Выпусков: 95

Culture Cuppa’s podcast, Cultural Communication Confidence, is for global leaders who want practical communication skills and to build their cultural intelligence for impact, performance, business and career growth.

Each episode is hosted by Victoria Rennoldson, CEO and Founder of Culture Cuppa, where she shares communication tools and confidence strategies, plus cultural intelligence insights for working in global teams.

Grow your impact and influence through confident cultural communication.

Cultural Communication Confidence Victoria Rennoldson

    • Бизнес

Culture Cuppa’s podcast, Cultural Communication Confidence, is for global leaders who want practical communication skills and to build their cultural intelligence for impact, performance, business and career growth.

Each episode is hosted by Victoria Rennoldson, CEO and Founder of Culture Cuppa, where she shares communication tools and confidence strategies, plus cultural intelligence insights for working in global teams.

Grow your impact and influence through confident cultural communication.

    094 - Communicating internal change well with Mel Loy

    094 - Communicating internal change well with Mel Loy

    Mel Loy joins me for this latest podcast episode to share her practical and helpful insights into the most common communication mistakes in communicating internal change and restructures in organisations, her 3 Ts of trust and how to build genuine connection in virtual global teams.
    Mel is the force behind Hey Mel! Communication & Training, a small agency where big ideas meet even bigger energy, supporting her clients in change, internal, strategic and crisis communication. (As an international speaker and workshop facilitator, Mel has taken her passion for change communication to the far corners of the globe, from Bali to Toronto and everywhere in between.) 
    She's recently published her first book, Change Isn't Hard, designed to be a practical playbook for anyone who needs to communicate change. 
    When she's not busy fixating on why people behave the way they do, you can find Mel teaching group fitness classes and yoga, being the world's coolest aunty, or writing her weekly podcast to share the good word of communication.
    What you will learn in this episode:
    Why change isn’t hard Putting people at the heart, not deliverables There is no one-size-fits-all approach  The most common communication mistakes in communicating change  Mel’s 3 Ts of trust for great communication  How to manage communication effectively through a reorganisation  Future trends to be successful in communicating across global teams How to build genuine connection and communicate well in virtual global teams  Resources:
    Discover Victoria Rennoldson’s global leader communication coaching: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers/ Discover Victoria Rennoldson’s team communication and cultural intelligence training: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers/ Find Victoria Rennoldson online: https://culturecuppa.com/ Connect with Victoria Rennoldson on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson/ Find out more about Mel Loy: https://www.heymelcomms.training/ Connect with Mel Loy on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melanieloy/ Connect with Mel Loy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heymel.comms/ Discover Mel Loy's Book 'Change Isn't Hard': https://www.changecommsbook.au/ Listen to Mel's podcast 'Less chatter, More Matter': https://www.heymelcomms.training/podcast Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights/ Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson/  Email me: victoria@culturecuppa.com Website: https://culturecuppa.com/

    • 34 мин.
    093 - Conflict: archetypes, triggers & your team with Nicole Posner

    093 - Conflict: archetypes, triggers & your team with Nicole Posner

    Nicole Posner is an award-winning Conflict Consultant and has been guiding businesses to navigate difficulties for over 7 years. Through her psychology studies and career as a Workplace Mediator, she witnessed the impact, destruction and financial cost of conflict on the organisation, the emotional cost to those working in it, plus discovered what triggers and fuels conflict in people and businesses.
    Later Nicole trained as an Executive Conflict Coach, and now amalgamates her skills as a Consultant to steer her clients through any cracks in their relationships to keep conflict at bay, allowing them to grow and scale their business for success. 
    Nicole brought some fascinating insights to this episode about the impact of our communication to build relationships, get the best out of teams, minimise misunderstandings and have difficult conversations. We spoke about the benefits of conflict to your team, how to prepare yourself for conflict conversations and her 4 conflict archetypes.
    What you will learn in this episode:
    Conflict is not only negative: the benefits of conflict to your team Nicole’s MAP framework for preparing yourself for conflict conversations Managing conflict with power dynamics: managing up in conflict Nicole’s 4 archetypes of conflict: build awareness about your approach to conflict The role of your communication baggage in conflict The impact of your non-verbal communication  How conflict styles are evolving over time  Resources:
    Discover Victoria Rennoldson’s global leader communication coaching: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers/ Discover Victoria Rennoldson’s team communication and cultural intelligence training: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers/ Find Victoria Rennoldson online: https://culturecuppa.com/ Connect with Victoria Rennoldson on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson/ Find out more about Nicole Posner: https://www.nicoleposner.com Connect with Nicole Posner on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicoleposner-conflict Connect with Nicole Posner on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicole_posner_london/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights/ Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson/  Email me: victoria@culturecuppa.com Website: https://culturecuppa.com/

