciate -- the challenges and opportunities on prioritizing resources in today's rapidly evolving energy landscape.

    【 Discussed in this episode 】
    The ‘Energy Trilemma’ (Sustainable, Affordable, Reliable)GE: transition from a traditional manufacturer to sustainable energy leaderThe shift in energy landscapeOptimizing and prioritizing resourcesCrucial characteristics for talent and leadership in the energy sectorWhat to expect in the future
    【成為 CAREhER 會員】https://careher.net/new-membership/

    “This podcast was recorded on 3/4 (Mon.) prior to the spin-off of GE Vernova on 2 April 2024, as an independent energy company”.

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    • 28 мин.
    EP. 127 選擇未來,從認識桌上的那條魚開始說起-洄遊吧 FISH BAR 創辦人黃紋綺 GIGI

    EP. 127 選擇未來,從認識桌上的那條魚開始說起-洄遊吧 FISH BAR 創辦人黃紋綺 GIGI

    「你知道你吃的魚來自哪裡嗎?」 Gigi 的故事就從這個簡單卻深刻的問題開始,但其實這也是食魚教育和海洋永續最直接的開始:認識餐桌上的那條魚、還有,那條魚是不是用一個對環境友善的方式捕獲而來。Gigi 是一位將對海洋的熱愛,轉化為實際行動的創業者;從顛覆傳統漁業模式,到獲得渣打女力創業獎肯定,洄遊吧 Fish Bar 不僅正開創一條連結人們與海洋的全新路徑,更讓大眾重新認識台灣豐富的海洋資源。這是一個關於勇氣、創新,以及如何在日常生活中做出支持環境永續的故事。而妳,也可以透過每一口食物的選擇來支持永續,讓海洋資源得到更好的保護與珍惜!

    【 在這集聽她說 】
    【成為 CAREhER 會員】https://careher.net/new-membership/

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    • 23 мин.
    EP. 126 影響力投資:社會回饋與投資收益間的平衡 — Karen Tang, Serial Startup Builder and Venture Partner at Dreamhub

    EP. 126 影響力投資:社會回饋與投資收益間的平衡 — Karen Tang, Serial Startup Builder and Venture Partner at Dreamhub

    如果投資是一個光譜,一端是我們熟知的投資賺錢,另一端是以慈善行為為捐贈的投資,我們能否從中找到平衡?曾帶領兩個公司至 Nasdaq 上市的 Karen 如今投入在影響力投資的創投領域,運用她豐富的產業經驗,幫助更多新創團隊不僅實現營運和盈利目標,更對社會和地球做出正面貢獻。今天她將分享她對影響力投資的定義,也教我們怎麼從自身出發,透過有意識地消費和投資,實踐「你所花費的每一筆錢,都在為你想要的未來投票」理念。

    【 在這集聽她說 】
    Karen 對影響力投資的定義將影響力融入,而不僅看投資回報社會、經濟、環境,透過影響力投資完成地方創生從自身出發,開始用「花錢消費」打造對社會的影響力
    【成為 CAREhER 會員】https://careher.net/new-membership/

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    • 26 мин.
    EP. 125【EN】Navigating career pivots with financial confidence – Noriko Shindo, COO at HUE

    EP. 125【EN】Navigating career pivots with financial confidence – Noriko Shindo, COO at HUE


    —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——

    Have you asked yourself lately, “What do I want going forward, and what can I do about it today?” For Nori, she knew she wanted to quit her job at Amazon so she took her experience in banking, and built a spreadsheet to conduct a comprehensive financial checkup, and forecasted her capability to handle the risk. This clarity gave her the confidence to turn her aspirations into a concrete plan.

    Her advice?
    Knowing when to say no. Prioritizing what truly matters allows for focused energy and a more intentional pathThe power of trying – “I’d rather try than regret not trying.”
    Now leading her own startup, Noriko is building an AI-powered app that addresses a common challenge — not knowing where to eat — while at the same time, empowering small businesses and restaurants with more opportunities to thrive. Her journey serves as an inspiration; a reminder that the intersection of self-discovery and entrepreneurship can lead to meaningful and impactful endeavours!

    【成為 CAREhER 會員】https://careher.net/new-membership/

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    • 30 мин.

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