12 мин.

Embracing Support: Transforming Independence into Interdependence Feel Light Mind & Body

    • Ментальное здоровье

084- As women who are achieving in many areas but struggling with weight, stress eating, and low energy, we sometimes wait for a crisis to seek change. This episode challenges that mindset with a powerful reminder: you don't need to do it all alone. We explore why we resist asking for help and how embracing support can transform our lives. Why do we hesitate to lean on others when we're quick to assist them? From personal reflections on independence to practical insights on accepting help, th...

084- As women who are achieving in many areas but struggling with weight, stress eating, and low energy, we sometimes wait for a crisis to seek change. This episode challenges that mindset with a powerful reminder: you don't need to do it all alone. We explore why we resist asking for help and how embracing support can transform our lives. Why do we hesitate to lean on others when we're quick to assist them? From personal reflections on independence to practical insights on accepting help, th...

12 мин.