Выпусков: 20

This podcast is about worldwide govt censorship of conservatives and right of centre speakers. I have been banned from YouTube because I'm right of centre with over 9,000 subscribers. This is having an impact in New Zealand and this govt want to, and have, shut me down for 3 months. I believe totally in freedom of speech and and a nation ceases to become a democracy without it. The govt of NZ now want to shut down our freedoms of speech and disarm NZers at the same time. I'm against this and doing what I can to raise awareness of the tyranny of this New Zealand Labour govt.

Cross the Rubicon Cross the Rubicon

    • Новости

This podcast is about worldwide govt censorship of conservatives and right of centre speakers. I have been banned from YouTube because I'm right of centre with over 9,000 subscribers. This is having an impact in New Zealand and this govt want to, and have, shut me down for 3 months. I believe totally in freedom of speech and and a nation ceases to become a democracy without it. The govt of NZ now want to shut down our freedoms of speech and disarm NZers at the same time. I'm against this and doing what I can to raise awareness of the tyranny of this New Zealand Labour govt.

    Paddy Gower is a govt funded smear merchant paid to brand people nazis to destroy them.

    Paddy Gower is a govt funded smear merchant paid to brand people nazis to destroy them.

    Paddy Gower is a weasel who isn't blessed in any way. He's on a programme in NZ called The Project, which is supposed to be about current affairs. Instead it's hosts are far left activists who talk woke about everything. Truly pathetic viewing. Paddy interviewed an American bloke who said he was radicalized by Stefan Molyneux. Take a look at the interview with Caleb Cain and Paddy Gower and tell me Paddy Gower is a journalist.

    • 20 мин.
    Gang wars and shootings in NZ but police are toothless. Possibly told by this govt...don't go there.

    Gang wars and shootings in NZ but police are toothless. Possibly told by this govt...don't go there.

    In the news these past few weeks have been dominated by gang wars in shootouts. The govt seem to want to do nothing about it. Why!? This govt are quick off the mark when it comes to hurty words online and only too eager to send fully armed thought police to terrorize the almost certain non threatening citizen into silence. Yet these gangs seem to have carted blanche to do as they please without police interference. Where is the great white supremacist hunter, Patrick Gower on this issue? He's too busy being the resident clown on The Project for the hosts to laugh at and the silly people who watch it.

    • 34 мин.
    The Transexualisation of our children is a sickness from the left.

    The Transexualisation of our children is a sickness from the left.

    Our schools have been allowed to be infiltrated by the transexual community, and our children are being told "Just because you have a penis doesn't mean you're a boy and just because you have a vagina doesn't mean you're a girl." This is being driven by govt's with who are hell bent on turning boys into girls and girls into boys. This makes our nations weaker, but maybe that's the aim. Not to mention the psychological impact on children who are encouraged at a young age to take hormone treatment and ignore what their parents say. This is a societal sickness that most on the left suffer with.

    • 28 мин.
    NZ thought police are out intimidating people into silence again.

    NZ thought police are out intimidating people into silence again.

    Two days ago a man somewhere in NZ got a visit from the thought police for what he's been saying of social media about the NZ govt. He talks about treason and bringing back capital punishment for that offence. That's his right on a free and democratic society to express his opinion. But not now in NZ. Go against this govt and what it's doing and you'll get a visit from the thought police to try intimidate you into silence with threats of arrest. Luckily this man filmed the interaction with the detective, who didn't like being on camera. Interesting that these police are actually even knowing what they've become. On a personal note I have lost faith in the police in NZ. Either they dish out tickets to people they know who'll pay their fines, won't touch gang members though, or they're knocking on doors of people who see through the lies of the media and this corrupt govt.

    • 22 мин.
    Trump's 'snake speech' and who in the Democrats can beat such a great showman?

    Trump's 'snake speech' and who in the Democrats can beat such a great showman?

    Trump's snake speech is brilliant and how he works a crowd is amazing. Not a stand up comic in the world can do what Trump does. My troll is at it again making sick disgusting videos about me, even hacking into my Facebook page (literally showing the screen and my friends on video) encouraging violence against me and Facebook friends. Jacinda is hellbent on destroying New Zealand for the UN and her globalist masters. The Democrats have handed the US election to Trump on a plate because the Democrats have swung to the far,far left.

    • 34 мин.
    Waitangi Treaty elite super scammers and piss weak govts handing over hundreds of millions.

    Waitangi Treaty elite super scammers and piss weak govts handing over hundreds of millions.

    Waitangi day in New Zealand and the Marxist govt already announced giving over a hundred million plus to Maori super elites from the hard pressed NZ tax payer. This is a constant in NZ to hand over mega huge payments, plus land, plus seas to the very same Maori super elite troughers at the top of the tree. But on or near Waitangi day the govt ramp it up. "Please don't protest, here here's a few hundred million dollars, please vote for us this year and we'll give you more. Don't worry we'll crush them Pakeha who complain by branding them white supremacist." Not one journalist, politician nor politician calls this out for what it is, a huge money grubbing scam. Please listen to my podcast and leave a comment.

    • 28 мин.

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