    • 38 мин.
    092 - Office Politics: navigate your workplace

    092 - Office Politics: navigate your workplace

    How do you feel about office politics? Frustrated? Manipulated? People playing games? Making power plays?
    Office politics can be destructive if there is negative intention, however workplace politics is a reality in most organisations- how projects are approved, people move forward and things are done.
    So what if we reframe it as human connection success factors, a way for you to navigate the workplace to connect with people to support your success? 
    This is a vital skill to steer your career, and build your influence, impact and relationship capital.
    What you will learn in this episode:
    Understanding office politics Start with observation The hidden influencers in your organisation Identify your Influence Matrix Managing peer to peer  Managing upwards  Influence is not only what happens in the meeting The 3-point approach Resources:
    If you know you need more support with navigating office politics and stepping up your leadership communication skills, access my free resource, ‘7 Communication Strategies for Leaders’ to help you improve, elevate and amplify your communication skills to speak like a leader in this bite-size 7-day training series, which I will send you by email. Click here: https://culturecuppa.com/7-communication-strategies-global-leaders/ Or DM me on Linkedin with the word Leader: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson  Listen to episode 91 'Get to yes: convince with your ideas': https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/get-to-yes-convince-with-your-ideas/ Listen to episode 44 'How to engage your senior stakeholders': https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/how-to-engage-your-senior-stakeholders/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: victoria@culturecuppa.com Website: https://culturecuppa.com

    • 18 мин.
    091 - Get To Yes: Convince With Your Ideas

    091 - Get To Yes: Convince With Your Ideas

    What big ideas do you have to improve and change ways of working in your organisation for the better? How can you present your ideas to get to yes quicker?
    In this episode I share a question I was asked recently by my client about how to convince people with your ideas, and I will talk you through my framework to structure the way you present your ideas so you are more likely to persuade key decision-makers. 
    What you will learn in this episode:
    A framework for convincing with your ideas Vision and strategy Why it's not working currently The purpose of change Alignment with trends and fit for future Learning from industry best practice and competitors’ ways of working What this brings your customers and clients The tangible benefits of change Resources:
    If you know you need more support with how you speak and communicate your ideas, access my free resource, ‘7 Communication Strategies for Leaders’ to help you improve, elevate and amplify your communication skills to speak like a leader in this bite-size 7-day training series, which I will send you by email. Click here: https://culturecuppa.com/7-communication-strategies-global-leaders/ Or DM me on Linkedin with the word 'Leader': https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Listen to episode 88 'US cultural dynamics, greetings and meetings: insights with Lanie Denslow': https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/us-cultural-dynamics-greetings-and-meetings-insights-with-lanie-denslow/ Listen to episode 89 'Introvert & highly sensitive leaders: authentic communication with Steven Parker': https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/introvert-highly-sensitive-leaders-authentic-communication-with-steven-parker/ Listen to episode 90 'Self-leadership and resilience with Jason Liem': https://culturecuppa.com/podcasts/self-leadership-and-resilience-with-jason-liem/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson Email me: victoria@culturecuppa.com Website: https://culturecuppa.com

