58 мин.

Final Fantasy VII: Why This Game Matters So Much The Gaming Persona

    • Видеоигры

Discover the profound legacy of Final Fantasy VII as we journey into the heart of its groundbreaking narrative and innovations that shaped the gaming industry. This week on the Gaming Persona podcast, we dissect the complex themes and emotional depth of a game that goes beyond entertainment, exploring the moral dilemmas faced by its characters and the psychological intricacies that make Cloud Strife an unforgettable protagonist. With nostalgia and new perspectives, we connect the dots between...

Discover the profound legacy of Final Fantasy VII as we journey into the heart of its groundbreaking narrative and innovations that shaped the gaming industry. This week on the Gaming Persona podcast, we dissect the complex themes and emotional depth of a game that goes beyond entertainment, exploring the moral dilemmas faced by its characters and the psychological intricacies that make Cloud Strife an unforgettable protagonist. With nostalgia and new perspectives, we connect the dots between...

58 мин.