Demystifying Health

Подкаст «Demystifying Health»

Hi I am Mayank and welcome to the Demystifying Health podcast. I am here to share my experiences and learnings, to enable you to regain, your health, but this time, in a sustainable way. This is the first season of our podcast, and in this season, I am sharing with you some key principles, or rules, that will serve as a foundation to your journey. These are things that matter, not only into your health journey, but to make any big change in life. So let’s dive in!


Hi I am Mayank and welcome to the Demystifying Health podcast. I am here to share my experiences and learnings, to enable you to regain, your health, but this time, in a sustainable way. This is the first season of our podcast, and in this season, I am sharing with you some key principles, or rules, that will serve as a foundation to your journey. These are things that matter, not only into your health journey, but to make any big change in life. So let’s dive in!

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