    • 14 мин.
    090 - Self-leadership and resilience with Jason Liem

    090 - Self-leadership and resilience with Jason Liem

    Jason White Birkevold Liem is a seasoned expert in resilience, leadership, and personal development, bringing over 20 years of experience to individuals and teams across various sectors. As the founder of MINDtalk, Jason develops and facilitates programs focused on brain-based leadership and resilience skills, helping people improve how they manage themselves and others in complex situations. 
    He joined me from Norway to share his rich insights and wisdom on developing resilience in uncertain times, including the key elements of self-leadership, why we need to prioritise self-compassion and how to  keep calm and grounded in challenging conversations.
    Jason hosts "It’s an Inside Job," a podcast that offers insights into mental and emotional resilience through the latest research and practical strategies. Jason also contributes to Executive Support Magazine, sharing knowledge that reaches professionals in over 130 countries. His presentation at TEDx Oslo in 2012, titled "At the Crossroads: Where the Brain Meets the Mind," explored adaptive mindsets in times of change.
    What you will learn in this episode:
    How a sparring partner can help you develop your leadership skills Resilience in uncertain times Self-leadership starts with self-awareness Why self-compassion is so challenging and why it matters How to maintain equanimity Strategies to prepare yourself for challenging conversations Practical ideas to keep calm and grounded in the moment to respond, not react How to frame neutral questions  3 essential skills for communication The future of leadership Resources:
    Discover Victoria Rennoldson’s global leader communication coaching: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers/ Discover Victoria Rennoldson’s team communication and cultural intelligence training: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers/ Find Victoria Rennoldson online: https://culturecuppa.com/ Connect with Victoria Rennoldson on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson/ Find out more about Jason Liem: https://www.mindtalk.no Listen to Jason Liem's podcast:It's an Inside Job https://its_an_inside_job.buzzsprout.com Connect with Jason Liem on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonliem/ Connect with Jason Liem on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MINDtalkCoach Connect with Jason Liem on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsaninsidejob_mindtalk/ Connect with Jason Liem on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083702739646 Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson  Email me: victoria@culturecuppa.com Website: https://culturecuppa.com

    • 47 мин.
    089 - Introvert & highly sensitive leaders: authentic communication with Steven Parker

    089 - Introvert & highly sensitive leaders: authentic communication with Steven Parker

    Steven Parker has worked and lived in Asia for 35 years in 6 different countries. He is a multi-talented CEO, Business Coach, Presenter, Musician and Podcaster with a passion for Leadership Education, Communication, Business, and Community Building. 
    Steven joined me from Taiwan to have this deeply fascinating conversation about leadership, sharing his thoughts on how introvert and highly sensitive leaders can be great leaders, how to create diverse teams that appreciate each other’s strengths, and how to navigate leadership challenges such as hybrid and flexible working. 
    Steven has dedicated the last two years to his three lives- his Whisky tasting business, Leadership, and Music, spending his time equally between all three.
    What you will learn in this episode:
     How introvert and highly sensitive leaders can succeed The power of music to support communication confidence Creating diverse teams that appreciate each other’s strengths    What it means to be an authentic leader Challenges coming up now for leaders  Hybrid/ remote working and cultural dynamics The future of work- flexible working and the 4 day week Resources:
    Discover Victoria Rennoldson’s global leader communication coaching: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers/ Discover Victoria Rennoldson’s team communication and cultural intelligence training: https://culturecuppa.com/leaders-and-managers/ Find Victoria Rennoldson online: https://culturecuppa.com/ Connect with Victoria Rennoldson on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson/ Listen to Steven Parker's Leadership Matters Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/tw/podcast/leadership-matters/id1559171284 Connect with Steven Parker on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/leadership-matters-by-steven-parker/ Sign up to receive future episodes of the podcast as soon as they are released: https://culturecuppa.com/get-free-insights Follow me on LinkedIn for more strategies, skills and tips: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-rennoldson  Email me: victoria@culturecuppa.com Website: https://culturecuppa.com

    • 41 мин.

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