Выпусков: 32

How do you make the impossible possible? The answer might be simpler than you think. It begins with removing the 'I am', the ego, and embracing the power of humility and intention. At "Greatness From Small Beginnings", we believe that every monumental achievement starts with small, intentional steps. Remember, the greatest among us didn't start at the top; they rose from humble beginnings. But to unlock your true potential, you must realize you're destined for something greater.

Are you seeking more than just a good life? Are you ready to embark on a journey towards greatness? Join us on "Greatness From Small Beginnings", where we talk to those who have transformed their lives from mediocrity to motivated, from overlooked to overachieving, from forgettable to unforgettable.

Together, let's take those small steps towards greatness. Are you ready? Let's go.

Greatness From Small Beginnings Keith L Callaway

    • Бизнес

How do you make the impossible possible? The answer might be simpler than you think. It begins with removing the 'I am', the ego, and embracing the power of humility and intention. At "Greatness From Small Beginnings", we believe that every monumental achievement starts with small, intentional steps. Remember, the greatest among us didn't start at the top; they rose from humble beginnings. But to unlock your true potential, you must realize you're destined for something greater.

Are you seeking more than just a good life? Are you ready to embark on a journey towards greatness? Join us on "Greatness From Small Beginnings", where we talk to those who have transformed their lives from mediocrity to motivated, from overlooked to overachieving, from forgettable to unforgettable.

Together, let's take those small steps towards greatness. Are you ready? Let's go.

    Ep. 31 - Mastering Independence: 10 Practical Tips You Didn't Expect

    Ep. 31 - Mastering Independence: 10 Practical Tips You Didn't Expect

    In this solo episode, Keith L. Callaway explores the theme of independence, providing listeners with ten practical and often surprising ways to embrace and enhance their independence. As we approach Independence Day, Keith reflects on personal routines, values, and lifelong learning, sharing insights that are both actionable and inspiring.

    Key Points:

    Keep Your Room Clean: The importance of a tidy space in creating momentum and purpose.
    Learn an In-Demand Skill: Continual learning as a pathway to independence and career growth.
    Always Be Prepared: The Boy Scout motto applied to life and business.
    Know Yourself: Understanding your purpose and values to live a fulfilling life.
    Stand Up for Your Values: The necessity of identifying and defending your core values.
    Give Your Work Your All: The link between hard work and future independence.
    Own Your Mistakes: The rare but crucial skill of acknowledging and learning from errors.
    Embrace Responsibility: Taking full responsibility for all aspects of your life.
    Embrace Curiosity: Cultivating curiosity to drive personal and professional growth.
    Always Be Learning: The critical role of lifelong learning in staying vital and engaged.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Admiral McRaven's Commencement Speech
    Dave Ramsey's Financial Advice
    Zig Ziglar's Quotes

    Call to Action: Reflect on these ten principles and identify one area to focus on in the coming week. Embrace the journey towards greater independence and share your progress with us on social media using #GreatnessFromSmallBeginnings.

    Go be great!


    • 24 мин.
    Ep. 30 - Fatherhood, Health, and Mindset: Building a Lasting Legacy

    Ep. 30 - Fatherhood, Health, and Mindset: Building a Lasting Legacy


    Welcome and thank you for tuning in to the Greatness from Small Beginnings podcast.
    Introduction of the theme: The importance of mindset in achieving greatness.
    Mention of Father's Day and Men's Health Month.

    Key Points:

    The 1% Difference:

    Reference to a coach's book about the 1% difference between people.
    Emphasis on the potential to be great within everyone.

    Intentional Thinking and Mindset:

    Explanation of the catchphrase: "The best way to total health is intentional thinking."
    Importance of positive self-talk and mindset in achieving greatness.
    Examples from top tennis players and Kobe Bryant's work ethic.

    Personal Reflections:

    Keith shares personal anecdotes about fatherhood and grandfatherhood.
    Discussion on the importance of mental and physical health for men.

    Legacy and Long-Term Thinking:

    The importance of thinking about and planning for one's legacy.
    Challenges younger listeners to start considering their legacy early on.

    Retirement and Continued Contribution:

    Critique of the traditional concept of retirement.
    Encouragement to continue contributing and building legacy in later years.

    Call to Action:

    Encouragement to embrace a mindset of continuous improvement.
    Importance of health (physical, mental, and spiritual) in achieving one's potential.

    Resources Mentioned:

    References to studies and books on mindset and greatness.
    Mention of previous podcast episodes related to fatherhood and men's health.


    Summary of key takeaways.
    Encouragement to apply the discussed principles in daily life.
    Call to action to think deeply about one's legacy and make intentional efforts towards health and greatness.


    • 23 мин.
    Ep. 29 - The Secret to Being a Good Father: Insights from Experience

    Ep. 29 - The Secret to Being a Good Father: Insights from Experience

    Episode Overview:

    In this episode of Greatness From Small Beginnings, host Keith L. Callaway delves into the intricate world of fatherhood, sharing his personal journey and experiences. With Father's Day around the corner, Keith explores the concept of being a good father through the lens of servant leadership. He discusses practical tips, challenges, and the rewarding aspects of fatherhood.

