23 мин.

Episode 4 Anime-Bliss

    • Досуг

Anime Bliss episode 4: Anime social networks
Welcome to the animebliss podcast, your source on anime and Asian culture. I am host the otaku of otakus Ira Fuse. Today's topic anime social networks are they really necessary? One of the most common anime communities is My anime list. The site helps to create a list of how much anime and manga you have viewed. MAL also features groups to meet users with like interests and forums to discuss a variety of topics.
Web site: http://myanimelist.net/
 As a another community AP also shows how many days and hours you have watched. But I would say it is a little more advanced from MAL in regards to adding reviews and a more advanced profile.
Web site- http://www.anime-planet.com/
 Ani-Hub: http://www.anihub.com/
Dark Horse Lists Evangelion: Campus Apocalypse Manga
Julian Cheung and Anita Yuen show their ‘sweetness’ together on screen
Lovelorn Loner Weds Comfy Pillow

AnimeFanZone- Milwaukee's Anime and Gaming store Anime Fan Zone is a new anime and gaming store based in Milwaukee, WI. The owners, Peter and Amber Zimmer, turned a dream into reality in February, 2009. We started in the anime con business with Anime Milwaukee 2009 and haven't looked back since then. Traveling from one end of the country to the other, we'll hit about 20+ anime cons this first year.
Web site- http://animefanzone.com
Anime fan site featuring an active member forum, reviews for popular movies and TV series, and news articles. The Otaku also includes fan art, wallpapers, and cosplay photos. Caption from: Yahoo directoryIf you have questions or comments, or want to send an audio comment please e-mail me at: urbanplusgeek@gmail.com

Anime Bliss episode 4: Anime social networks
Welcome to the animebliss podcast, your source on anime and Asian culture. I am host the otaku of otakus Ira Fuse. Today's topic anime social networks are they really necessary? One of the most common anime communities is My anime list. The site helps to create a list of how much anime and manga you have viewed. MAL also features groups to meet users with like interests and forums to discuss a variety of topics.
Web site: http://myanimelist.net/
 As a another community AP also shows how many days and hours you have watched. But I would say it is a little more advanced from MAL in regards to adding reviews and a more advanced profile.
Web site- http://www.anime-planet.com/
 Ani-Hub: http://www.anihub.com/
Dark Horse Lists Evangelion: Campus Apocalypse Manga
Julian Cheung and Anita Yuen show their ‘sweetness’ together on screen
Lovelorn Loner Weds Comfy Pillow

AnimeFanZone- Milwaukee's Anime and Gaming store Anime Fan Zone is a new anime and gaming store based in Milwaukee, WI. The owners, Peter and Amber Zimmer, turned a dream into reality in February, 2009. We started in the anime con business with Anime Milwaukee 2009 and haven't looked back since then. Traveling from one end of the country to the other, we'll hit about 20+ anime cons this first year.
Web site- http://animefanzone.com
Anime fan site featuring an active member forum, reviews for popular movies and TV series, and news articles. The Otaku also includes fan art, wallpapers, and cosplay photos. Caption from: Yahoo directoryIf you have questions or comments, or want to send an audio comment please e-mail me at: urbanplusgeek@gmail.com

23 мин.

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