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E5 S3. Cover Cropping Curiosities: Guest Tianna DuPont Orchard Outlook

    • Естественные науки

On today’s episode of the Orchard Outlook podcast you might wonder why we’re talking about millet, mustard, and canola on an orchard podcast. It’s not for a salad folks. No, we have far greater motives. Our guest Tianna DuPont explains how cover crops can address soil health constraints, what cover crops are promising, and how we get the most bang for our buck. This podcast was funded in part by the On-Farm Climate Action Fund.

Guest: Tianna DuPont is a tree fruit extension specialist working with growers to scale up and apply research recommendations in the field. She was recently involved in a soil health investigation in Washington orchards that compared high and low yielding blocks to focus on soil health constraints. She previously worked with cover crops in vegetable and small grain systems in Pennsylvania and is now contributing the knowledge to the tree fruit industry.

Show notes: For more information from our guest Tianna DuPont, visit http://treefruit.wsu.edu.

Website: www.perennia.ca

Host: Michelle Cortens, Tree Fruit Specialist

Follow us on Twitter: @nsperennia @nstreefruit

Connect with us on: Instagram: @nsperennia Facebook: @nsperennia

Music: A Sunny Day by J. Tones

Logo Created by: Perennia Food and Agriculture Inc.

Email us at: info@perennia.ca

On today’s episode of the Orchard Outlook podcast you might wonder why we’re talking about millet, mustard, and canola on an orchard podcast. It’s not for a salad folks. No, we have far greater motives. Our guest Tianna DuPont explains how cover crops can address soil health constraints, what cover crops are promising, and how we get the most bang for our buck. This podcast was funded in part by the On-Farm Climate Action Fund.

Guest: Tianna DuPont is a tree fruit extension specialist working with growers to scale up and apply research recommendations in the field. She was recently involved in a soil health investigation in Washington orchards that compared high and low yielding blocks to focus on soil health constraints. She previously worked with cover crops in vegetable and small grain systems in Pennsylvania and is now contributing the knowledge to the tree fruit industry.

Show notes: For more information from our guest Tianna DuPont, visit http://treefruit.wsu.edu.

Website: www.perennia.ca

Host: Michelle Cortens, Tree Fruit Specialist

Follow us on Twitter: @nsperennia @nstreefruit

Connect with us on: Instagram: @nsperennia Facebook: @nsperennia

Music: A Sunny Day by J. Tones

Logo Created by: Perennia Food and Agriculture Inc.

Email us at: info@perennia.ca

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