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D&D-Bags is a Real Play Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition Podcast…made by a bunch of D-Bags. The podcast follows multiple campaigns that take place in the same world at about the same time. We are currently recording and posting “season 2”, which follows the adventures of L.A.Z.O.R. the warlock cyborg (played by Andy), Forg the frog-man fighter (played by Avi), Harlow Mountainbrew the Dwarf barbarian (played by Charlie), Lil Justice the half-orc barbarian (played by Dax), Joe the DM, and sometimes Frankie, as Thediem the awakened mystic. Once more, we attempt to Mister Magoo our way through a D&D 5E campaign. New episodes published every week. If you like what you hear, make sure to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and review us on iTunes.

Season 1 of the podcast was published from 2015 – 2016 and followed the adventures of Illum, the Aasimar paladin (played by Andy), Aati, the Tiefling paladin (played by Joe), and Frankie the Dungeon Master.

D&D-Bags D&D-Bags

    • Досуг

D&D-Bags is a Real Play Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition Podcast…made by a bunch of D-Bags. The podcast follows multiple campaigns that take place in the same world at about the same time. We are currently recording and posting “season 2”, which follows the adventures of L.A.Z.O.R. the warlock cyborg (played by Andy), Forg the frog-man fighter (played by Avi), Harlow Mountainbrew the Dwarf barbarian (played by Charlie), Lil Justice the half-orc barbarian (played by Dax), Joe the DM, and sometimes Frankie, as Thediem the awakened mystic. Once more, we attempt to Mister Magoo our way through a D&D 5E campaign. New episodes published every week. If you like what you hear, make sure to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and review us on iTunes.

Season 1 of the podcast was published from 2015 – 2016 and followed the adventures of Illum, the Aasimar paladin (played by Andy), Aati, the Tiefling paladin (played by Joe), and Frankie the Dungeon Master.

    S2 Episode 100 – You Will Be Amazed How Little All of This Mattered

    S2 Episode 100 – You Will Be Amazed How Little All of This Mattered

    Keep it 💯, Fellow D-Bags! We skipped the last two weeks so we would have more time to edit our massive three hour long 100th episode extravaganza! This session was a ton of fun to play. It was full of twists and turns and a few big reveals. Special thanks to King Miek (@KingMiek). For… Continue reading S2 Episode 100 – You Will Be Amazed How Little All of This Mattered

    S2 Episode 99 – New Year, New Cease and Desist

    S2 Episode 99 – New Year, New Cease and Desist

    Copyright law is murky sometimes, Fellow D-Bags! This week, Niccolo couldn’t make it, so he had to be replaced with a questionably legal substitute. Also, Joe had a sore throat and it was basically just a terrible idea to record a D&D podcast, but we did it anyway! Meanwhile, our protagonists handled the aftermath of… Continue reading S2 Episode 99 – New Year, New Cease and Desist

    S2 Episode 98 – How Do You Do, Fellow Players?

    S2 Episode 98 – How Do You Do, Fellow Players?

    Hindsight is 2020, Fellow D-Bags! In this episode, Joe the DM trades places with Andy (L.A.Z.H.O.R.) and things get a little out of control. When the fabled Gateway portal takes our protagonists to an unexpected location, they are left looking for a strange man who no one else can seem to remember. This one was… Continue reading S2 Episode 98 – How Do You Do, Fellow Players?

    S2 Episode 97 – The Tyranny of their Horrible Vegan Existence

    S2 Episode 97 – The Tyranny of their Horrible Vegan Existence

    Happy Constitution Day (Taiwan), Happy Malkh Festival (Chechnya & Ingushetia), Happy Quaid-e-Azam Day (Pakistan), Happy third day of Hanukkah, and Happy Takanakuy (Peru). I hope I didn’t forget any holidays…… Anyway, this episode was Halloween-themed, because we suck and we recorded it two months ago. In it, our protagonists meet an old friend and then… Continue reading S2 Episode 97 – The Tyranny of their Horrible Vegan Existence

    S2 Episode 96 – The Medieval Equivalent of a PS4

    S2 Episode 96 – The Medieval Equivalent of a PS4

    We all scream for ice cream, fellow D-Bags! In this episode, our protagonists face a moral quandary and then they find themselves in the middle of a tasty battle. Everyone is hungry for something in this world. Here’s a link to us on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/d-d-bags/id1030202254 https://ia601403.us.archive.org/2/items/s2e96edit1211198.06pm/S2E96%20EDIT%20-%2012%3A11%3A19%2C%208.06%20PM.mp3

    S2 Episode 95 – This Is Gonna Be So Dated By the Time It Gets Posted

    S2 Episode 95 – This Is Gonna Be So Dated By the Time It Gets Posted

    Happy Thanksgiving, Fellow D-Bags! We took some more time off to get ahead of our posting schedule, but now we have multiple episodes that are recorded and ready to post in the coming weeks! In this one, our protagonists head to a strange island and meet some even stranger creatures. Here’s a link to us… Continue reading S2 Episode 95 – This Is Gonna Be So Dated By the Time It Gets Posted

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