    Key Points:

    Introduction to the episode's theme: Fatherhood and Servant Leadership.
    Personal anecdotes and experiences from Keith's own journey as a father.
    The importance of being a servant leader in the context of family and fatherhood.
    Practical tips for being a supportive and effective father.
    Overcoming common challenges faced by fathers.
    The impact of fatherhood on personal growth and development.
    Resources and references for further reading on servant leadership and parenting.

    Resources and References:

    Book: "The Servant: A Simple Story About the True Essence of Leadership" by James C. Hunter.
    Article: "The Importance of Servant Leadership in Parenting"
    Podcast: "The Dad Edge Podcast", focusing on fatherhood and leadership.


    • 18 мин.
    Ep. 28 - Unlocking Greatness: The Power of Competing with Yourself

    Ep. 28 - Unlocking Greatness: The Power of Competing with Yourself

    In this episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," host Keith L. Callaway delves into the concept of self-competition and its critical role in achieving personal and professional greatness. Inspired by an article from The Tuttle Twins magazine, Keith shares valuable insights on how to embrace challenges, overcome failures, and continually strive for improvement.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Introduction: Keith explains the inspiration behind the episode and the importance of discipline and competition.
    Article Reading: A reading of the *The Tuttle Twins* article on competition and perseverance.
    Self-Competition: The benefits of competing against oneself rather than others.
    Personal Experiences: Keith shares personal anecdotes, including his journey of running a marathon and the lessons learned from it.
    Practical Advice: Tips on how to practice consistently, set personal records, and achieve incremental progress.
    Encouragement: Keith's motivational message encouraging listeners to pursue greatness in their daily lives.

    Resources Mentioned:

    The Tuttle Twins magazine
    Various social media platforms for finding motivational content

    Call to Action:

    Keith encourages listeners to think about what they want to achieve, set their own goals, and work diligently towards them. Remember, "you were built for more than average."

    • 12 мин.
    Ep. 27 - Embracing Founder Vulnerability: Lessons in Leadership and Growth

    Ep. 27 - Embracing Founder Vulnerability: Lessons in Leadership and Growth

    In this solo episode of the "Greatness From Small Beginnings" podcast, Keith L. Callaway delves deep into the emotional and psychological challenges faced by entrepreneurs and founders. Drawing from a poignant poem titled "I Am a Founder," Keith reflects on his personal experiences, sharing valuable lessons learned over his 40-year journey in business.

    Key Points:

    Introduction to the Episode:

    Launching on a Monday morning to inspire and set the tone for the week.
    Focus on the emotional and psychological struggles of founders and business owners.

    Reading of "I Am a Founder":

    A series of statements capturing the emotional journey of a founder.
    Exploration of themes such as the desire for admiration, avoidance of conflict, and the perpetual state of anxiety.

    Keith’s Personal Reflections:

    The conflict between wanting to be admired and achieving results.
    The impact of avoiding conflict on personal and professional relationships.
    Lessons from his own entrepreneurial journey, including contributions to "The Joyful Entrepreneur."

    Balancing Business and Personal Life:

    The concept of "dad guilt" and the pressures of providing for the family.
    Strategies for managing time and maintaining close relationships.
    Reflections on the importance of gratitude and a mindset shift post-COVID.

    Lessons Learned and Advice:

    The importance of planning and time-blocking to achieve balance.
    Encouragement to maintain close relationships and seek mentorship.
    Insights into dealing with anxiety and the importance of self-compassion.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Re-reading of "I Am a Founder" to encapsulate the episode's themes.
    Promotion of the Founder Conference in Virginia Beach, VA.
    Motivational closing with a call to action inspired by Zig Ziglar.

    Relevant Resources:

    "The Joyful Entrepreneur" on Amazon
    Founder Conference details


    Zig Ziglar quotes and motivational insights
    Ed Mylett's perspective on entrepreneurial guilt

    • 34 мин.
    Ep. 26 - Navigating Distractions and Time Management

    Ep. 26 - Navigating Distractions and Time Management

    Show Notes:

    In this episode of the "Greatness From Small Beginnings" podcast, host Keith L. Callaway delves into the intricacies of achieving greatness through focused thinking and strategic time management.

    Keith shares personal anecdotes and insights from renowned thought leaders like John Maxwell, offering valuable lessons on how to manage a busy schedule, time block effectively, and remove distractions.

    This episode also explores the concept of servant leadership and the importance of genuine connections in personal and professional growth.

    Key Points:

    1. Introduction to the Episode:

    Importance of flexibility in a busy schedule.
    Balancing passion projects with professional responsibilities.

    2. The Thinking Side of Greatness:

    Emotional and practical aspects of scheduling and time management.
    Personal reflections on balancing a podcast with professional duties.

    3. Insights from John Maxwell:

    Authenticity in leadership and public speaking.
    Key takeaways from "How Successful People Think."

    4. Strategies for Focused Thinking:

    Removing distractions and effective time blocking.
    Importance of focused thinking and goal setting.
    Tools and methods for maintaining focus and tracking progress.

    5. Personal Stories and Examples:

    Anecdotes from personal experiences and interactions with mentors.
    Lessons learned from balancing different aspects of life and career.

    6. Call to Action:

    Encouragement to listeners to assess their own thinking and goal-setting practices.
    Inspirational quote from Zig Ziglar to motivate listeners to pursue greatness.

    Resources Mentioned:

    "How Successful People Think" by John Maxwell
    Quotes and teachings from Zig Ziglar

    • 24 мин.

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