1 ч. 45 мин.

Episode 89: Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss & Rabbi Dovid Campbell "Getting to Know Ralbag‪"‬ JUDAISM DEMYSTIFIED | A Guide for Today's Perplexed: Confronting the Challenges of This Generation

    • Иудаизм

In this premiere episode of Judaism Demystified's "Getting to Know the Rishonim" series, we dive into the life and legacy of Rabbi Levi ben Gershon, also known as RaLBaG or Gersonides, a prominent medieval French Jewish philosopher, Talmudist, mathematician, physician and astronomer/astrologer. We uncover who Ralbag was, shedding light on his immense contributions not just to Jewish thought but also to the realms of science and philosophy. Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss and Rabbi Dovid Campbell share their personal journeys of discovering Ralbag's work, with Rabbi Campbell delving into Ralbag's scientific and philosophical achievements, and Rabbi Schneeweiss focusing on the structure and depth of Ralbag's Tanakh commentary. The conversation then zooms in on Ralbag's unique interpretation of Akedat Yitzhak (The Binding of Isaac), particularly his novel approach to the concept of "nisayon" or "Divine test." Rabbi Campbell takes the reins to explain how this ties into Ralbag's sophisticated understanding of Divine knowledge. As Rabbi Schneeweiss navigates through Ralbag's commentary, Rabbi Campbell interjects with insights into Ralbag's views on human perfection and prophecy, offering listeners a comprehensive understanding of Ralbag's philosophical underpinnings. Rabbi Schneeweiss rounds off the discussion on the Akedah, exploring the practical outcomes and lessons derived from the narrative, known as "toalot" in Ralbag's framework. He also introduces listeners to the Maaliot Edition, providing a teaser for the rich, multifaceted nature of Ralbag's commentary. This episode not only offers an in-depth look at Ralbag's approach to one of Judaism's pivotal narratives but also invites listeners into the broader, intricate tapestry of Jewish scholastic heritage through the lens of one of its most profound thinkers.

*This episode is dedicated to the refua shelema of our dear friend Yaakov ben Haya Malakh and to the neshama of Meir ben Moshe a'h — Abdolrahim Ilian, the late father of our dear friend, Rod Ilian.


Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/judaismdemystified/support

In this premiere episode of Judaism Demystified's "Getting to Know the Rishonim" series, we dive into the life and legacy of Rabbi Levi ben Gershon, also known as RaLBaG or Gersonides, a prominent medieval French Jewish philosopher, Talmudist, mathematician, physician and astronomer/astrologer. We uncover who Ralbag was, shedding light on his immense contributions not just to Jewish thought but also to the realms of science and philosophy. Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss and Rabbi Dovid Campbell share their personal journeys of discovering Ralbag's work, with Rabbi Campbell delving into Ralbag's scientific and philosophical achievements, and Rabbi Schneeweiss focusing on the structure and depth of Ralbag's Tanakh commentary. The conversation then zooms in on Ralbag's unique interpretation of Akedat Yitzhak (The Binding of Isaac), particularly his novel approach to the concept of "nisayon" or "Divine test." Rabbi Campbell takes the reins to explain how this ties into Ralbag's sophisticated understanding of Divine knowledge. As Rabbi Schneeweiss navigates through Ralbag's commentary, Rabbi Campbell interjects with insights into Ralbag's views on human perfection and prophecy, offering listeners a comprehensive understanding of Ralbag's philosophical underpinnings. Rabbi Schneeweiss rounds off the discussion on the Akedah, exploring the practical outcomes and lessons derived from the narrative, known as "toalot" in Ralbag's framework. He also introduces listeners to the Maaliot Edition, providing a teaser for the rich, multifaceted nature of Ralbag's commentary. This episode not only offers an in-depth look at Ralbag's approach to one of Judaism's pivotal narratives but also invites listeners into the broader, intricate tapestry of Jewish scholastic heritage through the lens of one of its most profound thinkers.

*This episode is dedicated to the refua shelema of our dear friend Yaakov ben Haya Malakh and to the neshama of Meir ben Moshe a'h — Abdolrahim Ilian, the late father of our dear friend, Rod Ilian.


Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/judaismdemystified/support

1 ч. 45 мин.